Cheer me up? xP

I got into a fight with a really rude american who just kept talking about Mexico (I couldn't stand that, I won't ever stand that!)

I heard him saying all kind of stuff like what a "dirty" country it was and how it was filled with ugly, desperate people. I think the person he was with was local, cause he didn't look happy lol, but I guess he didnt want to say anything. I don't know, I felt really pissed. Another guy asked him to keep it down (he was talking loudly, I guess he thought no one would understand?)

And I did the same. I even smiled, I mean, what did I know, maybe he was drunk or something, but he just talked back.

And well, I don't wanna repeat all the stuff he said, cause it was pretty annoying, stupid things like how I "must erase my accent first, if I wanted to speak to him" (for the record, I love my accent, and I don't think there's something wrong with having one), or how we were all "uneducated criminals". Sigh. I'm still pretty warmed up, hehe.

Cheer me up? :v

JUST FOR YOU TO KNOW (since i know I have many american friends here <33333) I NEVER did the same and talked badly about USA. I didn't attack, just defended heheh :P

It wouldn't had any sense to do so because all countries are so different and amazing and pretty ; .; The only problem is people with crappy manners, and that's NOT the result of being born in any land xP


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Remember that YOU were the bigger, braver, and smarter person.
You stood-up for your country and probably would have stood up for any other country when listening to someone shooting off his mouth in such a negative way.
It takes very little intelligence to talk .
It's people like him that give other traveling Americans a bad name.
Please know that people love Mexico foremost for the people, and then the food and them the beauty of the land.
I salute your courage, because as you saw, the man who was with him didn't speak up.
Taeminnieah, hwaiting!
Sorry you had to deal with a jerk :( *hugs* here is some cute Taemin for you to help cheer you up!