Please Help me to Edit a Couple Poster

Good Day :)

Guys, I need a help. Can someone please edit me a couple picture of Onew (SHINee) and JiHyun (4Minuute).

I Don't know how to edit and my sister needs a cover for the story she needed to pass for her project.She doesn't even know hot to make edits.  My sister will put the full credits on the story she will made. 


Please Do Help me. We really need it. I would appreaciate it so much. and I will do my best to return the favors.



Please Do Help Me and My Sister.. Thank you Very much. Jebal Jebal Jebal Jebal.. 






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Angela27 #1
I'm not sure if I have time...
When is this due and what is the story about? As in, like, the genre and stuff.