Thank you

    Kim Jaejoong, you have no idea how much love and respect I have for you as a writer and singer and just a person in general. Your voice is amazing and the music you write is absolutely beautiful. Some of it moves me to tears and I don't go a day without listening to it. And everything you have gone through just makes it that much more meaningful and special to me. You are such an amazing and strong person and I admire and respect you for everything you have done. Being an aspiring musician myself your music just helps me to keep moving and makes me realize that I can do it when things get tough. So thank you so much for your gift that you are sharing with the rest of the world. I know you'll probably never see this but I really wanted to say that and that I will support you 100% until the day you die. Thank you so much for sharing your music and talent and for being an amazing person. It really is very encouraging and beautiful. Please don't ever change. Saranghae <3 AKTF<3


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