My Perfect Androgyne

I read this in a book that I bought. And I just want to share it with you all. :)

And tell me who's the person that will come into your mind once you've read the whole thing. Ok?^^

I've posted this in LJ already ^^


 My Perfect Androgyne

     By: Trebor Healey


He hated being cute

Wanted to be tough

Pierced up and tattooed

Leathered and boot

With those big brown doggy eyes


He hated being cute

I assured him his body

Was anything but-

That lithe, snake-like chest

And that stingray of a belly,

Those athlete’s legs

And soothing sisterly hands,

And his tiny male -

That handsome, unmistakeably rough

As hard and undiscriminating

As the policemen’s billy clubs

That didn’t want his HIV status

Stopping traffic


I think of all the lives

It’s just run over

Unmistakeably rough

And I think of all the goddesses we need

To hold us and forgive us

Oh Mary, Mother of God

I never feel so close to you

Than when I’m in his thin androgynous arms

Under the gaze

Of those doggy eyes


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