A book's journey

In all honesty, I sort of despise the fact that every book ends, or any piece for that matter. I have just finished reading a book by Hari Kunzru (amazing author) and gosh, I literally sat there for a good half an hour or so contemplating on everything that I just read. I honestly didn't know how to feel. Sympathy for the hero of the novel? Bittersweet? But in saying this, I do love reading novels because they're wonderful. For me, they open up this world that you can't simply crossover to - you've got to imagine it because everything is in front of you. I could sit in my chair for a whole day (if ever given the chance to) and read page upon page, word from word. Then when the last page comes - the , I feel disappointed,quite odd, I know. Because I know that the world that the author has created for the reader is about to come to an 'end'. Of course, I could always enter again, but it'd be different. I'd know of every twist and turn, but I could always enter my 'little haven' again. Mm, but then again I get to learn something new - about a world I would've never imagined. And I love to think of the fact that when I hold a book in my hand, I know it'll take me on a journey; to a place beyond my wildest dreams. (wow, that was kind of cheesy)





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i though it's just me who likes to read for a long time because i just want to enjoy the universe the author has created longer. people around me are fast reader, my friend can finish The Hunger Game in five hours or so IN THE BOOKSTORE. Me? Reading a novel for several hours or day because I want it to last longer ._.
I'm kinda the opposite. I hate not knowing. Reaching the end is the same need I have for air. And I'm happy when reach the end and not because it's over, but because it happened.
That happens to me. I get engrossed in a book which me into its world, but then in the end I end up wondering about the aftermath, which leaves me pondering for many minuted like a creepo, but then I get over it.

BTW what book was it?
haha, the nostalgic feeling, empty...but it's normal.