




thank you for being a door and not a wall when my voice knocked








 Just a couple more hours, minutes, and seconds until it's January 1 2014. Or maybe it already is depends on where you are. I've been feeling very, cheesy? These past two weeks and I really don't know why. But I just wanted to write some shoutouts for the special ones in my life before the year actually ends. Get ready to cry, or laugh or just to keep a straight face.  




GAHEE -                                        BOO

I really have no idea on where to start. I have some much to thank you for really. First of all thank you for listening to me talk bull twenty four seven. Don't know what I would do with out you, seriously. We've been through a lot together, lots of bads but many goods too. Hopefully next year we get to experience more good events in our lives. I really think that we will though. You know that I'll always be there for you babe. But yeah. We made to the end of 2013 (and we're still sane), lol. We should be hella proud of ourselves if you ask me. To rap this cheesy paragraph up before it gets extremely long, and you get bored I just want to say that you are the bestest best friend ever. Haha. I'm serious though. Loveee youu a lot girl. 


BECKA -                                         SISTAHHH

You are me, I am you. We are one. You are one of the few people in this world that I can actually relate to, and it's an amazing feeling really. I'm so glad that I joined Sparkling Stars and got close with you bcause just imagine if we weren't friends at all. I don't know about you but my life would be a lot more ter. If that's even a word. BUT. We need to talk more, really. It's either one of us forgetting to reply to each other becaue we're too lazy or what not but yup that needs to stop. You are absolutely one of the more beautiful people I know and I just love you so much, you don't know. 


VERN -                                          MR.BUZZLIGHT YEAR

What up niggs!? You and I both know that maybe I don't really need to give you a shoutout because of that long letter I wrote you a couple days ago but whatevs. That is sort of irrelevant right now because I wanna. Maybe a lot of this will be repeated because you really know how I feel. I'm sorry that you saw me as a stuck up person at the beginning though, seriously. But I kind of was, I think. Vern, you honestly made into a better person I don't know how but you did. Everything that you ever told me, or every conversation we had has been burned into my brain.  Every day we somehow become closer and closer, even if we don't talk. I hope 2014 isn't a ish year for you and you enjoy it, love you.


EUNJAE -                                       CHRISTIAN GREY

Oh yeah, I went there. 


NANA-                                             SOMETHING.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus dictum posuere magna, non porttitor ligula pellentesque vel. Fusce semper augue et dolor ultrices, sit amet pulvinar massa ultrices. Vivamus imperdiet mauris risus, vel varius nulla dignissim a. Sed auctor, libero vel posuere cursus, lacus metus feugiat metus, et pretium est ipsum in lacus. Cras varius id quam non gravida. Duis molestie semper magna, vitae molestie leo placerat sit amet. Duis et consectetur tellus, et Suspendisse quis pharetra velit. Quisque malesuada tortor sagittis nibh placerat, at facilisis tortor pulvinar. Aenean eget mauris blandit, dignissim lorem vitae, suscipit massa. Suspendisse magna purus, interdum a ipsum nec, auctor vehicula massa. Phasellus sit amet viverra justo, et sodales dui. Proin lacinia sapien ac est tempus mollis. Praesent consectetur augue dolor, in scelerisque tortor laoreet nec. Vestibulum vestibulum erat dui, eu volutpat nunc.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus dictum posuere magna, non porttitor ligula pellentesque vel. Fusce semper augue et dolor ultrices, sit amet pulvinar massa ultrices. Vivamus imperdiet mauris risus, vel varius nulla dignissim a. Sed auctor, libero vel posuere cursus, lacus metus feugiat metus, et pretium est ipsum in lacus. Cras varius id quam non gravida. Duis molestie semper magna, vitae molestie leo placerat sit amet. Duis et consectetur tellus, et Suspendisse quis pharetra velit. Quisque malesuada tortor sagittis nibh placerat, at facilisis tortor pulvinar. Aenean eget mauris blandit, dignissim lorem vitae, suscipit massa. Suspendisse magna purus, interdum a ipsum nec, auctor vehicula massa. Phasellus sit amet viverra justo, et sodales dui. Proin lacinia sapien ac est tempus mollis. Praesent consectetur augue dolor, in scelerisque tortor laoreet nec. Vestibulum vestibulum erat dui, eu volutpat nunc.




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