Reader's Opinion

Hey guys! I just wanted to ask what you thought of my stories. Such as plot, character development and grammar. What are my weaknesses and strengths? Or anything you think would better my writing style and stories. Even if you just want to rate my stories/writing style is fine with me. The reason why I'm asking is because I entered a small writing competition at my University and I wanted to see how I could better myself. Thanks again!


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I love your stories author nim. I like your style of writing....I thing there aren't any flaws in your writing style :) best of luck for the competition! Hwaiting!
☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
LeiJin #2
I love how you write. The plot's development flows smoothly, your grammar is also flawless. I guess the only thing I could tell you is not to worry about being cliche, it's kind of almost inevitable BUT you're amazing when it comes to molding the story and the characters into something that's really unforgettable. Also, to look out for some typos :)

Good luck with the writing contest! Pretty sure you'll do great, or even get a place in the top 3 or something. ^^

PS. I love 'How I Met Byun Baekhyun' >///<
Again, good luck!
queenoftrouble #3
Well, there's not much that I can tell you to fix, but I just want to point out a style in your writing. You tend to use a lot of character usage to tell the story, which could be an issue when it comes to more dramatic, angsty, mysterious scenes. But that's pretty easy to fix also, so you're pretty set. :D Good luck at your university's writing contest!