1st AFF Anniversary


Wow, time has seriously flown since I created this AFF account! It's my first anniversary on springrain, and I'm so proud of how much I achieved during this year. I hit 1000+ subscribers on a story for the first time, plus I placed in a writing contest for the first time! Not only did I start a new chapter in my life and matured offline, but I also matured in this community too. I've become a more experienced writer, but certainly not a good writer yet. Techincally, my second anniversary is coming up on my old account, but what matters now is the present. And I'm currently using springrain, so that's all that matters. I will work harder to adjust to whatever the future brings me, and I ask for your support! :) 


Now, I know you guys are expecting some updates from my stories. (At least those who read my stories, ahhaa.) Unfortunately, you can see that I've written [hiatus until march] on my ongoing stories. I'm sad to say that I will be on hiatus from writing, but that doesn't mean I'll be gone entirely. I just have to take a break from writing and updating my stories because I have to focus on my other extra curriculars. As many of you know, I'm apart of my school's speech and debate team. (Basically, we compete against other local schools for oral competitions - if you really want to put it that way.) It's a really time-consuming extra curricular, but I do enjoy speaking in front of a crowd. Besides, it comes in handy in real life. I'm switching events in the middle of the year, and the event that I'm about to do requires a lot of effort. I have to memorize a 10 minute speech and create posters that accompany my speech. (The posters aren't just simple printed pictures. They have to be made with strings and magnets and whatnot.) Additionally, I'm drawing a close to my piano "career" this year - hopefully. If I manage to pass my piano annual test, then I'll be able to call quits on piano. Well, my parents just want me to finish Level 10 and be done with. I still have to finish memorizing my pieces and do theory, so as you can see, I'm really booked with my offline activites. 


However, during this time, I hope you guys won't grow impatient with me and continue to wait for my return! I promise I'll come back with better ideas and better writing! Just wait a few more months and I'll be back soon. But of course, if you follow my twitter, I'll try to keep you guys updated with what's going on. Who knows, I may come back sooner or later. (No later than March 1st, because thats when I have my piano test.) 


But since I feel the need to celebrate my first anniversary, I will give you guys a brief status/teaser on my ongoing stories, additionally the ones that are currently on indefinite hiatus. (Drops of Vengenace and Tattoo) 


Drops of Vengeance

I will try to brainstorm some ideas, but it may require me to rewrite the story. I really want to complete this idea because it has been in my head for the longest time ever! (I probably will rewrite this story, so you guys may have to wait a little longer for that to happen.) I want to complete Walking on Margins and A Foundation of Lies before I can return to this story. The supernatural genre has always been difficult for me to write, so please understand my situation. Of course, the characters will still be the same, unless things happen and I'm forced to swap out characters...I'm predicting that I will begin focusing this story around September.



Again, I will look into this story more after I finish writing Walking on Margins and A Foundation of Lies. I had a good idea going for that - this story basically talks about the past and how its inerasable and how pasts can continue to affect present day. Much like tattoos, pasts are permanent. That's what I was going for, and I hope you guys will look forward to this story as well in September or so.



I think this will only be a few chapters, shortest is 20 and longest is 30. I'm going to aim for 20, so that means my chapters will be longer. I won't reveal a lot about it yet, as there's only one chapter posted up as of now. Again, this tells the pain of overcoming your past and how difficult it is to overcome first love. 


A Foundation of Lies

I think this story will have a sequel or possibly a prequel following afterwards the completion of this story. I'm already envisioning an ending that won't be able to stand alone. It will certainly require some explaintation, so please look forward to it. However, there still has a lot to be explained in the story as for the development of the plot line. I know Chapter Eight is rather confusing, since it just leaves off Kai introducing himself as "Jong In." I promise you that there will be more Kai and Na Hee moments. 


Walking on Margins

This story will be the first to be completed for sure. I am going to try to finish this story before May, but it isn't confirmed yet. Many of you are stuck between the two - Sehun or Jong In, that is the question. Haha. Bringing some Shakespeare in won't hurt.."to be or not to be, that is the question." I may have left you guys at a cliff hanger at Chapter 19, but trust me, if I had updated Chapter 20, you guys would come and find me for sure. Chapter 20 is more of a cliff hanger than Chapter 19, so brace yourself. Chapter 20-21 will reveal a lot about a certain character. Also, I've come to a conclusion that Shin Tae isn't as important as I made him out to be in the beginning. He just acts as a comic relief, but of course, his contribution as a character may change. (I've brainstormed Chapter 20 already, but I feel that I shouldn't jump too quickly to finish this story. I need to make it a satisfying ending for all the readers.) Also, for the upcoming chapters, there will be more moments of a certain shipping than another. Is it Hana and Sehun or is it Hana and Jong In? 


In the meantime, I've been reading some new fanfictions as well on soompi. Hopefully these stories will last you till March when I return, but I highly doubt it. (I couldn't stop reading either of them!) 

The Sun and The Moon

Puzzle of My Heart

**remember to make a soompi account in order to read this

**i suggest you reading the sun and the moon first cause puzzle of my heart left us off at a HUGE cliff hanger

***but puzzle of my heart was so freaking good you guys need to read it so i can talk to you guys about it


I will be releasing teasers for Walking on Margins and A Foundation of Lies after the middle of February. So please be patient with me! Again, I appreciate all your support whether you be a reader or a friend. And you can also request cameos at my ask.fm if you want. I'll be open to requests! :) 

Happy birthday to Jong In and belated birthday to Kyungsoo! 

Happy AFF anniversary to meh too! 

much much love, 

-britney ♥




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stefrawrs #1
awwwww! i'll patiently wait for you. i justreally love your stories! :D
sylviaxy #2
Happy anniversary! And wow level 10 piano? ANy chance you r from china? I definitely remember up those summers practicing literally 9 hours everyday, in addition to trying to complete all summer homework, to pass the piano exam. Good luck with that, and the debate event you are working on!
Happy AFF Anniversary~