More Random Ninokuni Translations

This is from the introduction of the book.

Magic is a journey. To aim for the heights as a magician is to continue the neverending journey. Along the way, there may be impassable mountains. There may be valleys that obstruct your path. There may be oases that heal your fatigue. There may be beautiful, seductive forests. However, you shall not cease your steps. You who became a magician must diligently continue your path to become a wise one. That is what it is to be called a magician. It is the sole mission, the absolute test.

This accompanied the story of the man who wanted to become a god.

On the first day, he raised his staff,

On the second day, lightning flashed,

On the third day, a storm arose,

On the fourth day, the earth shook,

On the fifth day, a tsunami arose,

On the sixth day, flames danced,

On the seventh day, a blizzard blew violently,

On the eighth day, the new king sent forth light.

After that, the world lay prostate.

This is from the end of the book.

Words for New Magicians


I give an omen.

Of a while light on the other side of black darkness.

In the end, I will teach you a poem.

Without repeating mistakes of the past

Aim for the day when you will be called a wise one

I want you to proceed with this book.


What resembles does not move

Find one just thing

The white wall of the tower that hates commotion

Was unable to easily obtain

The mirage of a single white petal

Looking for he who is not behind you

Grieving over he who not in the castle

They who lurk behind the back

To the one who became a skull

Offer a white flower into his gaze


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