Help Save AFF

AFF is taking donations in order to fund the creation of an APP for the site.

If not enough money is raised, there may be changes enacted to site.

Investors offered to help develop the app, but wanted to change the site name and include all types of writing, not just fanfictions or Asian fics.

Because no one wants this change to happen because the specialty of the site is why we're here.

If we wanted to write on a site that included all genres, then we wouldn't be on AFF!

The site creator decided to run a fundraiser in order to raise the money for the app himself.

Please help out by going to this page and donating

I'm only 16, but I have a job and so I'm going to try and donate. Even if you donate a litttle, it helps a lot! Think if everyone donated a penny how much we would raise. Come on guys! Step up a bit. 

And also, it's not just donationg. You can buy points and all of the money will go and help the site! Don't forget. You also get something called a 'Gold" memebership and it allowes you some advantages over others! 


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I tried to donate but it said it can't read my credit card info saying its invalid I just bought this prepaid card so I can donate what a bummer ( I hope they get enough donations to create the app an save AFF Website)
I can't donate,..