I met a HOT dude part 2

Today is the concert of our city's kpop lovers/ fans.  I went there, Aira couldn't come with me since she had a job (to fetch SOMEONE ) --love you Ai-- anyway, I made friends with a few dongsaengs since I got lost and they led me to the concert hall. I found out that these dongsaengs were cover artists and well, we got along VERY WELL~ They needed to leave me for the time being since they needed to prepare and stuff so I was stuck outside, waiting for the go signal to go in when A VERY HOT GUY came up the stairs. It was the same HOT guy that I met last time (the one that danced and covered BEAST) and our eyes met. I swore, the usual loud bubbly me was no more. I remained quiet the entire day.



Gosh I'm a freak! He was passing infront of me like a million times, maybe waiting for me to say something (I'm delusional)..


Why do I always stiffen in times like this?!!


Sorry guys, I needed to let my feelings out again...


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