look forward to it and enjoy it ^^

okay peoples ^^

ive told some people that when my bias changes my whole profile will change and i meant it ^^


because I dont have the time to go on photobucket and youtube this week (until thursday because i have my semester finals tomorrow and on thursday ><) so i havent changed my profile yet ^^

i will most likely be changing it completely on friday and ill blog it too so, look out for it~



now that ive said that, im sure you all have a clear idea of who im "erasing" right? obviously, i'm still a shawol and an MVP but it just won't be as big in my heart anymore...

im now an EEL and for those that don't know WHOSE fanclub that is it's the fanclub of Hwang Taekyung/JANGGEUNSUK<3 xDDD


so yes, my new profile should be about him...maybe not as MUCH but it's definitely going to be there ^^ i'll still be leaving some ONEW gifs there but...yeahh xDDD


anyways, ill be writing JANGGEUNSUK fanfics for now and stopping on my other fanfics with the exception of life because I can always change the main character to geun suk oppa rather than have it be onew, i'll just have to change the tags and the main character section ^^


so, regardless, i hope you guys will support xDDD


thanks ^^


and im super sorry to those MVP's that's supported my love for our beloved leader of SHINee, Onew.
Don't get the wrong idea.
I'm not COMPLETELY over him, im just not as obsessed with him as before ^^


oh, and i might have a new dp on my facebook account soon also ^^ (if you havent added me find me xD HyeJae HuiYu Kang) ^^





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-xminhye #1
Ahh HELP ME !!<br />
Going to SS3 is such a bad idea..<br />
Im afraid I'll be in the same state as u .. 'CHANGING BIAS'<br />
I really hope I'll NOT of course.. =.="
OMG i'm an EEL too!!!! jang geun suk daebak!
kim_seul_young #3
I'm an EEL too and I liked JGS when I watched doremofasolatido... <br />
<br />
He's a great actor and singer for me.... although Onew and JGS are in different fields though they can always be your biases...<br />
<br />
Good luck in your stories!
I love Jang Geun Suk... but I was very much looking forward to see Onew in Life... :/ Well, I guess there's nothing I can do~
lol crazy girl, just don't change bias too much haha<br />
and well u can't be obsessed forever so it's normal ^^<br />
plus jang geun suk is more an actor than a singer like onew so it's quite 2 different fields! <br />
u're just more into his drama but i agree that his voice is beautiful in the Ost he sang there ^^