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Username : ElleAlstreim

Activeness: 7http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/34700000/Krystal-krystal-jung-34760877-500-376.jpg









Name : Ahn Hae Rin

Other names: Clarisse Ahn // English name

Also Known As : -Rin // members and friends to shorten her name

                         -Gongju (Princess) // Sehun, when he's teasing her
                         -Kkab Haerin (Hyper Haerin), Choi yeolsal (ten year old Choi), Ddil Haerin (Clumsy Haerin), HimHaerin (Strong Haerin) // the fans that Haerin had given her the more Haerin shows her crazy antics

Date of Birth: December 1, 1994

Age : 19

Ethnicity: Korean

Nationality: Korean

Birthplace: Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea

Hometown: Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea



Languages: Fluent // English, Korean

                      Conversational // Chinese

                       Basics // Japanese


Haerin has a straightforward personality; definitely not one to sugarcoat and also sees lying unreasonable. She is also quite a bold character because of how at times she's so willing to do everything, anything. Haerin is someone that has everything you call outgoing, a little ball of sunshine literally. As a prankster who loves mischief, she would often play pranks to everyone but her aegyo, which is something people can't resist, have always given her a gateway out of trouble. Creativity flows through her very veins; since she loves something new and she likes to go to places she hasn't been to before. Haerin feels pressure whenever and would overwork herself when she doesn't meet her own standard and she is above all competitive. Haerin is also quite flexible and she would honestly not hate, unless you give her a reason to. She comes out as prideful at times and she would not admit mistakes as easily. Haerin is noted to be as sassy as Super Junior's Heechul and as kkab (hyper) as 2AM's Jo Kwon. She gives great importance to what other people would say and she is also someone who can't possibly keep shut. Losing isn't a part of her volcabulary. Mostly known for being easy-going, you'd think Haerin would be someone who wouldn't work her off but it's the complete opposite and even though she has a lot of free time to do petty things such as taking walks and baking, it's just because she knows how to handle her schedule as an idol and her me-time off stage. Haerin also has a time to lie down and take breaks every now and then even though all the works of the world had been piled down right in front of her, much to the other member's annoyance.  She procastinates a lot but it shows how much she values time and also values her time with her family and friends. She is known for being stubborn and ambitious. Being a child that grew up in a proper lifestyle, she is a polite kid that shows manners even to people younger than her. Haerin is independent so she doesn't take orders from anyone. What people mostly can't stand about Haerin is that you can't really predict her mood is; sometimes she's worse than a pregnant woman or sometimes she's worse than a energized puppy. Haerin is also impulsive, you cannot possibly anticipate what her next move is and she is a little clumsy and she often loses things. She is also said to be good with words and she has excellent persuading skills.

She laughs and smiles whole-heartedly; she isn't one to fake and if ever she's uncomfortable and staight-on awkward, you'd often see it because of her body language and the way she cringes. She also cries easily, like how she would cry during sad parts in movies and dramas. Haerin is sincere, kind, sweet, and knows how to take care of other people. Many people has also said Haerin, surprisingly, has a split personality; her mature side and her childish side. She is quite childish and often would whine about small things and thrown jokes every now and then but when she knows it's a serious matter, she would turn serious and even though she says otherwise, she is a good listener and someone who'd give good advices. Haerin can also tell if she would not particularly like one person by only staring at them, making us see a shrewd part of her. It has been a universal rule to not make Haerin angry; she's all the more deadly and she would not hesitate to get you back for what you did. She is also very protective and caring towards her loved ones and they are possibly the ones who has seen Haerin at her best and worst but still continued to support her. She also does everything with a passion and performs with her utmost best. Probably one thing her fellow members can't stand is that she nags a lot and she would clearly show her irritation when you don't do what she had said to you. Haerin is a keeper and is a fool for a good romance; she always longs for a long-lasting, commiting, all in kind relationship. She has a soft yet sacrificing nature; this is good in a sense that if she must give up on a good opportunity for her loved ones then she would but in that way, she also sometimes would think that her loved ones is playing her. The balancing and comparing attitude of Haerin keeps her aloof towards some things,  she might lose even a few friends she make in due course. In the group, she is known as mostly for being the 'Vibrant Angel' because of how Haerin takes good care to her fellow members and friends and gives tremendous love and thanks to their fans who have been there to support them and also how proper and down to earth but she is also known for being the 'Energy Pill' of the group since she had always loved it when people laugh and smile and her smile seems to radiate everywhere. 



Haerin was born in a rich family of doctors; she had been the only child brought upon by her parents. Being the only born, it was her destiny, more like something forced upon her, to study medicine and take over what her parents will leave behind when they settle down. When she was six years old, they moved to London so Haerin can study peacefully without the watchful eyes of the public in South Korea and stayed there for eight years to finish Haerin's middle school. When they came back, her parents had been more busy than ever, leaving a lot of work when they left all those years. Haerin continued school at Gangnam. There, she had a handful of close friends which she knew she can trust but there was one thing Haerin didn't have in common with them; it was their taste in music. Haerin had now preferred Western music like Demi Lovato and Katy Perry while her friends had loved K-Pop like SNSD and TVXQ. Her friends always spazz whenever their idols have 'comebacks' or 'variety shows' and Haerin didn't seem to understand what the commotion was about.

She had tried listening to K-Pop and she had tried a song from SNSD, she had come upon Gee. Haerin watched the MV and had somehow took a liking over it. She listened to more groups like Wonder Girls, Super Junior, Big Bang, 2NE1, TVXQ, and had loved each one of them. She had told her parents about her obvious liking towards K-Pop and her parents now adored that their daughter had something she liked. Ever since then, Haerin had always wished to be able to sing and perform on stage.


Music // It's a natural thing for Haerin to love music since it was like since birth, Haerin had loved it

Sports // Besides music, Haerin loves sports but she is better at tennis, swimming, fencing and ice skating among anything else

Literature // She is somewhat of a bookworm. In their house, she had her own mini library which has all the books she desired. Whenever she's bored or tired, she would get a book and silently read it in her library

Food // Haerin loves to eat and even though she gains easily, she never had any control with what she eats. She also love sweets and biscuits.

Pranks and jokes // It's like something to do in a daily basis for Haerin to throw some jokes and play some pranks and she would always feel like she can't call it a day without doing so



Horror // She claims that she gets nightmares whenever she watches one

Shrimps // Haerin's allergic to it. She once had tried it once and she had an uncalled date with the bathroom's bowl

Bugs // She hates everything that creeps, crawl, and flies in general

Sasaengs // God forbid how much Haerin is annoyed of such 'fans' like sasaengs.

Anti fans // Haerin completely understands that no group has no antis but she really can't help but garner a certain dislike over them



Hobbies :

• Singing and dancing
• Playing piano and guitar
• Doing different facial expressions in front of the mirror


Things I always do:

- sad: Usually, Haerin would just sit in a corner quietly but she won't cry but in lethal times, there are times that she can't contain anymore and she would just openly cry
- happy: She would literally slap shoulders when she's overly excited and when she's happy, she would be as hyper as a puppy
- angry: Haerin is lethal when she's angry; she would bore holes over your hole body while glaring at you, she'd cuss in English and she would openly make you see how irritated she is when you're around

- scared: Haerin doesn't shake when she's scared, no, she just shivers and you could see all her body hair going up and she wobbles when she walks
- other habits: Because of peer pressure of being an idol, she overworks herself and also stays up late to answer her fans' questions.


• She gains weight easily so she goes jog every early in the morning and Haerin likes to tease but she hates it when she gets teased

• She's claustrophobic and a perfectionist. Her favorite sports are swimming, tennis and fencing

• Haerin absolutely hates it when someone's late so she puts up a policy that if you're late, you have to give up 5,000 won and she keeps the money in a safe for emergency money and she is also a neat freak

• Haerin likes skinship but never clingy and she is very irked at any sight of blood. When Haerin's extra hyper, her fellow members would get annoyed because of how loud she can be. She likes to imitate her fellow members' voices and actions just to tease them. Her favorite Korean foods are bibimbap, samgyeopsal and kimbap

• She is a light sleeper and she can be woken up by a pin drop (and I am not exaggerating) but she hates morning, especially the waking up part. Haerin is capable of breaking six chopsticks at once and she can carry heavy bags which probably makes her the strongest of the members

• Her ideal type is someone who's caring, someone who knows how to take care of others and himself; passionate, a guy who will do anything just to get what they've dreamed of; kind, it's heartwarming to see a guy with a heart of gold; intellegent, Haerin had always favored men that has knowledge all over; and comfortable, it irks Haerin a lot when a guy is just so awkward.

• Her favorite Korean artists are Super Junior, Wonder Girls, Big Bang, TVXQ, and SNSD.

• She can draw, act and bake but she is still working on her cooking skills. She would love to do solo activities like MCing, DJing, acting, FCs, solos, and photoshoots

• She absolutely hates it when someone trash talks her fellow members. Haerin is very embarrasing to be with when she's acting weird. Haerin's really good at guessing, like what a person's likes and dislikes are, their ages, their blood types etc. and she is also a fast learner

• Instagram: Haerin_ahn | Weibo: rin01 | Twitter: OfficialHaerin_fleur


Reason I like kpop:

-Super Junior's Yesung

-SNSD's Taeyeon

Trademark/Motto :

-There's no 'I' in a team

-Everything happens for a reason

Years of training: 4 years -- since 2010 (if I'm not wrong since fleur will be active in 2014 so I added her training in 2013)

Training days:

Haerin got in after two auditions in Korea; first, her singing Byul then dancing freestyle. Trainee life, for Haerin, had been a memorable moment in her life and even though hard, she had loved that stage of her life. Balancing studies and training was hard but Haerin had found a way and even though sometimes she focuses more in training than studies or vice versa, she would always find a way to get back at it. When she became a trainee, Haerin considerably became more passionate and she worked harder to be able to show her trainers that she can excel more than what she is right now. The trainers had always kept a close eye on Haerin because they know that Haerin still has not developed the fullest and was needed full training for her to be able to. When Haerin doesn't reach her standards, she would often train on her off-days or on the rooftop where she can concentrate. What she thought she was lacking the most was her dancing; before she dreamed of being an idol, she had two left feet and that didn't help her case. Haerin would often stay later than anyone else since she thought was she was now wasn't enough and she needed to improve, fast. Of course, there are times when Haerin would feel insecure and unsuccessful and the bullying from the other trainees didn't really help but she stood tall and even without support from the other trainees, she had managed to get through everyday hell.

Stage name: Haerin

Position: Main Vocalist

Back up Position: Lead Vocalist, Main Dancer

Fanclub name: HaeVibers

Fanclub color(s): #3399ff





http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-SnvxicnBuRU/UBjeeXNwxLI/AAAAAAAAEBk/vijrOI6ntgk/s640/251087_225202844175986_158744244155180_852679_7158666_n.jpg Family members:

Ahn Hyunsik | 45 | Neurologist | Alive |     Ahn Hyunsik is known as intellectual, firm and strict at the world of business but his family sees a kind-hearted man amongst it. He's that kind of father that is willing to do everything for his family and he is also a protective bunch that want nothing more than the best for his family     | Haerin and her dad had been always close, always being there for each other and also having those few family nights to be able to have fun around each other. For Minhyuk, Haerin is his biggest treasure and he would do anything for her to be happy.

 Seol Mihyun | 45 | Neurologist | Alive | Mihyun, in all fairness, is the light of the family. She is a warm-hearted woman that if she smiled, you'd think a fully lit room was dark. People had acknowledged her as someone who looks young for her age. Mihyun is also that type of mother that sincerely wants success to both her daughters and she has always been that caring and loving mother to them | Haerin's relationship with her mother is a tad bit closer than her relationship with her father because her mom had always been there for her, the one that raised her and the one that had seen plenty of Haerin's first times. Haerin deeply admires her mother and would like to be like her in the future. They both will find some time for some alone moments and just hang out like teenagers would and Mihyun is someone Haerin tells her secrets to.



Seo Joo Hyun | 22 | SMent artist from SNSD | Alive | Seohyun is probably the kindest girl you'd meet. When she sees someone struggling, she won't hesitate to help, even if she doesn't knoe that someone. She'd often worry of the people she cares about the most and she is intellegent, being able to graduate with top scores even though balancing her education and idol life. Seohyun is also a passionate person who wants nothing more but to achieve what she thinks she can achieve and also a meticulous person. Seohyun is like Haerin's guardian angel. She would always be there to help Haerin, make her learn from her mistakes, teach her what fundamentals she's lacking, guide her in every way possible and also reprimand her whenever she plays a bad prank on someone. Like she does with everyone, she calls Seohyun, 'Joohyun unnie' since Haerin likes to call everyone by their birth name | Best friend

Kim Ki Bum | 21 | SMent artist from SHINee | Alive | Key is the diva, everyone would say but Key has that kind of aura that says that he is very much misunderstood. It's not like he's blunt just because that's the persona his company given him but he had always been a guy that loves to speak out his opinions and wouldn't hesitate to frankly tell a person what he or she lacked or he or she's good and bad points. Key is also a hardworking individual; practicing what little time he has for himself to be able to improve his skills in singing, dancing, variety, and rapping. Key is very fun to be with kind of person and he is also loyal. Key is definitely the oppa figure of Haerin. Key basically worries all the time about Haerin, he takes care of her and tells her off when she does something bad. Key strays off guys that he thinks isn't at all worthy of Haerin's attention. Haerin calls him 'Kibum oppa. | Best friend



Choi Jinri | 19 | SMent artist from f(x) | Alive | Sulli is a somewhat the other half of Haerin when it came to mischievousness. She, whenever Haerin wasn't around, would be the culprit whenever something weird happened. Sulli is the down-to-earth idol that would always be there to support her friends. Sulli is another one of Haerin's partners in crime. They loved to play pranks on their fellow members and staffs from SMent. Apart from that, Sulli had always been a sincere and loyal friend of Haerin | Close friend

Kim Jun Myeon | 22 | SMent artist from EXO-K | Alive | Suho is the wacky type of leader that can lead s in a strict way and can also have fun with s. He isn't what you call the buttock-clenching killjoy, in fact it's fun to have Suho whenever but all can agree that he is so awkward with first meeting. Guardian angel #2, that's Suho for Haerin. Basically, he does the same thing Seohyun does except that he does more fun with Haerin than Seohyun. He's 'Junmyeon oppa' for Haerin. | Close friend

Zhang Yi Xing | 22 | SMent artist from EXO-M | Alive | Lay is the calm and collected type of person. He had this sort of spaced-out look whenever but when you find the time to know him better, you'd be surprised on how funny he is. He isn't exactly what you can call easy-going since he always work hard to be able to be the better version of he is now.  A guy that can actually control Haerin's hyperness, that's Lay for Haerin. Even though the language was a barrier at first for them, they had been closer then anyone else. With Lay's calm and understanding demeanor, he can withstand Haerin's active and repulsive nature. Haerin calls Lay, 'Yixing oppa.' | Close friend



name | age | occupation | dead/alive | personality | relationship (only 1. optional)


Love Interest:

name | Oh Se Hun

age | 19

occupation | SMent artist from EXO


personality |Sehun, as everyone would know, is a rather 4D person because of how crazy he might act at time but that's what Haerin loved about him. He is also known for being poker-faced and him saying that he doesn't really look good while smiling, something in which everyone would disagree. Of course, Sehun isn't really perfect; he can sometimes be impatient and have short attention span but it's understandable because that's just him. He is also caring, protective, passionate, and thoughtful, he would sacrifice everything to keep his loved ones unharmed. Sehun isn't really what Haerin had picture as her dream guy but she honestly couldn't wish for more.

relationship | Sehun and Haerin are partners in crime. They would play pranks on their hyungs and unnies. They also love those alone moments with just the two of them watching dramas and english subbed international movies (Well, Haerin can understand it without the subtitles but Sehun can't understand english so...), and also just basking in each other's presence. They would often go out for bubble teas and because of Sehun, Haerin had also started to love bubble tea but not as much as her Starbucks. The two of them would always find ways to have time for each other and every nigh before bed time, Sehun would call Haerin and they would tell what they did the whole day. They both have a crush on each other but they're just both shy to admit it.


Backup Love Interest: 

name | Park Chan Yeol

age | 21

occupation | SMent artist from EXO


personality | Chanyeol, in everyone's knowledge, is the happy virus of the group EXO and it is also one side of Chanyeol that Haerin loved. Being the prankster, Chanyeol really can't openly looked depressed on stage or look sentimental in front of the camera so without complaints, Haerin always listen to him and she's the only one, apart from Chanyeol's fellow members, to see his sentimental side. Of course, Chanyeol's not a perfect boyfriend material; he's sometimes impatient and he has a short attention span but it's understandable because that's just him. Chanyeol is also protective, caring, and passionate. Chanyeol isn't really what Haerin pictured as his dream guy but she honestly couldn't ask for more.

relationship | Chanyeol and Haerin have a fun oppa-dongsaeng relationship. They would tease each other, they are partners in crime, and they have always been together. They are both childish so they can be rather playful. They also teach other from what each other was lacking. When they're together, they would hang out and enjoy each other's presence while when they're away, they would manage to exchange messages or call each other. Chanyeol is very caring and protective over Haerin, always thining what's good for her. When their friends tease them about each other, they would say they are just good friends, either it's from being shy or they are just too in denial.







Face claim: Krystal Jung

Back up Face claim: Lee Hyeri

Style: Haerin loves wearing comfortable and casual yet trendy and attention-catching. She really isn't one to exaggerate her clothings and she prefers baggy clothes over skin-tight ones. Haerin doesn't like high heels-- she's more of a vans and converse girls. As for make-up, Haerin never liked wearing make-up but since she's an idol, she only puts light shade and she doesn't wear bright red lipsticks. She even doesn't wear too much accessories.

Casual: 1, 2, 3, 4
Formal: 1, 2, 3, 4
Dorm: 1, 2, 3, 4
Practice: 1, 2, 3, 4
On Stage/Variety Shows: 1, 2, 3, 4

Height: 166 cm

Weight: 47 kg


-She has a pale complexion

-Haerin has a little birthmark at the left part of her back



Solo Song: BoA's Only One

Scene Request(s): Songs // Dolls(9Muses), Genie, Dear Mom, I Got A Boy, The Boys(SNSD), Hush(Miss A)

                                 Shows // Star King, Happy Together, Beatles Code, Weekly Idol, Hello Baby, Dream Team,, Running Man

Comment(s)/ Question(s)/Suggestion(s): Hope you like Haerin and I am so sorry for the mistakes.


  Goodbye  Baby  Goodbye,  Dear  Stalkers 

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