We didn't ruin it for you

The site didn't ruin it for you.
The exo writers and their exo fanfics didn't ruin it for you.
The exo fans who subscribe, comment and upvote exo fanfics didn't ruin it for you.
You ruined it for yourself by choosing to focus on the things you don't like, insteading of doing something about it.

This post goes to all those people who complain about the site, Boss Nichi, the exo writers, the exo-tagged fics, the exo fandom and exo for the lack of non-exo fics to read. 

1. The site has nothing to do with the increase of exo fanfics or for the featured fics being almost exo-tagged fanfics. It only serves as a place to publish fanfics. The feature system algorithm chooses the fics with the most number of upvotes. The advertisement system chooses the fic of the bidder who beat all the bids for that day. The site is a neutral and non-living entity that cannot, in any way, dictate what gets posted in it (except for restricted content). And it sure can't defend itself from all accusations thrown at it so Keeper is here to do just that. Don't blame the site, it's innocent.

2. Boss Nichi spends time and energy to run this site. He provides us with a place to publish and write fanfics, plus all the neat features so that we can have fun. What more do you want him to do? Keeper posting exo fanfics is not on him. Readers favoring exo fanfics is not on him. He got nothing to do with exo. What? Others can't even follow the few rules we have here, you expect him to what, ban exo fics? Limit the number of exo fics by passing a memo or another rule? Don't blame boss.

3. Writers write what they want. And they can, within the stipulations of our terms of use. When I started here, most fics on Kibum were about him and Heechul or the 'kibum' tag was Shinee's Key (It didn't help that 2010 is the golden year of Shinee). Did I complain? Did I demand those writers to write het for me? No. I looked for SJ Kibum x OC fics. I'll take what I can from what is available and be grateful. So instead of about this exo writer or that exo writer, not writing a fanfic for your own group, why don't you focus your energy on that writer who actually writes about your group? And complaining about it won't get exo writers to write what you like. (What happened to your fandom's writers anyway? I don't believe that all of them has up and gone or has been converted to the exo fandom. They still exist. Stop ignoring them.)

You say some exo writers write exo fanfics because that's what the readers want.  Is that wrong? Writers want readers. To get them, they should give the readers what they want. Do you think they don't like writing exo fics? Of course, they do! I can't imagine a writer hating the story he/she is writing but does it anyway because of the readers. I won't write even though that's what the majority wants. Meaning, writers still have control on what they write. And I think its unfair to blame them for wanting readers. It's no fun to write and enjoy a published story you wrote, on your own. That's just sad. 

Writers abide by the law of conservation of energy. I won't continue a story when no one is reading it. Someday, I'll finish it. For now, I'll update my other fics. That's how it is.

4. Readers read what they want. Badmouthing them, their fandom's writers and the group they stan won't get them to read your fics or your fandom's fics. You are basically hating them for what they like. You say that it's unfair. That's life. Majority of users here are fans of EXO. Get over it. Complaining about them and their preferences won't get you anywhere. I suggest you start being a good reader yourself. Subscribe, comment and upvote. If exo fans create multiple accounts just to upvote exo fanfics, rally your fandom (not to create accounts) but to upvote. (Or maybe in your fandom, you are one of the few who are hung up on the featured system? Especially those who have been here long, getting featured is no big deal. Anyway go to your profile tab > preferences > uncheck the box next to display featured fic in front page.)

5. Blaming EXO for the number of fics written about them and having those fics featured is ridiculous. What their fans do is not on them. The fans are not their responsibility. Yes, the EXO fandom is known for being loud, crazy, immature, all-over-the-place. They comment on other groups' mvs, articles, etc. and piss the hell out of other fandoms. They are insensitive, asking an Infinite writer to write EXO. They don't think most of the time. Guess what? I had my share of huge anime sweat drops, massive headaches and nerve-bursting encounters with them. But did I let those brats ruin anything for me? Besides, not everyone in the fandom are like them. So I think you are being unfair to the rest who did nothing wrong, by blaming them for the actions of fellow fans, sasaengs, antis and trolls. And try reigning in your prejudice and anger first before suggesting that sane fans should control the rest of the fandom. Believe me they tried. But brats never listen do they? 

So now, who is to blame for ruining kpop and aff for you? 

Instead of focusing on what you don't like, turn your attention on what you like. Don't bother with EXO, exo fanfics, exo writers and the fandom. 

1. Use 'exo' as the excluded tag when you search for fics about your group.
2. Host contests to increase fanfics of your group.
3. Find all the fanfics of your group and recommend them.
4. Encourage your fandom or at least those subscribed to your contest or recommendation thread to be more active, to not ignore the stories. Let the writer know you are reading his/her story so that he/she won't stop updating. (Writers won't stop writing but they can stop posting chapters.)
5. Appreciate what you have. Just a little shift in perspective goes a long way - no jealousy or envy on what others have and no frustrations on what you lack. 

If after all that I've written, you are still bent on sticking with your mindset, may you find what you are looking for some place else and I hope you learn to stop blaming others. Take responsibility.



- Keeper

/sorry if this post upset you but there are things that just need to be said


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asdfghjklONLY4YOU #1
Wow. This blog really speaks for itself. Bravo. I read the first 4 sentences & I already know this blog is totally 100% Fabs! :))
hyojungah #2
I seriously love to read your blog post bcs it's really relevant. I like the part where you say i won't continue a story when no one is reading it. :)
I'm amazed at the amount of whiners on this site -__- I may like for example more then hetero, but I don't demand hetero writers to write fics. Why can't some people on here just leave others alone? If they hate something that's fine, but never, ever attack the writer or the fans for writing something they love to write about. That's not the way to go period.

I may not get certain pairings on here that people write about, but hey whatever floats their boat I guess ^^;
miko12 #4
Or those who complain can actually try writing some stories about their bias group. :)
Live happy by being happy and don't bother with the things you don't like, right? I think just having a happy perspective will make people in general happy, so just read on about that group you like or try reading a fic about a group you don't stan and be open-minded about it :)
RickJoe97 #5
Woa woa woa....I think I'm not going to comment anything. hha...this is really serious LOL. Don't kill me for being a er...
I just hate people sometimes, especially a lot of them are whiners. There are worse things going on in the world and they complain, and yet, non of them even want to realize why people write the fic they're writing about. Some write to have fun, while others do it to de-stress, others use it as a device to save them from themselves, or some use fanfic writing to get the kinks out before they start publishing actual works. Just because they're writing EXO doesn't mean it gives people the right to ostracize them.

I mean, I don't like the main ot12 pairings in EXO because I just don't see the chemistry there, unless you're talking bromance. But that doesn't mean I bash people for shipping it, I may shake my head at them because I don't know how/why you see them that way, but that doesn't mean I'm going to go and rally the rest of the people like me and on them. If anything, I just ignore it to the best of my ability and read/write what I want to see. I'm not upvoting, reading, commmenting on the fics I don't like, I only do that for the fics I do and I'm extremely generous when it comes to that stuff. Just like the people who read non-EXO fics should kind of be as well. I'm not saying they need to upvote and comment on everything, but for the works they think are good to amazing and then rec that fic to people and say something along the lines like 'Hey, if you end up liking it, leave a comment, subscribe, or even upvote.' A lot of people will at least do one instead of reading it and never doing anything like that.

(View replies, this got kind of long.)
You're right and I love reading your blog posts. They are awesome.
We have a lot of immature users in here and I hate that they can't understand simple things. I love reading stories about EXO and I hate reading stories with OC, because I have learnt that a lot of authors put themselves as mine character. I know there are a lot of people who don't do that, but I can't force myself to read those fics anymore. But I'm not complaining about those stories, because others like them and that's enough. We have so much subscribers and I'm not the most important user there, so I can't complain about something so stupid. Writers can't write stories about groups they don't know and people who ask them to do so are really immature. They can write those stories by themselves, they don't need others to do so. Sometimes I think, there are too much users and some of them should be banned, because they can't understand that AFF has its rules and complain about everything instead of enjoying what AFF gives them.
Just so you know, I love reading this stuff..and reading other people's opinion *nod nod nod*
ButterflyShida #9
for me it is really easy. If i don't like something, i just ignore it.
Yesss! I'm agree! Author write story they inspired of, if they inspired by exo and wants to write exo.. why did they blame the site, seriously? Who the hell is the immature one..
And yes, that's right, many of exo fans is immature because many of them is kinda aged between 10-16 yo. I'm an exo fan but seriously pissed off by those immature fans. But yeaah, just ignored them, just pretend we live in different world..
Yeah, I agree. I kinda now feel like holding a contest for one of my favourite group now... but I don't think mine would go very mainstream... :/
And exactly! Writers write what they want as long as it doesn't violate the terms and conditions, because since when did Exo fics violate the rules. Like, I don't like , but never once in my whole year of being on here, did I ask the to write about non-ual romance...
I couldn't agree more. I myself have been asked to write EXO and I had to refuse them kindly. They got frustrated, asked me what's so bad about EXO.
1) They're a 12 member group. It's the same reason why I won't write SUJU fics either, there are too many characters to keep straight. I make this mistake with my SHINee fics sometimes, and they're only a five member group lol.

2) I like two of their songs. As with SHINee I like nearly 50% of the songs on each of their albums and mini-albums. Sure I've tried to get into EXO but I just can't do it.

3) Same reason why I don't write B2st, Infinite, and any other fandom fics, I don't know much about them. I only know enough to write them as a supporting actor in a story. Not much more than that.

4) I like what I like, and we may not have the same tastes, but I didn't come to you asking for SHINee fics, did I?

After stating these reasons, the girl left me alone, but still I get told quite a bit that if I write EXO versions of my fics I'll get more subscribers. Honestly I don't care. I have people reading my fics, commenting and upvoting. I'm fine with that.
I love when people get like that. First it was "TOO MUCH SHINEE" and now "TOO MUCH EXO." Like. Really. You want change? Do something about it. Go out and find more fics and spread word to your writing/reading friends. Write more fics. Recommend more fics. Do the contest thing, like you suggested, and get more people involved in it. Don't spoil the fun for the rest of us by stamping your foot like an angry child and demanding we give you what you want. No. The world doesn't work like that. You want something? Work for it, make the change, make it happen, but protesting and doing the "LEAVING THE SITE, TAKING MY READERS WITH ME BYE" spiel isn't making us look bad; it's making you look like a toddler throwing a tantrum.

Whoops that went into rantland LOL