Taemin Smoking

I know, I know, you guys are sick and tired of hearing/reading this, but let's get serious.


Most, if not all, Korean Men smoke. So, it shouldn't be such a big deal, right? Now, before you all judge me, I DESPISE SMOKERS. I would cough in front of them, just to make them feel bad for destroying somebody's life and the enviroment (I apologize if you are a smoker, I just hate the heavy smokers). We can't really judge what he's doing in his life. He was off-camera, which means he can do what he want (that never happens though). Also, a lot of people "say" it wasn't him, well, with my personal opinion with the pictures, it seems pretty legit. 


Taemin's my ultimate guy bias. He was the one who pulled me into the world of kpop, and now, seeing this, it really is disappointing. But, as I said, I can't judge him, but we're humans. That's all we do; judge. Also, it seems really bad cause he's the maknae. He used to be everybody's little angle and now...he's changed.


I don't know. I just wanted to say something about this. SM hasn't said anything yet. I doubt they even know about it. So I'll be waiting for that.


People say they smoke to release stress, right? So, I think he's doing this for that. I care for him and his body, I hope he isn't addicted.

Please, don't be addicted, Taemin.


What do you guys think? Personal opinions can be shared, I'll try to talk to everyone.


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seungwarm #1
I smoke when I'm drunk and that one time I was freaking stressed. I've got a lot of friends who smoke and they are actually few of the nicest people I have the chance of knowing. What you do with your body doesn't define who you are anyway. Yeah. He's probably stressed out. It's probably bad because he's an idol and all and people want to be like him or something but whatever, right? He can do whatever he likes. He's still my second favorite. God knows what the idols are doing, anyway. So yeah.
this is really the first time i heard about taemin smoking wow. but tbh i really dont care, i mean as long as he doesnt pull a justin beiber we're good
teamin is an adult now so ofc he cant be a little angel all is life. for me if they all smoke i could care but i hope they know what would happen to them if they smoke a lot