Tagged by AyaniELF

1). Which superpower do you want? (Hey don't blame me I love fantasy >.>)
Be invicible
2). Top 3 favorite songs of ALL TIME
1- SUJU's in m dream
2- Noelia's Tu (Spanish song)
3- Ailee's Ice Flower
3). Can you describe your bias WITHOUT telling us who it is?
Loves fishes XDDD
4). What is your favorite movie? (I'm genuinely curious o.o)
Pearl Harbor
5). Would you rather lose an arm or a leg? (legitimate question that I asked my bff T)
My left arm :,(
6). Cupcakes or pie? (you choose pie, you get bonus puntos)
Pie :D
7). If you could be ANYTHING at all for 1 day, what would you be? (if you say lamp.../laughs)
Hae's or Hyuk's bed XDDD (depends where they are LOL)
8). Spiderman or Batman or Superman?
9). What is the saddest moment of your entire life? (Mine was losing my betta, Sparky)
When my brother in law die :,( he was like a father for me T^T
10). What do you think you WOULD have been doing if Asianfanfics were never invented?
Be the most depressed person in the world 
11). FREEBIE (cause I'm out of good questions) Write any question you want to answer~
If I want to marry my bias? 
Yes of course XDDD
I tag all the ppl that want to do it ^^ sorry too lazy to do it kkkk
1) what's your favorite color?
2) who it's your bias?
3) how many languages you talk?
4) how tall are you?
5) do you like burgers or pizza?
6) who it's your OPT?
7) your favorite FF here in AFF?
8) who it's your favorite author here in AFF?
9) do you like winter or summer?
10) your 3 favorite songs
11) do you like me? *puppy eyes* I hope so kkk


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Invincibility? Wow that's a first. Most have said telekinesis.
DONGHAE! Pearl Harbor really? Wow. That's a shocker. BONUS points for Pie~
Aww AFF has changed a lot of lives.

Fav Color: Blue
Bias: Donghae
Languages: 1-English
Height: 5 feet
Irresistible (Eunhae fic~)
I have several, so I can't choose absolute fav.
3 favs: I was Broken, Shake it Out, and Mirrors (but they change a lot)
Of course unnie ^____^