▲ ( top model ) — yuling, liao. (WIP)

a few notes -

  • replace the three pictures with pictures of your character (doesn't have to be b/w)
  • the title of your blog post should be the same as the one above, just replace with the name.
  • follow all the notes & then delete them, including this one here!
  • (*) means optional
  • have fun and be creative! i look forward to seeing your apps! <3

yuling, liao )  newcomer.


if i don't love myself, who will?

name : yuling, liao.
nickname(s) : 

 jade - stage name; the "yu" part of her name means jade and she uses this as a stage name because it's easier for foreigners to remember and pronounce.

date of birth + age : december 11, 1996 + 17.
place of birth + hometown : beijing, china.
ethnicity : chinese.
languages : fluent chinese, semi-fluent english, basic japanese.
gender : female.
uality : biual, she keeps that a secret, though.

people will stop and stare. make it worth their while.

face-claim : zhang xin yuan.
back-up face-claim : jin mei xin
height : 176 cm
weight : 55 kg
favorite epitome style : 1 2 3 4 5 
street style : 1 2
appearance : talk about his/her face, body, ect. also include extras, like tattoos, peircings, birthmarks, all that jazz. no huge tattoos though because models are usually blank slates. they are canvases of *~art~*

elegance is a question of personality, more than one's clothing.

personality triats : 5-ish traits that sum up their personality. it doesn't have to be exactly like how it is from the plotlines, be creative!
personality : this is the most important part of the app!!1!1!! expand and explain his/her personality in 2-5 paragraphs.
background : have they always been intrested in modeling/fashion? all the important details in his/her past that has led up to the person they are today.
current lifestyle : how are they living today? do they live in an apartment, house? social life? the newcomer shouldn't be living with their parents right now.
likes : 5+, no more than 10.
dislikes : 5+, no more than 10.
trivia : include fears, habits, hobbies outsdie of designing/modeling, facts, as long as it's relevant.

 start here!

the best things in life are for free, the second best are expensive.

friends : add more if needed.

 name | age | occupation | do they work for epitome? | short personality | interaction

rivals : add more if needed.

 name | age | occupation | do they work for epitome? | short personality | interaction | why they are rivals

family : add more if needed.

 relation | name | age | occupation | short personality | interaction

*love intrest : this is required for love vs life but optional for others.

 relation (dating, aquantinces, ect) | name | age | occupation | do they work for epitome? | short personality | interaction

question time! answer in first person.
this first section is required, delete everything else that doesn't apply to you + t
his note.

how long have you been in the industry? ---
how long have you worked for epitome? ---
what do you think about epitome? harsh? boring? fun? don't be afraid to let it all out hun

over achiever.
what did the media really say that pushed you over the edge? ---
how far are you willing for your comeback? ---

if you had a chance to go back in time, would you? ---
who or what do you blame for the stress you are in right now? ---

how are you coping with the new enviornment? ---
do you miss your hometown & family? ---

love vs life.
who or what is it that is keeping you from continuing with your life? ---
how long have you been dating him/her? ---

why do you think epitome doesn't accept your own work? ---
which plotline would you get along with most? ---

give a plotline name to yourself.---
give a paragraph explaining your plot (3rd person if you want). ---

fashions fade, style is enternal.

username : link it if you want o/
nickname : hey you can call me crystal ^^
activity level : on a scale of 1-10, how often are you online?
*questions / comments : is there anything you wanna say or ask me? c:
*scence requests : there's a 90% chance i'll use it! be creative!
*ending : how do you want your ending to be? it can be really detailed or as simple as "a happy/sad ending". i may or may not use it! ahAHHAaAH e u e
password : what is it huh










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