

laughter// I was writing a blog post yesterday that started with, "HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!" but I forgot to post it so now I have to add in the belated part.

Ermm, I've realized that even though I've written a lot, I don't really "blog" anything? So I might be writing weekly blog posts just about silly stuff, aka my life.

I guess the title of this blog post is because I was rereading a few of my stories yesterday (cries/what was i thinking when i wrote those) and i realized that half of my stories take place in a coffee shop or mention a coffee shop and the truth is I HATE COFFEE- it tastes so bitter, and to be honest, I'm hyper enough without any coffee.

Next-- Valentines Day!! Haha, too be honest, I don't really like this holiday? It reminds me of my lonely single status and quite honestly, every single day should be Valentines Day: we should show love to each other every single day ><

But anywho, at school, we give out carnations (meaning you buy carnations for people) and I wasn't expecting any (because I'm not very popular at all) and instead I got 5 ^^ So that was a pretty special suprise ^^

And lastly, I made a song cover of "Because of You" by Kelly Clarkson and the link is below

Because of You

Its actually very bad since I messed up continously, but I hope you'll check it out?

I'm super duper happy because its a long weekend for me (usually I have school on Saturdays but not this Saturday and no school on Monday!!)

And I have a debate competition that I somehow accidentally signed up for tomorrow >< (Because I did well on my speech competition last week) so wish me luck <3




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My school does the carnation thing too. It makes me feel special whenever I get some XD
Best of luck on the competition! ^^
strawberryluna #3
hihi Cynthia~ It's Alice :D good luck on your competition lol