another singing video of me xDDD

ever since i uploadd a video of my auditioning for cube ent i decided to upload regularly on my utube account on my singing...LOL 

my audition clip An Angel Here was WAY too high pitch but...yeahh...tht was my problem LOL

this nxt video is slightly better but i muddled the words TWICE and the music isnt in sync coz i dun know HOW to get it in sync wif the software im, dislike, comment, dont comment, ur choice ^^

not gnna make u watch it either ^^


im just blogging it for those people who are bored and hav another to do ^^ 

coz im like tht most of the time xDDD


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you went off pitch at 0:21 somewhere there, and next time you don't need to put the music if you can't sync it cuz it's distracting people away from your singing[: did you get like, hair extentions? cuz your hair looks longer in this video then the first one LOL