It does get better

I had another reality check two days ago - sort of (if some of you guys read my previous blog post, then yeah... that explains it) And I'm going to be such a hypocrite of myself right now but whatever. 

But basically, I'm not here to type out my whole ing life story, that's bull. (excuse my excessive swearing and such) I realized how stupid I was for letting my emotional side take over, rather than my rational one. I would bang my head against a wall any day for doing something like this again, but this always happens and I think that it'd be better if I just wrote everything out. 

I think that sometimes we forget that everything will go away, we've got a whole freaking future ahead of us, yet we think that these problems will haunt us for the rest of our lives. For example, bullying will follow on into adulthood and such. No. That's wrong, it won't. It'll get better. Even though I'm still in the process of believing those words, I'm going to make it a habit to remind myself  of those words. You should too, I swear, it'll do you good. 

Oh, and even if I don't know you or your problems, never forget that you'll be facing tougher challenges in life. These are only bumps in the road that you'll have to overcome - some of them will be big, other will be small. But hey, that's life. You can't change what happened, it's all done. 

And maybe I'll still self harm and think of horrid thoughts, but they'll all disappear one day. After all, they don't just go away in one night or whatever. It takes time, and maybe that day won't be tomorrow or next week, but it'll be one day in the future. For now, I'm taking it one day at a time - or even one second at a time (wow I don't even know, you catch my drift right?).

Take it easy and don't think too far ahead. Also, these words aren't just for me, but they're too everyone out there also. Take into account that you're not alone. Everything will get better. Even if you think no one's on your side, there's always someone who will be and you probably don't even realize it!

Now, I'll end this here before I continue to ramble, Here's a lovely quote that I learnt today.

"To Live in faith that the world is on your side so long as you are true to the best that is in you" - Christian D. Larson


I'm also 100% sure that this blog didn't make any sense whatsoever, Haha.


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SilentBliss #1
I'm glad you're better now. I got a bit afraid after reading the previous post.
It's so inspirational that I think I'll go and study now. xd
Keep getting positive!
It's awesome you got your back together!
i think i should learn that too. but doing it is harder when sometimes the problem felt too much, sometimes i just wanna drown myself in my deepest misery, forget that there's tomorrow. i tried to not live in the past coz it's depressing. but i can't seem to forget the past n move on yet.
err, idk why i suddenly ramble this. never mind. i'm glad if you got enlightened :)
That's great that you're seeing the better side of things. And this made perfect sense.
Make sense for people having problem...I'm not one though I understand...