❝Fairytale❞ Eun Boseok-- The y Noona


"Eun Boseok"

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Username: takeoff
Name: Day
Activeness: 7



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Birthname: Eun Boseok
Other names: Eun Jemma
Nicknames: Noona by all EXO members :DD cuz she's OLDD some of the Fairytale members also call her that teasingly
Birthdate: 01/03/1989 (25!! As of Friday :D)
Birthplace: Ghana, Africa
Hometown: Um... Africa I guess? Idk, you'll see

Blood type: O
Languages: English, tiny bit of African dialect, Korean



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Faceclaim: Park Seul (Sumin is so overrated overused but don't tell anyone I said that ;D)
Backup Faceclaim: Yura
Boseok has gone through lots of changes in her personality. She is smart and rational and she thinks a lot in her head but she doesn't actually say her thoughts out. She doesn't like having her emotions get to her. She can be a little indecisive because she thinks too much and too far. She has a very strong sense of justice and is a big believer of democracy and equality. She is also very sensitive towards other's feelings and likes to tread carefully. However, she does not know how to express her feelings and comfort others. She relies on actions rather than words.

She is not the best of all trainees and she is not as talented - she can't compose songs or do a dance the first time she sees it or play a song the first time she hears it and she only knows basic piano skills - but she is willing to work hard to make up for her shortcomings if she is passionate about it, and she is.

Her faux personality, the way she acts around everyone, is confident, cool and fun-loving. She is laid back and generally okay with everything as long as it's not too much. She radiates the image of a reliable leader, the "father" of the group. Still, she doesn't like to talk much about herself on variety shows because it would reveal her past.


1988 - Pre-birth: Boseok's father, Eun Jinguk, was a documentarist so he always had an interest in Africa and he liked volunteering. When he was in Ghana, volunteering in a remote village, he met Boseok's mother, Hwang Mijin, a then-renowned Korean photographer whose photographic skills he had always admired. They fell in love with each other and Jinguk got Mijin pregnant. They decided to settle down in Africa for Mijin's delivery.

1989 - Boseok's birth: Boseok means gem and Eun means silver, hence Boseok's name means Silver Gem. Jemma also means gem. Jinguk and Mijin named her that as she was the most precious thing they had - their gem.

1989 to 1997(8) - Life in Africa: Boseok was moulded by the hustle and bustle of the African marketplace. She visited the marketplace with Mijin everyday and loved it. She grew to be an outgoing, loud, friendly and confident girl.

1997(8) - Migration: For Boseok's better education, Jinguk and Mijin decided to move to London, England.

1997(8) to 2003(14) - Life in London: At the start, Boseok was teased by the students because she was Asian, from Africa and "spoke funny"; namely her African English. She slowly grew more and more reserved until she hardly spoke and developed selective mutism. Her parents took her to various counsellors and psycologists, but she showed no signs of recovery.

2003(14) - Migration (AGAIN): Mijin and Jinguk were worried about Boseok so they decided to move back to Korea, hoping she would be more familiar with the surroundings and she wouldn't get bullied so much. Unfortunately they forgot that she didn't know an ounce of Korean.

2004(15) to 2009(20) - Life in Bucheon(Jinguk's hometown): Boseok had a hard time adapting to the Korean lifestyle. She hated her parents for moving to Korea and she wanted to go back to Africa, but she also hated herself because she knew she was the cause of her parents' worries and the moving. So she endured the bullying in school and came back home everyday with a slightly-less-than-bright smile on her face. She studied really hard and stayed back every day to catch up on her Korean. Because she hated herself, she wanted to abuse herself and feel pain. But she was intelligent and rational and she worried about her parents, so instead of resorting to cutting etc, she took up boxing. She encouraged Mijin to take up film directing, her long-time dream. She stumbled upon Sung Si Kyung, Moon Myungjin and SG Wannabe and started liking them and listening to their songs. In 2008(19) she entered SNU, majoring in English. She moved into the Uni dorms.


♥ Sung Sikyung, Moon Myungjin, SG Wannabe
♥ Spicy food, African food, Asian food, American food, Fried food, Instant food, Desserts, Cold drinks
♥ The feeling of being exhausted and sweaty after boxing or dancing and lying on the floor when no one judges you
♥ Satisfaction after you've done something you're pleased with
♥ The feeling of soft fur
Romantic Disney/Pixar comedies that make you cry
♥ Watching 2 Days 1 Night (she didn't watch it anymore when Sung Sikyung wasn't on it)
Being tucked up in bed all warm and comfy
♥ Boxing, delivering blows
The Harry Potter series


♥ Being under the hot sun and sweating because of it
♥ Being bored (She'll go and annoy the members and stuff)
♥ Her past being revealed (Hates it, actually)
♥ Moving to a new place
♥ Admitting she is weak (mentally of course)
♥ Coffee and REAL, not-bottled tea(too bitter!)


♥ Boxing
♥ Reading (Romance, Comedy, Sliceoflife. English please!)
♥ Organising things
♥ Eating
♥ Drumming (she learnt in FNC)


♥ Wringing her hands and rubbing her skin when nervous
♥  her lips when they're dry


♥ Ghosts
♥ Getting into danger
♥ Everything being taken away from her


♥ She starred in one of her father's documentaries before
♥ She cries easily when watching movies/dramas
♥ She has no idea what is going on in the mordern Kpop world (other than the groups she likes)
♥ She was introduced to Super Junior by a fellow trainee and she liked Kyuhyun the best for his voice
♥ She secretly wants a confidant, but doesn't like to admit it
♥ She's a really good drinker, trained by her Uni dorm mates



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Position: Leader, Lead vocalist
Back-up Position:
Triple Threat
Stage Name: Eun Sung
Persona: The y Noona (y'know, cuz she's old and her faux personality is y)
Fan club: Constellations
Fan colors:
Singing twin: Secret's Jieun (I know she's the main vocal in Secret but please make an exception. Her sweet voice would be a nice touch to the group in contrast to Eunji's more powerful vocals)
Dancing twin: f(x)'s Victoria (Erm this is needed right?? I mean they all have to dance)
Rapping twin: Secret's Jieun xD (< idk is this needed? backup is triple threat after all)

♥ Drumming
♥ I suppose she is flexible, but not as flexible as Vic. Like, all of Miss A are flexible, not just Jia. like did you see their KBS song festival perf???
♥ umm boxing?? does that count
Trainee years: 1 half years @ FNC | 2 half years @ Premium


Trainee background:
2010(21) to 2011(22) - Training in FNC: She was scouted during one off her practice sessions with her coach. She went through the audition upon her coach's encouragement and got in because of her good (but not great) dancing skills and her looks. She didn't tell anyone about her selective mustism. She was disliked and bullied, as usual, because she refused to say anything, and the trainers often punished her as she refused to sing a single note during singing practice. When SG Wannabe member Chae Dongha commited suicide in May 2011(22), she realised that the entertainment industry was really, really tough and in order to survive, she couldn't be the way she was at the time. Coincidentally, a few days after, she was dropped from FNC.

2011(22) to 2013(24) - Training in Premium: When Boseok was dropped, she was devastated. She finally knew that despite her painful days at FNC, she had come to love dancing. She didn't give up and she practised for a month before auditioning at Premium Ent despite her Uni work getting tougher. When she got in, she was a totally different person. She was outgoing, friendly and confident, almost like when she was in Africa. She didn't tell anyone about her past. She told her trainers that she had never sung a word before, but lo and behold, her voice was sweet and clear. Her trainers and her fellow trainees were impressed. She kept this act up the entire time at Premium, but sometimes she was really tired of pretending, she would cry herself to bed as silently as she could without her parents knowing.

Twitter account: @Eun_SungBallad (Sung Ballad is SSK's nickname)



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Love Interest: Luhan
Back-up love interest: Yixing

Confident and outgoing, but he's polite and he knows when to speak and what to say. Acts innocent, but he knows what there is to know and is actually a little erted. He likes to make lame jokes.


How you met:
Boseok catches him staring at one of ther members' legs/body parts at a music show/variety show etc and scolds him despite him being a sunbae.


How you interact:
Luhan is like a typical annoying brat and Boseok is always irritated by him. They have a typical love-hate relationship and Luhan likes to tease Boseok for being old. Luhan also likes to make her blush by saying that she's y and that he wants to do "it" with her. However, when Luhan learns about her past, he learns that while he should not act differently, he has to know that she is fragile and that he should protect her and always be there for her no matter what.

Twitter: @nanziHan (< ask a Chinese friend what this means xD) But technically they aren't allowed to have twitter in China??? So idk



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-Anything else-

♥ Hiee :D so it's my first time doing an app, hope you like it! Please give me some pointers on how my app can be better etc, it'd be really great :)
♥ Erm and all the SSKs are Sung Sikyung, I was too lazy to type his name out
♥ Lol I kinda wanna be a co-author, but I've applied... Oh wells. Is it fun doing applyfics? I think it'd be a lot of work. I hardly see any completed applyfics.
♥ Oh, and I saw your note, the twitter username is linked with the profile picture :)
♥ Is her background a sob story?? Idk, I just thought it would make her more interesting >_<
♥ Do I talk a lot? I swear I'm not like this in real life. Oh wells.
♥ Um about the twitter thing, maybe Boseok should create a Weibo instead? like jessica orz i dunno


Scene Suggestions:
♥ One of the EXO members (I think Baek was from Bucheon too...?) realised that they playfully teased Boseok in Middle/High school even though she's older. When the EXO member finds out about her past he feels really bad tries to be nice to her to make up for it and apologises to her, which makes Luhan (and the member's love interest) jealous. Maybe the member and Boseok can be good/best friends? xDDD
♥ Boseok gets casted for a drama/movie Mijin is directing and after the whole thing the fact that Boseok is Mijin's daughter is revealed? (ok i dunno this one's not that impt)
♥ Boseok meets SSK :)
♥ Boseok thinking in her mind, thinking thinking thinking :DD All her thoughts written out
♥ An article about Boseok liking SSK when she creates her twitter
When Luhan finds out Boseok is older xDD
♥ Boseok and Luhan go drinking together and when she's convinced he's totally drunk and won't remember anything she tells him about her past and her troubles and stuff but he's actually alive and listening


Song Suggestions:
♥ SNSD's Trick
♥ KARA's Runaway
♥ VIXX's Stop resisting ft. Minah (like a duet or something??)



OMGGG ISN'T HE PERFECTION<33his acting is so awkward tbh puahahaha




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