〈 PLEDIS REVOLUTION — The Second Hidden Creator of Magic ¦ Han Gongwoo 〉



〈 username 〉 FloorLamp
〈 name/nickname 〉 Lampie
〈 activeness 〉 8

〈 comments/questions 〉 okay, i didn't know where to put this so ima put it here. jinsung and dongjin are fraternal twins just so you know. ok.
〈 scene suggestion(s) 〉 I really wanna see Aehwa get into a fight with another trainee, maybe one of the plotlines.


i'm han gongwoo, pleased to meet you.

〈 full name 〉 Han Gongwoo
〈 nickname(s) 〉 Paint; he and his friends wanted to come up with street names for each other so they could look cooler in high school, and he came up with "Paint" because he thought it would sound very edgy and messy. "Paint" is used among his friends.
〈 gender 〉 Male.
〈 birthdate — age 〉 1992/11/23— 21 (turning 22)
〈 birthplace — hometown 〉 Busan, South Korea
〈 ethnicity 〉 Korean
〈 language(s) 〉 Korean; fluent, native language

〈 face claim 〉 Bae Sang Gon
〈 gallery 〉 x

〈 back-up face claim 〉 Lee Do Hyeong
〈 gallery 〉 x

〈 style 〉 
〉 Gongwoo has a very modern stylr, but with that bad boy feel. He wears a lot of reds, grays, and dark blues. On a special occasion, he wears a simple suit with a tie or a bowtie, nothing too showy. His everyday outfits aren't really special either. Something really attractive and stylish, but still enough to say, "Don't talk to me.". When he's working at Pledis, his choreography clothes are simple workout clothes that consist of breezy shorts and either a shirt that shows off his abs or a wife-beater. Nothing really fancy or special about his style, just something a flower boy would wear, but with darker colors and a more closed up feel. SPECIAL OCCASION | EVERYDAY EVERYDAY EVERYDAY | DANCE DANCE

〈 extra 〉 
〉 He has a scar on his lower left hip that appeared when he scraped his hip on the ground in middle school after getting into a fight with another student. He has a tattoo of a bunch of vines "hugging" his shoulder on the back of his right shoulder.

〈 blood type 〉 B
〈 height — weight 〉 186cm — 69kg

what do you know about me?

〈 personality traits 〉 calm, charming, intimidating, stubborn, blunt, rude, sarcastic, observant,  self-centered, quick-thinking
〈 personality 〉 
〉 Gongwoo's a bad boy, a rebel you could say. He's not the type to make a big scene and he's the kind of guy that will stay in the background, but he can make a move that will impact anyone that tries to hurt him. He's very calm and rational about everything, but he's not a team player. He doesn't pitch in most of the time and he's always in the back observing others and their way of life. He's a silent judger, he has to admit. He makes comments about everyone inside of his head, good and bad. Yes, this makes him a bit of a gossip, but he's not the kind of guy that will pick a fight with someone just because he thinks this and that.

  〉 Don't call him a playboy, even though it's the truth. He fools around with people by seducing them with his infinte charms and good looks. Sure, he's intimidating and you wouldn't want to walk up and start a conversation with the ice prince, but he can melt a little bit of his cold heart to charm someone into becoming interested. Yes, he's biual and yes, he's happy. There are a lot of sides to him, and this side is what makes him stand out among the rest. He's known for his playboy ways, but he insists he's not a playboy. He's just a guy fulfilling his desires. He's not the type to stick around to one person, unless it's his group of friends, but other than that, he's here and there in terms of love. Instead of "playboy", the more accurate term would be "freelancer".

  〉 He's actually really smart. Sure, he doesn't pitch in ideas during team projects, but he's more of an independent worker rather than a cooperation guy. He's very stubborn, so when someone says something he doesn't like but everyone else does, he'll get so frustrated with everyone. He has a short temper so it's pretty easy to get him frustrated, and he usually expresses his anger by saying rude comments and being sarcastic towards the person. He's not a nice guy, as you can see. Gongwoo has that thing to him where if you get him even the slightest bit angry, he's going to try to make you frustrated. He keeps a calm, collected face most of the time, so it's hard to tell whether he's angry or not by his face, but from the way he talks, people can figure out of they're pissing him off or not.

  〉  On-stage, he's calm and collected. He's very relaxed and he can be quiet and observant while being very noticeable at the same time. On the show, he talks, but he doesn't act as if he's the main MC. The one thing about him that could set him apart from the rest is his bad boy appearance and personality. He's quiet during recordings and he'll speak with a very subtle "push" in his words. He's not afraid to show off his body or his charms. He's a tad bit conceited, so he's not afraid to show off. He can also save someone from complete embarrassment. He's quick-thinking and he's smart, so he knows how to find a perfect back-up to cover up something for someone. This trait causes him to be reliable during accidental slip-ups, but he really hates this part of himself, but he just can't help it. 

  〉  Off-stage, he isn't that different. He's still the intimidating, rude, conceited bad boy of Pledis. The one thing that changes is how much he talks and how he acts towards his co-workers. He acts very politely and what's expected of him during the show, but when they finish recording, he's more at ease and a bit comfortable around the workers. Some would say "too comfortable" to the point where he would be informal. But hey, he's a bad boy, of course he's going to be informal at times. He's not very reliable off-stage, heck he's terrible at empathy and he's the last person you would go to for advice or emotional help, but he's there for you to fall back on whenever you make a slip-up during recording. He talks more often off-stage since he needs to give directions and converse with his co-workers and the trainees, but he's not the kind of guy to spark up a conversation every two seconds.

〈 background 〉 
〉 He came from Busan and lived his whole life in the shadow of his older siblings. They were smart, good-looking, and they all had their own unique charms that seperated them from the crowd. Gongwoo came from a pretty normal family that didn't have any financial problems whatsoever. His parents owned a very successful chicken resteraunt and he grew up helping out his parents at the resteraunt. He attracted a lot of female customers along with his older brothers, while his sister was the "hostess" of the resteraunt. They all had their duties seperated among them and they never interfered with one anothers' duties, jobs, and personal life, thus causing them to grow up as four individual children rather than a group of closely-bonded siblings. Their parents weren't all too great either. They weren't abusive, nor were they pushy and strict, but they were biased. They loved the oldest child and they fawned over him. They didn't pay as much attention towards the others as they did towards the oldest. Everyone, especially Gongwoo, was jealous of the attention he was getting and they tried to get their parents back no matter what it took. In elementary school, they did what they were supposed to do, but everything began forming when they begam middle school.

    〉  In school, Gongwoo's sister was very popular. She was well-known among the students and she was known as the "school's hottie" with her good looks ever since she started middle school. So with her new popularity, she decided to use this as a way to get her parents' attention. As a result, she wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. Gongwoo's oldest brother, the one their parents love the most, he was the intelligent guy. He was the guy that was always in the top three. Gongwoo's second oldest brother acted as the composer. He turned into a music kind of guy and he used that as an escape from reality. Gongwoo himself turned into the bad boy he is now, except he was a lot more edgy and risky. He picked a lot of fights and he would always get in trouble by the teachers. Did his parents notice him? Yes. Were they happy? No. Gongwoo grew up with very little attention since his oldest brother was always spoiled because of his grades, his sister was invited to a lot of social gatherings and parties, and his second brother won awards for his composition? What was Gongwoo good at? Getting into a lot of fights and beating up other kids. Which is why when he started high school, he became a lot more quieter like he is now.

   〉  High school was the best time of his life. He created a more laid-back bad boy image for himself and he was known as the flirt. His silence spoke many words towards the other students and he always had a girl (or guy) on his arm every week. Why was he doing this? To feel wanted. It was in his 2nd year that he found out he was biual when he began to feel attracted towards his friend, Dongjin (this is also the time where he came up with the nickname "Paint"). He was very surprised at first, but he managed to accept it, but sadly, Dongjin's straight so he rejected Gongwoo who attempted to make a move. Gongwoo was a smart kid in school and he was always among the top fifty, but he wasn't the class nerd. He stayed within his group of friends and he never ventured out and interacted with people of different social groups, so he was always with his small group of rebels. That's right, he hung out with fellow rebels. Were they the troublemakers of the school? Not exactly, but they were the kind of people that you shouldn't pick a fight with. They dressed proper with their school uniforms, but the way the acted were as if they were hoodlums.

   〉  He graduated high school after that and his future played out before him once he entered Pledis. He's not going to college, since he feels as if there's nothing out there in the future for him, and he lived a pretty crappy life. He received the least amount of attention from his parents, and when they do notice him, it's because they're angry at his behavior. Because of the way his parents treat him, he acts like a playboy so he would feel wanted by the students in the school. Everything about him is what he created to act as an advantage for himself. He never became close with his siblings and they never had any good times together. The only people that actually liked and were close with Gongwoo was his group of friends. 

〈 likes 〉
〉 music

    〉 coffee

    〉 sleep

    〉 energy drinks

    〉 spicy foods

    〉 popping

    〉 horror movies

〈 dislikes 〉 
〉 aegyo

   〉 horses

   〉 dust

   〉 spiders

   〉 work

   〉 whiny, annoying, irritating, repeating sounds

   〉 being woken up

〈 peeves 〉 
〉 when someone doesn't get the hint; pretty self-explanatory.

    〉 disagreement; he hates it when everyone disagrees and pitches in their ideas and argues all at the same time it gives him a headache and he mentally stabs everyone until they shut up

   〉 know-it-alls; he hates that they act like they know everything and that they think they can do whatever they want and attempt to act like an expert

    〉 too much work; he has a personal life

〈 habits 〉 
〉 he makes up his own dance moves whenever he hears a song; it's a habit that developed since he's a choreographer

   〉 he likes to snap his pencil point whenever he's finished with a pencil so the next person who uses it can be pissed off

   〉 his eyes are almost always dry so he usually holds his blinks for 2-3 seconds whenever it feels dry

   〉 he peels and bites his lips a lot, and it causes a lot of bruises, bumps, and bleeds

〈 hobbies 〉
〉 dancing; he's a choreographer, of couse he's a dancer

〉 watching korean dramas; it doesn't matter if it's good or not, he'll get so attached that he'll end up watching the whole series

〈 sns 〉 
〉 Twitter: @hngongwoo

〈 trivia 〉 
〉 Jinsung, one of his high school buddies, cross-dressed as a girl for the school dance since he lost a bet to Gongwoo. They went as a couple.

   〉 His first girlfriend was in the 6th grade in middle school and they had their first kiss in the girls' bathroom. His girlfriend broke up with him right after and left him in the bathroom, causing him to get caught by one of the teachers.

   〉 He didn't have any pets growing up, so when he was in 1st grade, he made himself a pet rock. It lasted for two weeks and then he lost it.

   〉 He likes Girl's Day.

   〉 Because of Dongjin, Jinsung, and Gongwoo get discounts at "Coffee Central".

   〉 He's allergic to shellfish.

   〉 As an assignment, he made a group of male trainees dance to Girl's Day "Expectation".

   〉 He never spent his birthday with his family, he would always go out with his friends and celebrate his birthday at a convenience store.

   〉 Math is his best subject.

   〉 His ideal type is someone quiet and gentle, but at the same time, powerful and risky.

my family isn't all too crazy, you know.

〈 family 〉
〉 Han Hyunsik | Father | 54 | Chicken Resteraunt Owner | oblivious, insincere, cold, responsible, independent | Hyunsik doesn't like Gongwoo, and the latter doesn't like him either. They have this hatred towards each other that shows whenever they speak to one another. Gongwoo speaks with a subtle informal tone which sets off Hyunsik at first, but he gets used to it. All in all, they aren't close since Hyunsik doesn't favor Gongwoo, so they don't have a very special bond. | 2

   〉 Han Joodae | Mother | 53 | Housewife | selfish, rude, picky, brave, intelligent | She never acts like a mother towards him. Gongwoo and Joodae never had the opportunity to get close since Joodae always ignores him and spoils Siwoo. Gongwoo speaks to her with an informal tone as well, and she ignores him and continues to fawn over Siwoo. Gongwoo finds this irritating and as a result, he doesn't interact with Joodae. | 1

   〉 Han Siwoo | Brother | 27 | Lawyer | conceited, intelligent, rude, nosy, competitive | Siwoo and Gongwoo were never close due to their 6 year gap, so they never attended the same schools at the same time, nor did they bond out of school. As a result, they don't interact with each other as much, but Gongwoo always wishes to talk to him, since he felt as if that Siwoo never really liked him. | 1

   〉 Han Eunwoo | Sister | 25 | TS Entertainment Choreographer | bratty, conceited, unpredictable, independent, self-righteous | Eunwoo was somewhat of a mother figure towards Gongwoo, but she wasn't a really good sibling. They don't converse very much, since they only bonded through "brother-sister" moments, so they don't have a very close bond, but Gongwoo's the closest with her out of all of the siblings. In the present day, since they're both choreographers, they like to visit each other to see how they're doing. Eunwoo only started recently so she's inexperienced, but she likes to call up Gongwoo whenever she needs help. They don't hang out after work or visit each other's apartment, Eunwoo's the one that will initiate the meeting first, but she's also the first to ditch him. They're respectful towards one another, but they aren't close. | 3

   〉 Han Woojin | Brother | 23 | Cube Entertainment Lyricist | quiet, distant, independent, weak, blank | Woojin seperated himself from the rest of the family, but Woojin interacted with Gongwoo the most. They never were close, but Woojin liked to ask Gongwoo what he thought of his compositions since he felt that Gongwoo had good taste in music. Woojin treats Gongwoo as a lab rat for his compositions, nothing more, nothing less. Woojin tends to leave Gongwoo in the dust by leaving him right after he gets what he wants. He doesn't stick around and he likes to be alone, so he doesn't interact with Gongwoo other than treating him as a lab rat. Gongwoo treats him respectfully, but he does feel abandoned whenever Woojin leaves him, | 2

〈 friends 〉 
〉 Jung Dongjin | Best Friend (older twin brother of Jinsung) | 21 | Waiter at "Coffee Central" | straightforward, cold, charming, obedient, hard-working | They're really great friends. Even though Gongwoo had a thing for Dongjin, that didn't ruin their friendship. Among Gongwoo's group of friends in high school, they all created street names for themselves. Dongjin's was "Crash", so Gongwoo always calls him Crash whenever they see each other. They're both informal towards one another, but ever since they graduated, Dongjin became a lot more mature. Of course, they're both still best friends, but Dongjin now has his apartment and his job on his mind so he began to be a bit more mature, colder, and responsible. | 4

   〉 Jung Jinsung | Best Friend (younger twin brother of Dongjin) | 21 | University Student; Business Major | childish, immature, uncontrollable, playful, bright | Another one of Gongwoo's high school buddies who went by "Ice". He's a bit more on the wild side, so Jinsung has a tendency to annoy Gongwoo. Jinsung is always proposing crazy ideas and pranks and he's always the one to call Gongwoo for help with egging his professor's car. Jinsung never changed since high school, and it's really a mystery as to how he was accepted into college, but he was lucky. Although Jinsung has classes, he tends to skip just so he could hang out with Dongjin or Gongwoo. They both speak informally towards one another, and Jinsung tends to get on Gongwoo's nerves once in a while. | 5

   〉 Kim Aehwa | Friend | 21 | Pledis Trainee | hard-working, feisty, competitive, confident, stubborn | She's been a Pledis trainee for 6 years. She was the person that showed Gongwoo around the building; that's how comfortable and close she was with Pledis' staff. She's the same age as Gongwoo, so whenever he's teaching her dance, she speaks informally to him. He does feel offended whenever this happens since Gongwoo is supposed to be more superior, but he brushes it off since Aehwa has been here for such a long time and she's sick of being treated worthlessly. Aehwa has a hot-temper, so Gongwoo tries to stay on her good side. He praises her for her hard work, and they have a good relationship with one another. | 3

〈 rival/love rival 〉 
〉 Shin Yoona | Rival/Ex-Girlfriend | 21 | University Student; Engineering Major | selfish, conceited, flirty, possessive, blunt | She was another one of Gongwoo's high school friends, and she went by "Gloss". They dated at the end of their senior year, and that's when he found out about her possessive, crazy side. They broke up days before graduation and Gongwoo told Dongjin and Jinsung about this. To the guys, Yoona has always been this flirty, seductive, rebellious female, and when she developed feelings for Gongwoo, things started getting a bit out of hand. They still interacted with Yoona after they graduated, but she went to a university in Gangnam. Everyone moved to Seoul, so they had quite a distance. When Gongwoo was 20, Yoona transferred to a university in Seoul, the same university Jinsung attends. Whenever she sees Gongwoo, she turns possessive and clings to his arm wherever he goes. She doesn't leave his side and she tries to get him to date her again. He's really annoyed by this and he tries to explain his frustration, but Yoona ignores it and continues to cling.  | 3

that's my lifestyle, yeah.

〈 the hidden creators of magic 〉 Gongwoo wasn't going to college, so he moped around his parents' resteraunt after he graduated. Nothing was really special about him except he caught a lot of attention from both genders. When he was 19, he was scouted by Pledis Entertainment. He looked pretty young for his age back then and they mistook him as a 15 year old, so when they found out he was 19, they backtracked. Instead, they offered him a position on the Pledis team as the choreographer.

He was a bit too young to be a choreographer. Heck, even some of the idols and trainees were older than him. He was easily overpowered in the company at first and he acted as the staff's intern that does nothing rather than an actual part of the staff. When the main choreographer was fired, he actually had a chance to do something. It was six months since his hire and he found his way around the company and know its secrets. He even had a few affairs with his co-workers, both male and female.

He's doing this for the money. Before he was hired, he was just a kid with a high school diploma living in his parents' house. After he was hired, he turned into a grown-up living in a decent apartment in the city with only a high school diploma and a dance studio by his side. What he finds really hard about this is his lack of actual talent. It's not that he can't dance, it's that he tries. He sees people with so much talent overflowing and they can do things without even trying while Gongwoo's just there because of his looks. He feels somewhat underrated and underestimated, but he easily brushes it off with the proud smiles on his parents' faces.

In his eyes, the music industry seems like a breeze, it's your popularity that sets apart an easy life and a deadly fate. If he became an idol, he would have a small, reliable fanbase rather than internationally famous with millions of fans. He finds that very hard since you have to adjust to busy schedules and tightly packed events and you have no time for personal events.

as for the person i like, it's a secret.

〈 love interest 〉 Bang Yongguk
〈 group 〉 B.A.P
〈 birthdate — age 〉 March 31, 1990 — 23 (turning 24)

〈 back-up love interest 〉 Lee Gikwang
〈 group 〉 B2ST
〈 birthdate — age 〉 March 30, 1990 — 23 (turning 24)

〈 personality traits 〉 quiet, understanding, calm, intimidating, serious, hard-working, competitive, distant, responsible, blunt, straightforward
〈 personality 〉 
〉 Yongguk's a quiet, simple kind of guy. He's not the type to initiate conversation and he's quite distant from everyone else. He likes to break off and live in his own world with his own thoughts whenever he's alone. Because of this, he's very understanding about certain situations. He's a great listener, so he's a reliable person to go to and vent. He's not the type to interfere with really messy problems and situations and he tends to fade into the background. He's very calm and he doesn't let stress get a hold of him, which is really fascinating, considering that he's the leader of B.A.P. He gets his work done and he's a quiet guy, but some people are quite afraid of him.

   〉 He's intimidating. I mean, with his deep voice and icy cold stare, of course you're afraid of him. Your first impression of him would be that he's very violent and cold, but that's not entirely true. Yongguk isn't violent, but he is a tad bit cold. He's very hard-working, so he doesn't stick around and keep a conversation with you. He's not the type to give up easily, so he's competitive. Yongguk's also very blunt and straightforward. On camera, he thinks about his words wisely, but it still comes out as some sort of insult or criticism. He doesn't speak out his mind very well, so he just blurts out the first thing he thinks. Yes, he's a great listener, but he isn't the guy to go to for advice. 

   〉 Yongguk's on-camera and off-camera personality are a different, but there isn't a major change. He still acts very responsible and mature, but Yongguk converses more on-camera. He appears more brighter and active on-camera so he wouldn't be forgotten. Off-camera, he's very introverted and distant, like I said, so he's a bit more dull. He converses less, but he means a lot in his words whenever he speaks, so what he says off-camera is more meaningful than what he says on-camera. Of course, he doesn't think about what he says, but he's explaining his thoughts. Befriending him isn't hard, but being one of his closest friends is challenging. He's closed up, but he doesn't push everyone away from him.

〈 how you meet/met 〉 
〉 It's Eunwoo's first day and she needs some help. She gets permission to get help from Pledis' choreographer, Gongwoo, by explaining to TS that they're siblings. Gongwoo gets there 15 minutes late, since he doesn't make an effort to interact with Eunwoo. When he arrives. he finds Eunwoo with B.A.P, who were currently working on their dance moves for their comeback. Eunwoo introduces B.A.P to Gongwoo very respectfully. Gongwoo, who had his choreography job for two years, taught Eunwoo how to control the trainees and monitor the idols. 

   〉 When Eunwoo left to go to the bathroom, Gongwoo and B.A.P were left alone. They were a bit awkward, so Yongguk stepped up and asked him about Pledis. Yongguk didn't like Gongwoo by the way he dressed and acted. He felt as if Gongwoo didn't like Eunwoo, which is somewhat true, so he felt cautious about befriending him. Gongwoo answered his question politely, but with a frightened tone. He thought that Yongguk was a bit scary with his deep voice, so he attempted to avoid him for the rest of the time. He became close with Zelo during the time, but he shyed away from Yongguk whenever Yongguk asked him more questions.

〈 interactions 〉 
〉 Their only interactions happen when Eunwoo calls Gongwoo to watch the trainees or help her teach. Their relationship depends on Eunwoo, so when Gongwoo begins to fall in love with him, he gets really frustrated when Eunwoo says that she doesn't need his help. Yongguk and Gongwoo aren't close so they speak very formally. Yongguk still doesn't like Gongwoo, and when he finds out about his playboy ways from Eunwoo when he asks about him during practice, he gets a bit fed up. Yongguk doesn't like that he toys around with boys and girls, so he grows a dislike towards him. Even though he doesn't initiate conversations, he does get curious about Gongwoo's personal life. He asks questions about it whenever Gongwoo visits TS, and Gongwoo answers the best he can while still being private.

   〉 Gongwoo doesn't really care for Yongguk. Yongguk isn't special in his eyes, only scary, so he ignores him and backs away from him a lot. Gongwoo develops feelings first when he watches a live performance of B.A.P. He sees the amount of hard-work Yongguk puts in his work and he finds that fascinating. The next time they see each other, Gongwoo makes a move on Yongguk, confidently since he thinks that since Yongguk asks a lot of questions, he likes Gongwoo, which is dead wrong. Yongguk rejects him and tells him off for being a playboy, which Gongwoo does not like. He tries to change himself for Yongguk which is worthless since Yongguk's straight. When Gongwoo changes to Yongguk's liking, Yongguk finds himself liking Gongwoo. He gets freaked out by the thought and avoids Gongwoo. 
〈 status 〉 Acquaintances, Slight Enemies


do i really have to answer these questions?

〈 info 〉 
〈 first question 〉 what was your first thought when you were casted for the show?
〉 I didn't know why they would cast me and I really didn't want to do it since I have better things to do, but here I am.

〈 second question 〉 what made you accept the offer to be one of the main characters of PLEDIS REVOLUTION?
〉 I didn't want to do it at first so I rejected the offer, but then they called me in my apartment and they offered a raise, so I thought it couldn't hurt.

〈 third question 〉 are you close to any of the other persons that were casted? if so, who and why?
〉 [Plotline #1], [Plotline #2], and [Plotline #3]. I'm the choreographer so I teach the trainees and the idols dances. I come up with their routines, so I naturally spend a lot of time with them. I always see [#1] having trouble adjusting to the environment and I can't do anything to help her, she chose the trainee life and I'm going to have to give it to her. [#2]'s a hard worker. I like her. [#3] and I make up a lot of the dances for the songs on her album. She's talented, I'll say that.

〈 fourth question 〉 what's your hidden weapon to swoon the viewers' hearts?
〉 It's definitely my looks. No doubt about it.

〈 fifth question 〉 what are your expectations of the show?
〉 I expect this show to be good. I know some people are only going to watch out for this idol and that idol, but I want them to keep watching it because we're interesting and entertaining. There's going to be that one guy in the show that's going to ruin it for everyone, but hopefully, they aren't going to be a bit too much.

〈 sixth question 〉 any last word to the viewers?
〉 Don't fantasize about me, okay? I'm not a talker, so don't expect me to be in the spotlight all of the time. Give the show a lot of support.

i'm very glad to be on the show, thanks.


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