
Rule One: post the rules.
Rule Two: answer the questions the tagged asked you, then make 11 new ones.
Rule Three: tag 11 people and link them to this post.
Rule Four: let them know you've tagged them.

Tagged by: ParkHyeri


1. When did you first hear about k-pop?

It was through an unnie that I met on an anime website back in 2008!

2. What was the first k-pop song you heard?

Oho! This answer is linked to the first one! ^_~ Well, that unnie actually had DBSK's Mirotic playing on her profile, and I got curious so I checked the MV out. So, basically, Mirotic was my first k-pop song ^^ Isn't that like the greatest start ever?!

3. Who was your first bias?

My first bias ever is actually my current ultimate bias... This guy right here:

Woohoooo!! This is why I fell for Shim Changmin at first sight! I mean look at the man! /faints/ And he got even better through the eras

4. What is your favorite group?


Okay, okay, let me put it down that way: DB5K has reached an untouchable level in my heart. The five of them are like Gods to me and no group has ever been able to affect my feels as much as them. But, because they are untouchable in my heart, they are not even rankable, which leads EXO to be my number one! If this actually makes any sense...

5. How would you react if you met them?

LOL ok I seriously have no idea how I would react if I ever met DB5K/EXO; it's the kind of situation that you can't foretell, you just find it out when it actually happens. But, for sure, my mind would be totally blank.

6. What is your favorite genre of music?

Is this even a question?

7. If you could be in any of the record label, which one would it be?

SM because I am totally not going to hit on my biases

8. If you were to be in a k-pop group, what would it be called and what k-stars would be in it?

I have no idea. But! Amber would be in it for sure, because hey! Amber's the best and I want to be buddies with her.

9. What position would you like to have you were to be in a group?

I'd want to be a dancer because I love dancing although I at it, but mostly because I can't picture myself as part of a 'vocal line'.

10. If you were to be in the acting business, what type of movie/show would you be in? (Comedy, romance, drama, horror, etc.)

Romantic comedy for the win!

11. If you were a model, what brand would you model for?

The one that will be fabulous enough to support my beauty.

LOL just kidding :P I honestly have no idea.

PS: I am too lazy to create 11 other questions... Sorry >.<


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