EXO's Showtime with ENG Sub [Episode 8]

Here you go. 

I actually had this for a long time but I was trying to find a more fully subbed one.

Well, this will have to do for now.

If this gets deleted or if I find a better one, I will repost it so look out for it.


I also have download links for Ep 6 and 8 if anyone is interested so comment so I can give it to you.



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Ryeoli #1
Is the link still sharing??? I really want the download link for episode 8~
Thank you so much to subtitle the video!!!!!
angelblues13 #2
hi ^^ is the link still up for sharing!?! TeeHee thanks btw for sharing the videos and links of EXO Showtime~ Have a good day!!! ^^
etteine #3
hi!!~~^^ could you pretty extra please give the download link for ep 8 to me? XD and oh yes, is this the link for the video above? Quite curious since you say that you are still trying to find a more fully subbed video.. :)
thank you so much for your time though. you've been such a great help.. love you and your stories so much!!:)
sourhale #4
hopefully you're still offering/checking this, but could i maybe get the downloads for eps 6 and 8? thank you SO much, youtube is harder for me so the downloads you've provided made my day!!! <3
Thank you so much !!!
I'm a bit sad we didn't see everyone. I'm sure Lay and D.O. trying to have their license would kill me from too much laughing !
thank you so much for this! T^T
thanks for sharing! ^-^