☆ Alpha Centauri ☆ Stardom's New Girl Group ☆ Yuri

☆ welcome to alpha centauri☆ 



☆the real me

Username: iMikiii desu~
I should call you: Miki ^^
Activeness: 8/10 


☆so kawaii~


Full name: [ Jung Yuri ]
English/Other name: [ - ]
[ Yuri ] ; she is often called by her name due to her, not liking to be called by different
names. So she simply wants to be called 'Yuri'.
[ Yuurin ] ; only her closest friends call her this. I really mean the CLOSESTTTTTT =P

D.O.B.: [ 13th of December, 1996 ]
Age: [ 17 years old ]
Ethnicity: [ Asian // Korean ]
Birthplace: [ Seoul, South Korea ]
Hometown: [ Seoul, South Korea ]
Blood type: [ AB ]
Height & Weight:
[ 163 cm ] // [ 42 kg ]

Languages: [ Korean ] ; Fluent  // [ Japanese ] ; Conversational


☆tell me more

   [ True feelings ] ; Yuri often plays around and laugh. She simply makes the most of the day. When she is given the chance to do something that she can't do, she'll do it. She feels others' pain, and often be there when they need someone to talk to or a shoulder to lean on. When life gets hard, she will face it, and still smile so no one would worry. 
   [ Acting tough ] ; Whenever something happens that would completely change her life, she would put a 'front' and act tough. She doesn't want to look pitiful, but at one point, she learned that calling for help isn't bad. She can always count on someone. She's also very clumsy and trip without anything there.

[ guitars ] ; guitars have been a part of her life, given a toy guitar when she was little. It has been there to give her joy. Also that her brother plays the guitar.
[ bread ] ; her most favorite food in the world, because of her father and mother's work in the bakery.
[ stuffed toys/soft pillows ] ; she just wants to hug them ALL DAY LONG. ^^
[ Sherlock ] ; she loves reading the Sherlock Holmes books and watching every movie related to Sherlock.
[ variety shows ] ; when she was a kid, she often watches the variety shows and admire the idols who participate there.
[ sitcoms ] ; it cracks her up, everytime. x3

[ alcohol ] ; she doesn't like the taste of alcohols and won't touch it again.
[ bad guys ] ; she had a trauma from those kind of guys,  I mean like burglars.
[ horror movies ] ; once she watches one, she won't get sleep until the next day, when she simply forgets about it and think that it never happened.

[ guitar playing ] ; she does it a lot to practice, and also does it for fun with her brother.
[ reading books ] ; sherlock, as expected. Orrrr, manga~

Has went to Secret's fansign event
Participated in a singing contest and won 3rd place
She often eat breads, not rice, and drinks a lot of water
Even though she drinks a lot of water, she likes the soda 'Coca-cola' / 'Coke'
Has a lucky bracelet that she always wears

   [ Her world ] ; when she was smaller, the bakery was once  owned by her grandmother. It was passed down to her umma, because her halmoni died from disease. She was very close to her halmoni and often watch her make bread. Time passed by and Yuri tried to forget what happened. Yonghwa helped her get through of her halmoni passing away by music. He plays her songs and it just makes her day. 
     But one day, burglars got in their house. They took Yuri as hostage, and as expected, she cried. Her father got a wooden box and hit the burglar. They hurriedly called the cops and got the criminal. This made her traumatic of other men. But as expected, her parents and Yonghwa tried everything to help her get over the matter and got her some rest.

tumblr_lqlk9l0h131ql1l0v.gif  tumblr_lqlk9l0h131ql1l0v.gif  tumblr_lqlk9l0h131ql1l0v.gif

☆you're my heaven

Father | Jung Yongjin | 50 | Pastry Chef | Focused, Loving, has a Sense of Humor | 9/10
Mother | Jung Mina | 48 | Bakery Owner | Loving, Caring, Helpful | 9/10
Brother | Jung Yonghwa | 24 | Idol - CN.Blue | Funny, Brotherly, Protective, Playful | 10/10

Park Chorong | 22 | Idol - Apink | Leader Aura, funny, fun to be with | 111/10 // 10/10
Song Hannie | 19 | Student | Friendly, Geeky, Awesome | 10/10



Ulzzang/idol: [ Juniel ] // [ Choi Junhee ]
Photos: Gif Hunt // Gallery (two links - gal - lery)
Back-up ulzzang/idol: [ Yoon Bomi ]
Photos: Gif Hunt // Gallery (two links - gal - lery)
(I made that gif hunt for Bomi ^^ You can requesttt =D)

Style: Wears hats, short dresses, long sleeves, rubber shoes.


☆we go together like copy and paste

Name: [ Jeon Hojoon ]
Group: [ Toppdogg ]
Birthdate/Age: [ 31st of October, 1992 ] // [ 21 years old ]
    [ Him. ] ; sweet and caring; this is how you'd first describe Hojoon. Once you get to know him, he's very
playful and likes to tease people (not like the bad teasing type xD). He likes to mess around, but when
problem comes, he'll come to the rescue! 

How did you met:
    [ Embarassing ] ; (Yuri's POV) we first met in a cafe. And you guessed it! I tripped. Again. Third time on that
day. I felt really sorry to him since the hot chocolate was still hot. I bowed to him like, a hundred of times, and
he told me that I should make up for it by keeping in contact with him. Oooookay... Is that natural? o.o 

How do you act towards each other:
    [ Friendship ] ; we act really close. Act. Just kidding, we do play around though, like best friends. Just best 
friends. But I don't lose hope! We like each others company when we don't do anything.

Relationship: Best Friends (miki here: 3)

Back-up: Jung Ilhoon


☆i'll conquer the stage

Stage name: Yuri
Position: Main Vocalist 1
Back-up position: Main Vocalist 2
Training years: 3 years and 5 months
Personal fanclub name: Ricake(s)
Personal fanclub colours:  660066cc9900


☆any last words

Questions: No questions really =)
Comments: Oh goodness! Please! Don't kill me! xD

Yey! Application where we can use idols! We're very fond of using idols as our
face claim like in our stories as well ^^ I hope to be friends with you guys! And, I know how
you guys feel~ When we make stories, me and my cousin Jiyu put ourselves in the story >3<
It just gets you involved and more willing to continue the story right? ^^ 
Let's be friends okay~? ^^ Nice to meet you guys!

Sorry that I changed the format ;^; I hope that's alright for you! <3 <3 Kamsahamnida <3



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