
I thought I wouldn't be writing another blog after the failure in my last one. XD

Well I wanted to say I'm so sorry for not updating as much as I want to.

I don't think my teacher really likes my class so I got tons of homework!!! >.<

Don't worry I'm still writing as much as I can so please please please wait!!!!

I've been Christmas shopping and bought lots of goodies for presents for my friends and family. I'm so upset that I can't get any of my supporters anything because you guys are the best!!! ^-^ <3

Anyways I'm sure many of you heard SHINee's new album!!! I love it!

To leave this off with a good note, because I love Christmas, I decided to write a oneshot. Christmas edition. So updates might be a bit held back for a bit.

I was thinking of writing Jongkey or Minkey because well I love the pairings and I want to try to go for a new style of writing. ^_^

I do hope you support and again I'm am very sorry!!! I'm going to write right now!!!

Bye :P


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@leejoonlover I would love to send you one. ;) If I knew where you lived. >:3
Are you going to send me a present? <3<3<3<3<3 LOL I'll read ur oneshot :)