2014 Olympics in Sochi

OMG I'm so excited to watch the Winter Olympics!! I cannot contain my enthusiasm AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH

Fun fact: the original Olympics in Greece were because "clothing inhibited free movement."

Anyway, my fabulously gay self absolutely adores the figure skating competition especially the men. I can't wait to watch the long programs. Call me a traitor to my country, but I'm totally rooting for Yuzuru Hanyu from Japan. And no, it's definitely not because he's one of the most adorable things I've seen. No, totally not.


But that's not the entire reason.

If you haven't seen his short program in Sochi, which I think was set to "Parisian Walkways" by Gary Moore, you need to watch it. This guy is really good, even beating Russia's favorite, Pleshenko. And rightfully so. It's crazy to think that this guy is JUST 19, and THIS good. It makes me wonder what he'll be like in a few years, and more specifically, at the next Winter Olympics. I really, really, really hope I get to see him in the next one. I can only imagine how much he'll improve.

Alright, that's it. The Opening Ceremony is today, if it hadn't already been done and just not broadcasted for me.

I can only wish EVERY Olympian good luck, and just have fun!! <3<3<3


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OMG he is totally cute.....
unf.....is there a schedule...I need to make sure to watch the skating and such....I love figure skating....and now I must watch this freaking adorable guy...OMG too cute....*fans self*
is there a link for his short programme????