jang geun suk ff

i had said tht in a previous blog post tht i was gnna start riting jang geun suk ff's and i HAVE now officially startd ^^

b4 i had BEGUN one but it never went over that...but i think im going to start now ^^

so i also think im going to put my L I F E fanfic on hiatus for awhile ^^ at least until i get sick of writing that story xDDD


ill make everything official the very day i post the story up but, in the mean time, look forward to it and ill b making a HUGE deal out of it wen i DO post it so, u guys shuld know ^^


in the mean time, im gnna post up one more chapter of  L i f e and then ima end it there...i think LOL

i love tht fic too much to put it hiatus...i might hafta alter xD


who knows ^^


anyways, going in and out now<3




ps. do u guys think i shuld change my username to lovelii??? LOL nahh~ like my musicISme user name too much ^^


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