I've been tagged...

Tagged by: Shana_DB5K:)

Rule one | post the rules

Rule two | answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it'll be at the bottom) and

then after, make your own eleven questions

Rule three | tag eleven people and link them to your post

Rule four | let them know you tagged them!

Questions and Answers



1] You prefer Yunho's moobs or Jaejoong's lips?

    Jaejoong's lips!! I love Yunho to bits but Jaejoong...Wahhh Words can't even begin to describe! He's just too much<3

2] Favourite EXO song?

    I don't particularly care for EXO but if I HAD to pick I would say Mama.

3] Junsu's Tarantallegra album. Your views on it.

   Pure AMAZING!!! It SCREAMS Junsu! I love how it's artsy and different and just so...him! You can obviously tell

   he put A LOT of work and effort into it and for that I am soooo proud to be able to call myself one of his fans! And I'm so proud of him!

  I CAN'T WAIT to buy the CD and have a copy of my own XD

4] Changmin needs to get laid. Yes or no?

    A million times YESSSS!!! We've already had this disscution but I'll say it again:) Changmin is just a cranky who needs

   and probably WANTS to get laid! Nobody watches that much for nothing. Just saying:)

5] If you could have any guy from kpop...who would it be and why? 

   You know my answer. Jaejoong:) I can't think of a more amazing or perfect man than Jaejoong...My wuvable Joongie<3 XD

6] Your bias introduces you to his hot friend expecting you two to hit it off.  His hot friend is nice. What to do?

   His friend would have to be GODLY HOT to get my eyes off of Jaejoong. I'm not saying I would blow off his friend because I would never

   do that to anyone. But I wouldn't be anymore than friends with his hot friend. Sorry Joongie, your gonna have to do a lot more than that

   to get rid of me XD

7] You caught your bias kissing a ty celeb. He says its not what you think. Will you give him another chance?

    I'd let him explain and If his reason wasn't good enough, I'd walk away. It would hurt but I wouldn't let anyone get away with

    something like that. I don't care who you are.

8] What makes the perfect man for you?

    I know this is probably not the best answer but I can't think of anything else. To sum everything up....Jaejoong:) He is everything I

    want in a man. It's just as simple as that:) Wow after all these answers I sound like a huge obsessed stalker. I'm not I swear! D: He's just

    too amazing!! XD That and my expectations are way too high. I should probably lower my standards a little, huh?....naaahhh. lol XP

9] Yoochun's acting skills are legendary. But what about Min,Yun and Jae?

     I personally think Jaejoong is a really good actor who is always looking for new challenges...at least that's what I've heard. lol.

     I think both Min and Yunho are also really good actors who need to be doing more dramas. Just saying. lol. And just throwing it 

     out there, Junsu is also a FINAMIANL actor! Just because your in musicals doesn't make you any less of an actor, it's actually makes you a

    better one because your singing, acting, and possibly dancing all at once most of the time and you can only do it all in one go. Yes, you have tons

    of rehearsals before the actual show but once it comes to the show that's it. No stopping and no do-overs. Just straight through in one go giving it

    all you've got. So in that respect Junsu has my utmost love and respect. I was also really really REALLY upset I couldn't see him in Elizabeth or

    even it at all! It looked soooooo AMAZING! And I'm sure he did a finaminal job as always:) I also have a soft spot for musicals because I'm in them 

    at least once a year. Operas too:) Plus I'm a HUGE music nerd. So sorry about the LOOONNGG answer ^^' But all of them are really good actors

    in my opinion:)

10] Favourite drama?

    "ROOFTOP PRINCE"!!!!! XD Hands down, no questions asked! It was just sooooooooooo PERFECT and AMAZING!!!:D But "Protect

    the Boss" is a close second:)

11] If men can lust over lesbians. Is it wrong for women to enjoy gay men? Debate. [Ive always been curious about this one] xD

      No. Why would it be wrong in the first place for us (women) to be able to converse, be friends with, and yes, enjoy gay men. I never got why 

     men are so into lesbians but hey, they probably don't get why we like be friends with and enjoy gay men.


Okay now for my questions. I'm not a very creative person so please bare with me^^':


1) Who is your favorite K-pop group and why?

2) How did you find out about K-pop?

3) What was your first K-pop music video?

4) If you could spend one day with your bias,what would you do?

5) In your opinion, who has the best body in K-pop?

6) Who has the best personality?

7) What do you think makes your bias the best?

8) What is your favorite song by your bias or bias' group and why?

9) What were your first thoughts when you first saw your now bias/fav group?

10) Has your bias list wavered or changed? If so, by who and who used to be your bias?

11) How did you find out about AFF?

Again, sorry if they aren't very creative^^'


Pleople I'm tagging:) :




Shana_DB5K:) <3









Have fun guys:)


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