▲ heaven's call — choi sojoong


joong; hc's lead rapper/vocalist

takeoff :: day :: 7

character name; choi sojoong
nicknames; [aegi :: irene :: sojoong's name means precious and irene likes babies (aegi in korean) a lot. also, sojoong has a babyish face]
birthdate; dd.mm.93
age; 21
blood type; O
birth place; bucheon (gyeonggi province, south korea)
home town; bucheon (gyeonggi province, south korea)
ethnicity; korean
[korean :: 9/10]
[english :: 8/10]
ulzzang; Su Eun
links; + + +
back-up ulzzang; Park Seul
links; + + +
clothing style; she goes for simple and comfortable yet stylish clothing. + + +
extra; she has a piercing on her right ear, she wears ear sticks
personality on-stage;
because she is very unenthusiastic in answering questions on variety shows and is very shy, like jessica, she is dubbed as the 2nd ice princess. she also doesn't smile often. however, she is respectful and polite and answers the questions that are directed to her, even if they're short answers.
personality off-stage;
she is very lazy and quiet. she has a crazy side but she only shows that with people she's comfortable with, mainly irene. she is extremely awkward and even if she tries to make an effort to get close, they are at most just acquaintances. therefore, she's only close with the people who approach her first.
she gets snarky when she's irritated, which is really often. when she first meets people, she smiles a lot because it's a reflex action so it makes her seem very cheerful, but she's not, really.
she doesn't like taking risks. she can't be bothered with a lot of things. she's really organised at first but after that she can't be bothered to put everything back where it was. she has a really bad memory. she's not particularly obedient, but she mostly does what she's told to do. she does not understand herself very well and is very indecisive. she thinks a lot and slowly.
sometimes she thinks of things like "why am i born" or "why am i me and not someone else or a dog or a cat" or "how was the first living thing created" or "how did the world come into existence".
+ writing (love love loves it)
+ the english language
+ eating
+ playing tetris and the sims
+ singing in the shower
+ kyuhyun
+ geeks (they're a rapping duo)
+ stuffed toy ducks
+ staying at home
+ cool days
+ cookie dough-flavoured ice cream
+ junk food, potatoes, corn, meat and desserts
+ languages with alphabets
+ vegetables except corn (hates them, but eats them now)
+ going out (hates it)
+ hot days
+ when people interrupt her
+ when she's finally thought of an answer but the other person has already moved on to another topic
+ when someone (especially her old best friends in school) insists on watching a horror movie and she can't refuse because it would be rude, she would be teased and she would be alone
+ taking risks
+ chinese and japanese because they have no alphabet and are therefore harder to learn
+ writing
+ watching gag concert
+ eating
+ sleeping
+ smiling during first meetings
+ rubbing her hands on her skin and wringing them when she's nervous and bored
+ ghosts and horror movies in general
+ getting into danger (hence the thing with risks)
+ writing
+ art (she has the potential but still quite amateur-ish)
+ rapping
+ playing the trumpet (she picked it up from a friend at music class)
+ her ambition when 9 was to create a meaty substitute for vegetables
+ she didn't eat vegetables when she was a kid until her parents told her forcefully to
+ she has really sweaty palms
+ when she was 12 she started watching shows in other languages (with korean subtitles of course) and she could figure out the letters of the alphabet
+ she's really good with languages in general
+ she collects stuffed toy ducks
+ she likes to wear glowsticks as bracelets, usually irene gives her these
being the only daughter of two unbelievably famous singers, sojoong has been living among - and failing to meet - everyone else's expectations. however, she has learnt to ignore them. her path in life has been carefully crafted out by her parents, from dance classes to piano lessons to vocal training. however, sojoong took more to books and reading. she always had a book in hand and spoke quotes from them. she has had a flair for languages since young. she wants to become a writer, but due to her upbringing, she has no courage nor motivation to fulfill her dream. instead, she is taking the path her parents have wanted her to. she is currently a trumpet major at SNU.
[mother :: yoon mihwa :: 53 :: singer :: bright, friendly, outgoing :: 6]

[father :: choi shinchul :: 55 :: restaurant owner, retired singer :: friendly, polite, caring :: 5]
siblings; -
best friends;
[irene (smrookies) :: 22 (probably korean age?) :: trainee :: confident, caring (mostly towards sojoong), smiles a lot :: interaction :: 7]
friends; -
rival; [tba :: tba :: member of heaven's call :: extremely just and upright, honest, outgoing :: sojoong doesn't say much to her, but she always badmouths sojoong's parents and the sm higher-ups in front of sojoong. she also makes digs at sojoong's talent :: she feels it is unfair as sojoong is only able to debut due to her parent's connections]
love interest name; luhan
group; exo
birthday; 20 April, 1990
age; 23 turning 24
personality; he is a confident and fun guy overflowing with cuteness, but he can be really stubborn sometimes. he is very caring and treats people with the due amount of respect and politeness. he is smart and has a lot of tack; he catches on quickly.
how they met; luhan complimented her rapping when he saw her practice alone but sojoong told him to leave her alone if he knew what was good for him.
how they interact; luhan keeps trying to be friendly to her and guide her along as a fellow sunbaenim, but sojoong refuses to warm up to him. she feels very guilty and ashamed as she secretly finds him really attractive and sometimes imagines them... doing things. he sometimes unconsciously does aegyo to her. irene also tries to make sojoong avoid him as she thinks he's a flirt.
back up love interest; baekhyun
group; exo
love rival; sehun
group; exo
birthday: 12 april, 1994
age; 19 turning 20
personality; the snarky and sarcastic narcissist. he seems to be always in a bad mood and he has very little enthusiasm. however, he is very devoted and loyal to anyone he trusts or loves. he has a dorky side which he hardly ever shows to anyone.
how they met; during irene's friend gathering; he was the only one who showed up when the group of friends found out sojoong was coming as well
how they interact; irene keeps trying to matchmake them, saying they would be a good pair, which makes them quite awkward. when they are left alone, they hardly say a word. he and irene are good friends.
back up love rival; kris
group; exo
how many trainee years; 5 years
how were your trainee years; sojoong's parents were singers and therefore had connections at sm entertainment. sojoong, despite all her preparation, was not as good as they hoped, so in order for her to get in, they pulled a few strings here and there. sojoong was generally disliked because of this. everyone ignored her until irene volunteered to be her partner for a dance lesson one day. after that, irene talked to sojoong everyday and they became really good friends. because of this irene also got the silent treatment, but irene told sojoong she didn't mind.
how you became a trainee; sojoong auditioned at sm ent and with her parents' "help", she got in.
fanclub name; precious
fanclub color; #ffdd00

position; lead rapper, vocalist
back-up position; triple threat
singing twin; f(x)'s krystal
dancing twin; ns yoon g
rap twin; nine muses' eunji

questions; -
comments; hey so i hope you like sojoong! good luck and hope you complete this applyfic! ^_^
suggestions; -
scene request;
+ sojoong switches majors and stands up to her parents
+ sojoong writes a book
+ sehun and sojoong have a special stage which a. makes sehun and sojoong warm up to each other and b. makes luhan jealous, therefore realising his feelings
+ sehun calls sojoong noona which makes luhan jealous
song suggestions; 4minute's Is it poppin', SNSD's Trick, f(x)'s Beautiful stranger


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