❝ Eunhui Academy ❞ — Lee Sooyoung


Lee Sooyoung
FloorLamp |  Lampie | 8 out of 10
Birth name: Lee Sooyoung
Other names: Sarah Lee
Nicknames: Caramel; nickname used by classmates for her not-too-dark and not-too-light complexion
Birth date: November 23, 1997
Age: 17
Birthplace: Busan, South Korea
Hometown: Miami, Florida
Ethnicity: Korean
Languages: English; fluent, lived in America for 15 years | Korean; nearly fluent (her American accent and her  incorrect word choice gets in her way), born in Korea and spoke some Korean at home
Blood type: A



Traits: quiet, observant, intelligent, independent, honest, blunt, protective, clingy, hard-working, apathetic
Sooyoung's a quiet and intelligent girl. She's can learn things within a few seconds, making her the apple of the teachers' eyes. She doesn't cooperate very well and prefers to be alone when doing work since she doesn't trust people very easily. She tends to shy away from the crowd whenever they get too rowdy and she'll go off and do her own things. She's not exactly street-smart, but she's book-smart. Math problems, formulas, elements, and all that other stuff easily processes into her head, but when it comes to social events and big gatherings, she's not the type to be the life of the party. She's observant as well, so she tends to pay a lot of attention to the little things people do. Basically, she's judging them in a more quiet, simple manner. She tends to stereotype other people, like the queenkas and the kingkas, and she'll think that they're all douches and es. 
She's very honest about things. She doesn't lie to make someone feel better, she'll simply blurt it out like it's no big deal. She doesn't take into consideration about how the other person feels about the topic, she'll simply say what's on her mind. It's a bit risky to tell her a secret since she's always telling others about deep, dark confessions others have told her by accident. She doesn't trust others easily, and you can't trust her. Although she's smart and gifted, she's a terrible person to vent out to.
For her friends, she's very protective towards them. She feels as if they must be taken care of or else they'll wander off and leave her. She doesn't make a lot of friends, so when someone actually interests Sooyoung, she'll try to keep them by her side. She's a bit clingy and she'll stick to someone's side all of the time, but it's what she does. She can't keep shut, so she'll always get bullied by the other students, but having a friend by her side as a witness makes her feel at ease.
A trait she developed at a young age is a very visible trait. She's very hard-working and passionate about the things she loves and is good at. In academics, she's quick. She'll find the root of a number quicker than you can say "Pacific Ocean" and she'll be your first choice as a tutor. In dance, she's passionate about it and she works hard 24/7. However, because of this, she's a bit apathetic. When someone has trouble with something or doesn't get it, she wouldn't take notice and keep going at her own pace. Because of this, she has a really hard time working in groups, and she developed a more independent personality when it comes to work. And because of this, she'll be eliminated from tutoring.
All in all, she's very quiet and observant. She'll decide whether or not this person or that person would be worthy to be a candidate as a friend. She's really intelligent, but more of a book-smart intelligence. She's a lone wolf when it comes to work since she goes by her own pace. Her honest and blunt personality causes others to hate her and not trust her, and they would even bully her, which causes Sooyoung to stay close towards her friends. She's very passionate about certain things, but she's a bit apathetic since she's terrible at explaining things easy enough for other people to understand.
She was born in Busan as a normal child. Her parents were expecting her, so they could easily take care of her. Her father received a job offer in Florida as a university professor, so they all moved to Florida when Sooyoung was two years old. When she was three, her little brother was born. She was very kind towards him. She played with him a lot and they had this really close sibling bond as a result.
When she started elementary school, she walked in with a big smile on her face. She was glad that she's actually becoming a big girl and she began to be a lot more mature. She would take things seriously very often and try to join in on the conversations her parents had together. She would teach her brother all the things about life, as if she knew everything, and that amused her parents. 
However, when she started middle school, it was all changing for her. Her parents decided her future to become a doctor. They would be on her back 24/7 about academics, schoolwork, and after school activities that would help her college application. It was all stressing her out and she eventually became a lot more quiet and obedient towards her parents, and pretty soon, her friends. She detached herself from the rest of her classmates and submerged herself in her studies. She didn't find it depressing at all, but it was a lot for her. As a result, she was always the best in the class. She's always the person to receive the greatest academic awards and her parents were proud of her. They expect her to do WAY better than the average so she would always study hard. She developed her current personality because of this. She doesn't have a lot of time for friends, so she would always select the ones that would be some sort of advantage for her. She can't stand it when someone doesn't understand something since she'll learn it within a few seconds. She has a quiet personality since it's what would be best for her when she's studying.
But how could she stay sane? She had always loved dancing since she started middle school. She loved how they moved and how they expressed themselves, but her parents didn't approve of it at first. They would discourage her from becoming a dancer and they would push her towards the lifestyle of a doctor. But eventually, they let her take dance lessons. They would only let her pursue dancing as a hobby, nothing more, and she was happy with it.
Her brother went through the same thing when he began middle school. They expected him to be like his sister. It's a bit stressful for him and he would always beg her to do poorly so their parents could be easier on him, but she'll keep doing her best. He desperately tries to follow her footsteps, and his future is already decided for him as well. He's working hard to become a doctor like his sister and he's using basketball as a hobby and a stress-reliever.
When Sooyoung was 16, they moved to South Korea when their schooling system was in their break time. Sooyoung received a scholarship from Eunhui Academy due to her excellent grades.
Her morning routine consists of getting up, getting dressed, getting ready in the bathroom, and eating breakfast. She's not the type to wake up early since stays up late studying and doing extra homework, so she'll wake up around an hour before the bus comes. After school, she'll do whatever needs to be done. If she has clubs in the afternoon, she makes up a little schedule for her inside her head to budget her time used for doing homework, reading. and studying. She'll go to sleep at around midnight or 1 AM at the latest. During holidays, she'll celebrate it with her family. Her parents give her a break and they spend their time together as a family. Her weekends are kind of like breaks for her. She has to come home to Seoul to babysit her brother since her parents are working at their resteraunt. Sometimes she would help them out, but they usually reject her offer and ask her to babysit her brother because they don't trust him alone since he almost burned down the house in Florida (he tried to cook himself food and he forgot that he left the stove on and he didn't realize until the smoke detector went off and the stovetop was on fire). During school breaks, such as winter break and spring break, she would participate in workshops for learning and try to get better at Korean.
Hobbies: dancing, studying, reading
- dance performances
- coconuts
- books
- electronics
- guitar-playing (no she can't play, she just like the sound)
- cleaning
- dust
- bugs
- seafood
- chocolate things
- taps her foot to songs
- she'll do things ahead of times
- she's a nail-biter
- she stays REALLY quiet whenever she's nervous (like she doesn't talk, move, make any noises... she's just quiet.)
SNS accounts:
Instagram | @sarahlee_ | Profile Picture


Face claim: Jo Eun Hee
Backup face claim: Yu Rim
Height: 169cm
Weight: 56kg
BMI: 19.6
Appearance: She has a light tan, similar to caramel, that she received from living in the sunny state of Florida. She has dark brown hair that stops midway down her back. She has a scar on her left forearm that she has had since she was 12 years old from burning herself with hot oil when she was cooking. She wears a plain silver ring given to her from her grandmother that she always wears wherever she goes. She has somewhat large feet, but not super large. She has long legs and a small-medium sized body. Her arms fall midway down her thighs.
Style: She wears her uniform very comfortably but still appropriate. One or two buttons loose at the top and a bit of an unrolled sleeve. Her skirt rests very comfortably on her hips and fall down near her knee. The shoes she typically wears for school are dress shoes with knee-high socks, such as black flats. For dance practice, she'll wear pullovers if it's cold or a short-sleeved shirt that stops at her elbow and leggings/tights. She'll wear sneakers with ankle socks. When she's at the dorm, she'll normally wear things similar to her dance practice outfit. The colors she normally wears are normal, bland colors that can be mixed and matched. Her hair is usually let down or either put up into a ponytail. No buns, pigtails, or braids. She wears very light make-up such as very thin eyeliner and chapstick.

Father | Lee Hyungshin/Joseph Lee | 50 | English Teacher, Western Food Resteraunt Owner
personality: He's a really relaxed, calm guy. He doesn't stress over a lot of things and he'll joke around a lot. He's the kind of dad that would try to relate with the kids a lot and try to act like a kid himself. He's a bit on the overwhelming side because he always tries to get his kids to do this and that. Sooyoung and Jungsoo find him annoying at times, but they love him nonetheless.
interactions: They both have a very smooth relationship going on. They don't fight a lot and they don't disagree as much. He always wants what's best for Sooyoung so he would always introduce her to this and that to get her to experience everything life has in store for her.
Mother | Shin Haneul/Anna Lee-Shin | 49 | English Teacher, Western Food Resteraunt Owner
personality: She's a bit more uptight and strict than their father. She's more of a "do this exact thing" rather than a "do this however you want" kind of person. She enjoys seeing improvement than just having the same old reputation, so she's a bit hard on the kids AND herself. She stresses herself out and tends to blame the family, but she's very apologetic and would always apologize for her mistakes.
interactions: They both have a dislike towards one another since Haneul does not support Sooyoung's dancing interest. Her father was very supportive of it, but she wasn't. They don't fight and they don't disagree, but the way they speak towards one another shows that there's some kind of dislike. Sooyoung could say, "Dad, could you pass the salt?" to her father, but to her mother she would say, "Mom, pass the salt." 
Brother | Lee Jungsoo/Jackson Lee | 14 | Student
personality: He's a wreck. He's being pressured into following his sister's footsteps and he always falls behind in a lot of things. He's very bad at multi-tasking and he can't pay attention to things for a long amount of time. He's a kid. He wants some freedom in his life and he doesn't want to be forced to study a book, but sadly, his parents don't realize his anger and frustrations. He's always the kid being compared with Sooyoung and that drives him nuts, but he doesn't blame his sister. He's very kind and understanding towards his sister since he has a soft spot for her, and he's mature for his age.
interactions: He and Sooyoung are close. They both have that really tight sibling bond that can't be broken. Yes, he's ALWAYS compared to Sooyoung. He's ALWAYS expected to do the things Sooyoung does. But he doesn't blame his sister for it since their parents are making her do it. He acts older than Sooyoung, even though he's a child at heart, so he could try to relate to Sooyoung in the best way possible.
Best friend(s): 
Park Jimin | 17 | Student | 2-3 | Dance 
personality: (please look at the love interest section)
interactions: (same here)
Angelina Smith | 17 | Student
personality: She's very bubbly and happy. She has such a bright personality that it can come off as annoying. She's the girl that's going to walk up to someone first and greet themselves. Angelina's the person that expresses her happiness to everyone, even if they're strangers. How can these two be best friends? Angelina was able to get on Sooyoung's good side and Angelina would always act as Sooyoung's emotions and feelings. Angelina would be very frustrated when Sooyoung was frustrated and she would be happy when Sooyoung was happy. Angelina's  a helpful kind of person that stays right by your side.
interactions: They skype together to keep in touch and Angelina would always lead the conversation. Sooyoung would nod and agree to everything she does, but it brings Sooyoung a feeling of comfort from hearing Angelina's voice. She would always try to call Angelina whenever she can so they can keep their friendship together instead of breaking apart.
Cha Jaemi | 17 | Student | 2-4 | Journalism
personality: Jaemi's a quiet girl, similar to Sooyoung. She's very shy at times and she's the type of person to judge without knowing their story. She's smart, but not super intelligent like Sooyoung, and she would always be in the top five. She's a classic, hard-working girl that can be a bit boring at times, but her soft, gentle personality is the reason why she's still your friend. 
interactions: Jaemi and Sooyoung both have Book Club together.. They sit together during lunch, along with Jimin, and that's their group of three. They talk to each other about academics and their clubs and they would always share their food during lunch.


Student code: 749590
Year: Grade 2
Class: 2-2
Science | Biology, physics
Humanities | Economy, social studies
Others | Arts, food and nutrition
Grades: A's
Best subject: English Language = A+'s
Worst subject: Physics = A-'s
How she got in?: 
Direct School Admission
School club: Dance; Book Club
Social status: The Foreigner, The Wallflower, The Honor Student
School life: Since she's a foreigner, she's labeled with the stereotypes Americans hold. She's mistaken as lazy, dumb, and spoiled, but when they find out about her intelligence, they're surprised. The students don't interact with her a lot since she's a bit blunt and she has some trouble speaking Korean, but they treat her very normally. She does have a few enemies, such as the queenkas and some journalism buddies that want to get the best stories, but she does live a normal life. The teachers adore her since she's always at the top among her class, so they always go to her when no one knows the answers. She doesn't raise her hand a lot, but the teachers still call on her, and since she's always in her own bubble, she doesn't know what they're talking about, but she's a quick thinker. She can look at the board and answer the question within a few seconds, creating an excellent cover-up. She sits in the lunch room with Jimin and Jaemi at one of the corner tables that's a bit far away from everyone. If there's outdoor tables available, they'll sit there for some privacy and quiet. 


Love interest: Park Jimin
Age: 17 (October 13, 1997)
Grade + class: 2-2
Science | Biology, physics
Humanities | Economy, social studies
Others | Arts, food and nutrition
School club: Dance
Social status: The Wallflower 
Background: He was born in Busan as the oldest out of two kids. He's 3 years older than his younger brother, Jihoon. He had a passion for dancing since the middle of primary school and he would take a lot of dance classes in his free time. He's not the smartest kid out there, but he's an average student with a dream of becoming a great dancer. He got into the school through yearly exam (which he luckily passed). His family is an average middle-class family that's not going through any financial or personal problems.
Personality: He's a quiet kid. He has good looks and y charms, but he doesn't put them into action since he's not the type to believe in love (until he falls in love with Sooyoung hehehe). He's not exactly shy and awkward like Sooyoung, but he's not the guy that loves conversation. He's always in the back paying attention to the teacher and ignoring the stares that the girls give him. Yes, he has fangirls, but he doesn't consider himself a popular just because he's famous among the females (and some males). He's cold on the outside. He has a stoic, expressionless face on during class that tells everyone that he's not interested in anything. He built a wall to hide his inner emotions and feelings so no one can try to relate to him when they know nothing about him.
Towards his friends, Sooyoung and Jaemi, he's a bit more loose with them. He jokes around about little things and he would always be more childish and immature. Jimin feels safety whenever he's with the two girls, similar to how Sooyoung feels safe whenever she hears Angelina's voice. But wait, do other girls get jealous of seeing Jimin with Sooyoung and Jaemi? The die-hard fangirls do, but they don't really do anything about it since they want what's best for Jimin. He may come off as arrogant by the way he ignores his fans, but he asks himself "Why do the girls like me?" every single day. He's just a quiet kid that sits in the back. Nothing's really special about him.
How they met?: The only empty seat was next to Jimin so Sooyoung had to sit there. Since Jimin knew that seat was a bit squeaky, he asked for a new chair from the teacher since he knew it could be a distraction to the students. Sooyoung thanked him for changing the seat and they became closer since then.
Relationship: Best friends
Interactions: They both act very friendly towards one another. They have this kind of relationship, similar to an elderly couple, where they often bicker about really pointless things. Jimin's too lazy to do this and Sooyoung would yell at him to do it. Sooyoung forgets to do that and Jimin yells at her for forgetting. You can call it a love/hate relationship when in reality, it's a "couple argument" as Jaemi likes to call it. Oh Jaemi, she's stuck between the two so she would act as Cupid a bunch of times (when they both feel nothing towards each other). They're comfortable with light skinship such as shoulder-touching and elbow-locking, but no hugging and holding hands since it may send out the wrong message to the other kids. When they start dating, they gradually get comfortable with more skinship, but they will still act like an elderly couple.
Love story: They're seatmates in class, so they're naturally close. They're both the quiet kids in class, so their classmates always group the two together by leaving them out during class projects and discussions. They both take dance, so they always walk into dance class together and always sit next to each other. They don't feel anything towards one another until the dance teacher pairs two students together to do a dance performance. They decide to do a hip hop performance (Jimin's idea) and that they'll practice every Saturday. Jimin sees Sooyoung work hard and try to create new dance moves for the two of them to do and he begins to fall in love with her. Sooyoung, who's not interested in love, doesn't feel anything towards Jimin except a good friendship. But when Jimin confesses to her during lunch, she rejects him at first, but eventually grows feelings for him after she realizes how much Jimin has done for her. Sooyoung keeps quiet about this, but it makes her crazy trying to keep quiet about it until she accidentally blurts it out during dance practice. Jimin accepts her confession and they both begin to date.
Backup love interest: Lee Gikwang, Kim Jongin/Kai

Love rival: 
Age: ( stated above )
Grade + class:
Science | Biology, physics
Humanities | Economy, social studies
Others | Arts, food and nutrition
School club:
Social status:
How they met?:
Why is he the love rival?: ( does your character like him, does he like your character, do they have a past together )
Backup love rival:


Rival name: Im Yoona
Age: 17 (May 30, 1997)
Grade + class: 2-1
Science | Biology, physics
Humanities | Economy, social studies
Others | Arts, food and nutrition
School club: Dance ; Choir
Social status: The Honor Student, The Popular Kid
Background: She's the youngest out of two kids. She has an older sister who's two years older than her, Mina. Her family's pretty wealthy, so she attended this school through bribery. She went to the most prestigious schools in her childhood so she received pretty good education. Her older sister never attended this school since she wanted to pursue an acting career instead of academics, so she attended a performing arts high school, eliminating the choice of alumni as a way to get in.
Personality: Yoona's well-liked among the students. She's smart, she's talented, she's pretty, she's practically perfect. She's the teachers' pet since she's so smart. In fact, her parents didn't even need to buy her a spot since she could've gotten in through the exam or school admission, but since her parents are so wealthy, they spoiled her and bought her a spot instead. She's spoiled by her parents, and she did get used to it which is why she dislikes anybody taking her things and spots. She plans to have everything. She wants to be the best at everything so she could show her parents that she can do things herself, but sadly, because she's so used to being spoiled, she isn't used to the fact that other people are better than her at certain things. 
In school, she always has her hand up to answer the questions which pleases the teachers. The students look up to her as if she's some sort of goddess. They wish that they had her looks, intelligence, and talents. She doesn't let this get to her head, of course, but she enjoys the worshipping they do.
Reason of rivalry: They're both intelligent, pretty, and they both love to dance. They could've been best friends, if Sooyoung didn't knock her off of the #1 spot on the academics list. Yoona kept that spot since she started the school and seing it get taken by a foreigner really ticked her off. They're both enemies in terms of academics, but they're both okay with each other during dance... for a while. Yoona has a crush on Jimin. She adores his quiet, simple personality, but seeing him pair up with Sooyoung sets her off. First, her #1 spot is taken and next, her man is taken. She absolutely hates Sooyoung for claiming the things she had her eyes on first, so she develops this strong hatred towards Sooyoung, and being popular, she can get the students to hate her as well.
Interactions: They're always trying to outdo each other in terms of academics. Yoona's always the first to come up with some sort of academic challenge, but Sooyoung always ends up winning. Yoona always tells Sooyoung to back off from Jimin, but Sooyoung always tries to tell her that they're just friends. Yoona's not the type to slap and hit, but she's gets that feeling whenever Sooyoung succeeds at something. Sooyoung doesn't initiate any form of contact with her, but Yoona always tries to make small talk with her. They make fun of Sooyoung whenever she says a Korean word wrong, and when they do that, Sooyoung simply carries on the conversation in English to piss them off.
Backup rival: Lee Minyoung/Min, Kwon Yuri

Question & Answer

Part one.
The foreigner
01. Are you well liked by the school mates and teachers?
I do have a few... enemies among the students and I do get made fun of a lot for being a foreigner and having an American dialect, but the teachers really adore me. They always praise my work ethics and my grades are always A's.
02. Why did you suddenly transfer?
My parents decided that we should move back to South Korea so I could have a better learning opportunity, preparation for getting into Seoul National University, and to keep in touch with my Korean roots. 
The honor student
01. Is it by your free will to study this hard, or was there another reason?
My parents want me to do my best and they always made me study 24/7 in Florida. I guess it's because my parents don't want to see me fail, so they always made me study hard and get the best grades. I mean, I even took classes that were a grade above my actual grade back in school because my parents made me study what I'm supposed to learn the next year.
02. What do you want to be in future?
I have an interest in dancing, so I really want to be a dancer or a choreographer, but my parents don't approve of that, so I'm studying to become a doctor.

The wallflower
01. Do you have anyone you can depend on?
I have friends in Florida, and I always call them and Skype them. But I guess they aren't people that I could depend on. The one person that I can depend on... hmm... maybe Jimin. He's my seatmate and we both have dance class and classes together, so he's probably the person I could always lean on.
02. Have you tried getting out of your social circle?
No, I haven't. I mean, why would I? I already have what I need and more, I'm perfectly fine with my life now. 


Comments: i read the cheatsheet over again and noticed you guys changed the password. tricky tricky. hope you like sooyoung ^^
Scene request: 
- A gay student confesses to Jimin during P.E. and Jimin doesn't know how to react.
- Yoona gets so worked up over Sooyoung taking everything that's hers that she complains to the principal that Sooyoung's a cheater.
Anything else: "forever young" by alphaville because it basically states the meaning of life. yes, it's about the cold war, but in my perspective, it's the meaning of life. it says how everything will be gone and you'll be gone whether you're young or old. i wanna live forever young so i could experience everything life has in store for me, the new things that life will provide us.  but we don't have any control over our lives so we really can't live forever. it was kind of like a reality check for me.


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