TAG YOUR IT!! No seriously, you are.


Let’s play a tagging game! 

Tagged by danuyel2006


Rule One | Post the rules!

Rule Two | Answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it'll be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions!

Rule Three | Tag eleven people and link them to your post!

Rule four | Let them know you tagged them!


1. Who is your ultimate bias? ( Choose 2?) SHINee.... I can't choose just two!!! As shawol I love them all!!!

2. What is your story of how you got into Kpop? Friend was hooked than because she talked about it so much I got hooked.

3. Do you have a lot of friends who like Kpop? A good amount. So I guess yes.

4. What year did you start loving Kpop? 2009-2010? Wow that's late....

5. Has this post annoyed you? Nope :3

6. Where are you from? Born and raised in Canada, but half cantonese and mandirin.

7. Have you ever attended a Kpop concert? No.... Sadly DX

8. If so, whos concert was it? Skipppp since I never even been to one......... *cries*

9. Um...if you could live anywhere in the world,where? Korea, Japan, Canada (I love Canada) Miami, Hawaii, etc.

10. Would you rather be an angel or a demon? Demon, I'm going to hell anyway. Besides it would be fun being a demon >:D

11. What kind of personality do you have? (Ha! Hard question! >:D) ........Shy towards strangers, crazy toward friends. Does that make me two faced? 


My Questions (Not inncoent at all.....If you don't want to answer some questions just skip it or something. By the way I just wanted to make this fun. Don't think of me as a e or anything. LOL)

1. Have you ever imagined anyone in the K-POP industry , if so who?

2. Who's one person you can never get along with in the K-POP world?

3. What cereal do you like to eat?

4. What's your favourite Disney movie?

5. Personality or Looks? (Be honest)

6. How many girlfriends/boyfriends have you had?

7. One piece or two piece swim suits?

8.Do you wear make-up?

9. At what age did you know what was and how did you figure out?

10. Do you find these questions... creepy? LOL 

11. Cookies or ice cream? (Yeah a bit more innocent)


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Oh shhhhhh it's a secret ;)
I think we all know you're a e (;