I Won't Write on AFF Anymore

Alright guys, I think the time has come for me to face reality. I've been postponing this for God-knows-how-long and I need to come to terms with my decision.

As you all have probably taken notice of, I haven't been updating for months and, although I wish I had a good reason, I just don't. Time and motivation have both left me and whenever I do feel like writing, I end up writing things that are not fanfics.

And so, I have come to decide that I would stop writing fanfics altogether. Although I wish I could finish everything that I have started on AFF (I have been earnestly trying to persuade myself during those past months of inactivity to do so, and we all know how it ended up...), we all need to accept the fact that it just won't ever happen.

I am sincerely most apologetic to every single one of guys who have been waiting for my updates. I would also like to apologize to all those of you who are still waiting for your oneshot requests to be written--you have all been waiting for too long, only to be disappointed in the end. I am so sorry. So, so, so sorry.

I will also be taking down everything that I have posted on here. Thank you all for all the love and support you have been giving me so far. I'll never forget it, and I mean it. Writing on here has brought me so much, and it made me grow as a writer. I don't think I would be where I am right now if you guys hadn't given me so much positive feedback on my writing. Truly, I appreciate it so much. Thank you!

I'll still log on AFF from time to time, for the sole reason that I want to finish reading all the ongoing fics I am subscribed to. But don't keep your hopes up, I highly doubt I'll ever post anything on here again...

All I can say is that I am deeply sorry, and extremely thankful for everything.

I love you guys!!!! ♥♥♥


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Sarah, I just want to say: thank you. I can't help but be a little sad that you're leaving, but, hey, that's life. You've done so well on this site with all of your stories and requests and it was through this site that we became friends. I was an avid reader of yours and I was honestly really happy when we started to talk more, beyond fanfics. Through AFF, you became a precious friend to me and thank you for so much^^ Let's still talk on tumblr and such heh Love you!!!
Wow, ur story is my favorite tho :( can u at least not turning down ur completed stories? I really like read ur stories, especially all over again.. God knows how many times ive read it again & again :(
Aw. I feel the same way with my stories and I support and respect your decision. Good luck in the future^^