My Dad's Words Of EXO Really Hurt Me

So my sisters Tatsmato necklace came in today and she was all thankful and stuff and then my dad came over and when he saw it-after I told him she had it- he recognized it and my sister was all like omg he knows my group. Then when I asked him who my favorite group was he said. ". . . .the bunny people too right" and I walked away and sat with my dog. 

then I went and got my exo shirt for him to see it. I was halfway down the hall when he said loud and wrong, "Oh yeah! A X O!" I almost broke my ankle I fell to the floor laughing with my sister. Like wtf dad really!? AXO!? Does that even sound right!. Anyway we started talking about the group and he was stuck on 12 dudes being in a group together. We kept telling him it what fans like and stuff and he was like it's not a group it's a choir (XD). Then the hurtful thing was when he said "They probably don't even like each other. They probably hate each other but put on smile for you. They probably hate coming over here"

I cried. I seriously cried. Me and my sister were like "gasp!" And my mom said "You should have not said that." My sister held me while I cried and my dad was like "are you seriously crying what did I say!?" That really hurt me, that was a deep cut and even from my dad it made it worse. I wouldn't have done much but be a little shocked at someone like my friends who know nothing said that own father TT~TT ANDWAE!! (Lol running man)


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ChibiBunny123 #1
I think your dad is right they don't like each other they pretend to like each other I mean I like EXO but not as much as I did back then if they are one they should of supported Kris so your dad is saying the TRUTH.
LMAO The bunny group!
I was afraid of that bunny thing before ya know...and bcuz of it, I didn't to listen to B.A.P
but now I do~ >.< So it's all cool~
I kept thinking what if your dad is right.... ;~;
I'm making a sad face right now :(
Aw man.... that hurt me a bit....
But yeah like your dad said and itxlyna you really don't know how their true personaliies are like who knows what they even think of us ypu really should never believe someone that you never met or if they do somethig really amazig for their fans like justin bieber does hen probably that would show their more true love for. But remeber this never judge people by their looks.
When my parents found our that I'm listening to EXO they immadietly went racist they kept saying they are suisidal but I was so angry and just went to my room after they finished talkig and and started cursing them so badly. Dude why do people have to be racist qe are all humans we shoudnt judge !!!!
My mom never said like that to me (my father already pass away) , but she's always mad at me cos I never doing my homework properly cos I fangirling like a mad man hohohoho
Just take it easy bb, your daddy said like that just because he didn't know how bestest EXO are :)
I agree with itzlyna, you'll never know what inside someone's heart. And well, Our dad live longer than us, so he know about world more than us. The world is more cruel than what your father word, so you better prepare.
itzlyna #8
Your dad is realistic. Some of us are too hypnotised to even differentiate between what is marketing and what is true feelings. They might be true friends but they might act like T-ara did. In the end it's not their choice to be solo artist or not, it's the company choice, if the don't like it they know the way out of the building.
Eunhae123689 #9
O*O if he thinks they don't like each other then why the hell are they not solo artists?! It's pretty obvious that everything the guys have been through is.enough hardships to practically mold the 12 of them together and- and I'm ranting again -_-"