Damn the....=.=

Hello my aff chingus^_^ My daily rants is back again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Muahahaha...

So, I was browsing through my previous blogs out of boredom yesterday and came across with my first blog. I was like: 

Hihi... So this was my first blog:

It was like so random but people were like commenting saying that they love to read rants. I even made new friends because of this blog>< 

I had so much fun afterwards. Blogging about my life and having people commenting. It's like.... It's like a chance for me to talk to new people and interact with my friends more>< Because I'm just too shy and awkward to just wall-post people, so by blogging, it's my way of talking to you guys^^ LOL! Does it even make sense?

So, I'm just grateful that you guys actually read my nonsense rants and respond to them... I have my worries and when you guys reach out to comfort, I felt happy and it cheered me up, so thank you my friends *huggles*

Gosh... I'm being so touchy-feely right now=.= My hormone is seriously trolling me... 

P.S. I'm updating "Who the hell is she?!" today!


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lol I freaking look forward to reading your blogs so much
I love the way you express your daily life in this kind of rants /whisper/ especially the GIF's for sure...lolz XD
I can't do the rants as crazy as you...lmao~ and I surely always feeling happy by reading your rants...kkk~

Okay...I'm so weird ><
Eh...I do it all the time tooo...
Awwwww I love you rants very much!
Seriously it always cheers me up :D
Your daily rant + epic gifs = BOM! Fantastic baby~
It good to share what you feels than keep it *wiggles eyebrow
Keep on ranting. I love youuuu~! /lol, you weird hormone affect me ._.
you're so cute omg ;v;
i wonder how you manage to find the perfect gifs!
you must share upon your brilliance!
Yay! I love your rants! And I love your gifs! And I love you! Okay... maybe I went too far there. I'm in a weird mood.