❝ School Idols Complex ❞ -- Shin Eirin


Miss forever alone



Shin Eirin

 FULL NAME 〉 Shin Eirin
〈 PLOTLINE 〉 Miss Forever Alone
〈 POSITION 〉 Music Composer/Main Rapper
Shin; being a castaway from the school, her name wasn't that important to the other kids.
Ein (read as: Ay'n); her bestest friends are the only ones who call her like this.
Eirin; her friends call her by her name, since they got used to calling her by it.
〈 DATE OF BIRTH 〉 13 / 11 / 94
〈 PLACE OF BIRTH 〉 Busan, South Korea
〈 HOMETOWN 〉 Jeon Won, South Korea (moved)
〈 ETHNICITY 〉 Full-Korean
Korean; she would never forget her native language, of course.
English; she learned it so she can talk to other people in different countries, one day.
 FACE CLAIM 〉 Lee Yeonju (Mikki)
〈 BACK UP FACE 〉 Park Seul Ki
Height; 159 cm
Weight; 42 kg
She often ties her hair into a bun with her bangs in front (of course xD I don't want it on the back, that would just be hair xD -sorry), wears shades a lot when it's okay to wear it and hats or hair accessories, looks like a normal person
〈 STYLE 〉 She often wears shades, loose clothing since she likes the cool air even tshirts she wears are loose, hair accessories or hat to combine it with, she also likes wearing jackets and coats, wearing her usual rubber shoes, she often wear shorts as well, leggings with skirts, pants
〈 TRAITS 〉 Almost-Cold-Person (to mean people), Stubborn, Wise, Weird, A bit lazy, Introvert
Eirin, a stubborn yet wise girl. She isn't the type of person you'd see talking to different people in a minute. She doesn't want a lot of annoyance and uses her headphones just so she can stay quiet and enjoy her own self time. With the freetime she has, all she does is do weird stuff like dancing for no reason, draw a lot of things on one paper, just normal things but looks weird when she does it.
Weird, for reasons. She often does hand gestures that aren't really necessary when talking. Also, she doesn't know where to put away her hands when walking or just sitting and tangle her fingers a lot.
Stubborn, when you make her stop from doing something, she would just sit (or stand) there and look blank. Like it was only air that passed through her head. Wise, she doesn't let friendship or popularity overcome justice. She often makes the right choices and helped most of the people (who are also other castaways) with their problems. She helps fellows that need it, and worthy of it.
Being an introvert, she wants her personal space. She's always watching if you're trying to invade her private space, like knowing her more deeply than one should know. She wants to start from the bottom with friendship. She believes that quality is better than quantity.
Once you get to know Eirin, she's very funny and likable. She's just awkward around other people and have some panic attacks in big crowds. 
Nothing very particular has happened in her past. It was regular and normal. Aside from the fact that she was popular in middle school and high school. Being popular in her school makes the 'queens' mad. These girls have ruined a lot of girls' lives. And now they were after Eirin. Bullying her everyday and thinking that they are always the best.
Eirin finally stood up for herself. She wanted the bullying to stop, and immediately took action. She reported the girls about their bullying and was punished by making long essays, cleaning hallways and made them reflect on what they did. A lot of kids were thankful on her action and admired her confidence.
Let me explain the 'popular' part. Eirin in her middle- and high school years has performed solo with her guitar. She had kept this up until High school. This last time she performed, everything was went very wrong. Her chair's screws were loose so when she sat down, she fell on her bottom. Everyone laughed, making her self-confidence down. Next was her voice cracked due to her nervousness that something might happen again. This result to everyone laughing at her, she left the stage, trying to contain her sadness. This, was her fall. That time where rumors of her 'faking' her talent (since her voice cracked a lot on the last stage) and how she was just a loser to begin with. She began hiding in her room, but still goes to school (just not that sociable anymore and goes to places alone).

〈 LIFESTYLE 〉 She's currently living quietly wit her family. Nothing out of the ordinary. Also helping out in her parent's bakery shop and bake bread since she's not too well in the counter. Having her best friend accompany her, the one who never abandon her in times. When she tries to communicate with other students, she just gets ignored.
She's used to the feeling of not being able to talk to anyone. She's always the last one to go out of the classroom. Hearing gossips on how she was thought to be crazy or something weird rumors that weren't even true.
Mother | Shin Yumi | 46 | Bakery Owner | They act like a very loving daughter and mother. They also like to joke around, this is the only time Eirin feels really herself, the one she can't show others now because she's an outcast and never given a chance.
Father | Shin Minhyuk | 50 | Baker | The one who taught Eirin that having a lot of friends isn't the best thing, the moments that you share wth someone even if it's only that person, is more precious. He's a bit reckless and laughs a lot, having a great sense of humor.
Best Friend | Jung Daehyun | 20 | Student | They play around each other and tell stories about their day, or what they saw on the internet that was too awesome not to be noticed. He was the only one who talked to Eirin, and was the only one who didn't mind getting rumors on how he'll become an outcast too. He just thought that Eirin is funny and very friendly, and just hang out together a lot.
- She wears sunglasses all of the time.
- She almost became a school idol once, when rumors became to spread that she is crazy and weird.
- She likes Daehyun
- She often listens to music, wearing her headphones.
- She doesn't like rude people
- She doesn't like alcohol, its smell just annoys her and doesn't like the taste of it when she tried.
- She often draws when she's alone and have freetime (she has a lot of freetime)
- Eirin moves her feet a lot when sitting down.
LOVE INTEREST 〉 Jung Daehyun
〈 BACKUP LOVE 〉 Choi Zelo (If it's alright)
PERSONALITY 〉 Dreamy. That's how the girls described him. He was very outgoing and nice. He's often playing around and he would be mischievous sometimes. He's easy-going and does not get himself too stressed out about things. He is also bossy and arrogant sometimes and able to control Eirin, like making her answer his questions about the assignments he has. He can also be romantic and sincere.
〈 RELATIONSHIP 〉 Besties/Best Friends
〈 INTERACTIONS 〉 As said above, they like to play around and just have a laugh with each other; like tickling each other or just telling jokes. They are honest with one another and never tell a lie. Daehyun protects Eirin and doesn't want her to get hurt and always stands up for her when she can't.  He can be a bit over-protective with Ein and just gets mad when another boy approaches Eirin (Well in the futureeee~ :P) [ m-note; I can add more if you want more unni :) ]
〈 ANYTHING ELSE 〉 Hey unni~! If you have any problems or suggestions on my application, feel free to send a message! I really love Love Live ♥ (I tried to copy Kotori's hairstyle before >.>) I want to be your friend, if you'd allow that though ^3^ Arigatou for making this wonderful application story ♥ I'll be looking forward to future ones! 
SUGGESTIONS〉 Maybe Secret's I Do I Do pleaseee~? Hehe! (Or Buono! :D)
❝ Have fun applying! 


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