Tips for concentrating on Homework? ):

Please send help. I started on my homework today and for a while, I was on a roll. But after a bit, my mind started straying away and I came to AFF in the end T-T How the hell do I concentrate?? T-T And my stupid mind HAS to randomly think up of a student-teacher Yunjae fic. I hate myself. >_<


Or can someone do my homework for me? It's not that hard - find 15 news articles and summarise them to 100 words or less. Articles must come from the categories : Environment, Education, Science&Tech, Health&Sports, and Tourism. Then there's the newspaper report for Chinese. And two book reports in the form of powerpoint. I can do the rest xD


If you do my homework, I'll be your writer monkey. I'll write whatever () you want for a month xD


I have an attention span of a gnat. Please help. Send tips. PLEASE.


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Axiela #1
To better concentrate on things, I like to set targets for myself - small and achievable targets. For example, I will define that I need to complete task A in 30 minutes, then I can take a small break before going onto task B, then I will take another small break.

Another method I use, is what I call the "switch method" - I will be doing task A, task B and task C at the same time. Since I alternate between three tasks, I do not get bored and can work more easily!

I am someone who gets bored easily, hence my often using the switch method for many things : homework, reading, doing the housework etc. I never read one thing at a time, more like 10 fics/books at the same time, but I always know where I am at for each fic/book =)

Hope it could help you some.