They're Trying To Ban ALL Things FanMade Online!!!!

Sign a petition to help prevent the Obama Administration from banning all fan-based media!! They say that:

All fanart will be deleted, all fan-pages, fanfics, fan made videos, etc.

We will have NONE of this anymore if we don't reach 100,000 signatures by the 19th, and there's a little over 65,000 right now!!! So we only have 3 days, people, technically TWO!!

So please make an account which is really easy. To sign the petition they will ask you to:

1) Make an account - which is only providing an email, your first and last name, and answering a super short and easy question.

2) They will send your email a link to make sure the email is real.

3) You will be taken back to the site, and you HAVE TO CLICK SIGN THIS PETITION to make sure your signature is taken.

Please, spread the word, guys. I really love this site, and all the fan art and fanvids I see on YouTube, no joke.


So here's the LINK to the petition!!! Click it, people!


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I've already signed -.- this is complete bull. But if you kinda think about it, this is more of an international website rather than strictly American, so can they ban this one? It doesn't really involve America or American laws
Wtf, what what is this? I-I can't believe this.