I Am

I am Storm. 
Crazy kid from Canada that loves cats- probably far too much.
I am Storm.
I suffer from many disorders, but I will not let them define who I am.
Social anxiety.
Eating disorders.
Suicidal thoughts.
Anger problems.
Sleeping disorders.
These may be affecting my mental and emotional state, but if you didn't know about these now, it shouldn't change your opinion about me.
This may have driven me away from people. I closed myself off.
I lost a brother. He took his own life and I slipped into a similar path.
I will not fall victim to those thoughts.
I will not give up, even when I want to.
I am Storm and like the name I use I will remain strong.
I am me and I'm not weak. I'm not ashamed of who I am.


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Fighting Storm!!! ---> What is life?
They say its from B to D.
From Birth to Death.
But what's between B & D?
It's a "C" so what is a "C"?
It's a CHOICE^^
Our life is a matter of Choices....
So live well and it will never go wrong^^

Storm Fighting! I know you are strong and I will be here for you, I love you lots and I think that whatever you are going through, it will surpass as long as you keep fighting. It might not seem worth it, living it up only to be guarding yourself from everyone but who cares about those people? You are worth being here no matter what others think about you and what you think about yourself. I am a pessimist like you but somehow, I find a way to ignore myself and just DO things even if I don't want to. I have to talk to others and I have to keep living, eating, breathing and the fight will be worth it when you finally realise that you have a reason to be here. There are people who need you here and there are people who don't want to lose you. Whoever you are, whatever problems/disorders you have, you are still Storm and you are still here and that's what matters, so thank you for being here.
I know I haven't talked to you in a while but I will always care about you. I want to say that of course it's unhealthy to have that number of disorders but what you went through is a good enough reason for you to feel like that but I sincerely hope that you won't break. Living is enough for one person. I want you to be that tiniest bit happier. If you need to talk, please I'll be waiting. Don't let yourself down and try to be happy. It might be a long shot but if you start with a smile and a goal, it will go a long way.

xoxo :)