❁ ℰutℯrpℯ's Vibrant Angel : Jung Eun Mi ❁

 Euterpe's Vibrant Angel


"The want of making something out of nothing always pushes me to keep on living." 

- Jung, Eun Mi

Euterpe's Lead Vocalist




Username: ElleAlstreim

Activeness: 8

What do I call you: Hannah




 Rising Sun 

Birth Name: Jung Eun Mi

Stage Name: Eunmi


Chloe Jung // English name

Mimi // what the other members call her

Gongju (Princess) // Sehun, when he's teasing her

Kkab Eunmi (Hyper Eunmi), Jung yeolsal (ten year old Jung), Ddil Eunmi (Clumsy Eunmi), HimEunmi (Strong Eunmi) // the fans that Eunmi had given her the more Eunmi shows her crazy antics

Nationality: Korean

*Languages: Fluent // English, Korean

Conversational // Chinese

Basics // Japanese

Date of Birth: - December 31, 1991

Place of Birth: Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea

Height: - 166 cm

Bloodtype: B+


Lead Vocalist



 Free Your Mind 


Eunmi has a straightforward personality; definitely not one to sugarcoat and also sees lying unreasonable. She is also quite a bold character because of how at times she's so willing to do everything, anything. Eunmi is someone that has everything you call outgoing, a little ball of sunshine literally. As a prankster who loves mischief, she would often play pranks to everyone but her aegyo, which is something people can't resist, have always given her a gateway out of trouble. Creativity flows through her very veins; since she loves something new and she likes to go to places she hasn't been to before. Eunmi feels pressure whenever and would overwork herself when she doesn't meet her own standard and she is above all competitive. Eunmi is also quite flexible and she would honestly not hate, unless you give her a reason to. She comes out as prideful at times and she would not admit mistakes as easily. Eunmi is noted to be as sassy as Super Junior's Heechul and as kkab (hyper) as 2AM's Jo Kwon. She gives great importance to what other people would say and she is also someone who can't possibly keep shut. Losing isn't a part of her volcabulary. Mostly known for being easy-going, you'd think Eunmi would be someone who wouldn't work her off but it's the complete opposite and even though she has a lot of free time to do petty things such as taking walks and baking, it's just because she knows how to handle her schedule as an idol and her me-time off stage. Eunmi also has a time to lie down and take breaks every now and then even though all the works of the world had been piled down right in front of her, much to the other member's annoyance.  She procastinates a lot but it shows how much she values time and also values her time with her family and friends. She is known for being stubborn and ambitious. Being a child that grew up in a proper lifestyle, she is a polite kid that shows manners even to people younger than her. Eunmi is independent so she doesn't take orders from anyone. What people mostly can't stand about Eunmi is that you can't really predict her mood is; sometimes she's worse than a pregnant woman or sometimes she's worse than a energized puppy. Eunmi is also impulsive, you cannot possibly anticipate what her next move is and she is a little clumsy and she often loses things. She is also said to be good with words and she has excellent persuading skills.

She laughs and smiles whole-heartedly; she isn't one to fake and if ever she's uncomfortable and staight-on awkward, you'd often see it because of her body language and the way she cringes. She also cries easily, like how she would cry during sad parts in movies and dramas. Eunmi is sincere, kind, sweet, and knows how to take care of other people. Many people has also said Eunmi, surprisingly, has a split personality; her mature side and her childish side. She is quite childish and often would whine about small things and thrown jokes every now and then but when she knows it's a serious matter, she would turn serious and even though she says otherwise, she is a good listener and someone who'd give good advices. Eunmi can also tell if she would not particularly like one person by only staring at them, making us see a shrewd part of her. It has been a universal rule to not make Eunmi angry; she's all the more deadly and she would not hesitate to get you back for what you did. She is also very protective and caring towards her loved ones and they are possibly the ones who has seen Eunmi at her best and worst but still continued to support her. She also does everything with a passion and performs with her utmost best. Probably one thing her fellow members can't stand is that she nags a lot and she would clearly show her irritation when you don't do what she had said to you. Eunmi is a keeper and is a fool for a good romance; she always longs for a long-lasting, commiting, all in kind relationship. She has a soft yet sacrificing nature; this is good in a sense that if she must give up on a good opportunity for her loved ones then she would but in that way, she also sometimes would think that her loved ones is playing her. The balancing and comparing attitude of Eunmi keeps her aloof towards some things,  she might lose even a few friends she make in due course. In the group, she is known as mostly for being the 'Vibrant Angel' because of how Eunmi takes good care to her fellow members and friends and gives tremendous love and thanks to their fans who have been there to support them and also how proper and down to earth but she is also known for being the 'Energy Pill' of the group since she had always loved it when people laugh and smile and her smile seems to radiate everywhere. 


• Bubble tea (Chocolate)

• Music

• Sports

• Literature

• Food

• Photography

• Pranks and jokes

• Korean dramas

• Movies (especially romcom but not horror)

• Rollercoasters

• Doing something new




• Horror

• Ghosts

• Shrimp (She's allergic to it)

• Bugs

• Sasaengs

• Anti fans

• Hot days

• Rumors




• Singing and dancing

• Reading and collecting books

• Doing vocal practices

• Practice acting and learning how to cook

• Baking and playing video games when bored

• Playing piano and guitar

• Doing any kinds of sports



Special Skill:

• Taekwando (Eunmi had learned taekwando from when she was little for self-defence)

• Sports (Any kind)

• Brainstorming (She loves to think of complicated things and she is smart so she goes well with games that uses brains)

• Impersonations (She can impersonate some cartoons like Pikachu, Spongebob, etc.)

• Ice skating (It was a hobby back then of Eunmi to skate whenever a skating rink was present and because of that, she is now excellent at it)



• She gains weight easily so she goes jog every early in the morning and Eunmi likes to tease but she hates it when she gets teased

• Her favorite sports are swimming, tennis and fencing

• She had lived in San Francisco for three years because of family business

• She's claustrophobic and a perfectionist

• Hyejin absolutely hates it when someone's late so she puts up a policy that if you're late, you have to give up 5,000 won and she keeps the money in a safe for emergency money and she is also a neat freak

• Eunmi likes skinship but never clingy and she is very irked at any sight of blood

• She doesn't like drinking alcoholic beverages because she knows it tastes bad and she has low tolerance

• When Eunmi's extra hyper, her fellow members would get annoyed because of how loud she can be

• She likes to imitate her fellow members' voices and actions just to tease them. Her favorite Korean foods are bibimbap, samgyeopsal and kimbap

• Eunmi is capable of breaking six chopsticks at once and she can carry heavy bags which probably makes her the strongest of the members

• She is a light sleeper and she can be woken up by a pin drop (and I am not exaggerating) but she hates morning, especially the waking up part

• Her ideal type is someone who's caring, someone who knows how to take care of others and himself; passionate, a guy who will do anything just to get what they've dreamed of; kind, it's heartwarming to see a guy with a heart of gold; intellegent, Eunmi had always favored men that has knowledge all over; and comfortable, it irks Eunmi a lot when a guy is just so awkward.

• Her favorite Korean artists are Super Junior, Wonder Girls, Big Bang, TVXQ, and SNSD and also a fangirl of Infinite's L

• She can draw, act and bake but she is still working on her cooking skills

• Eunmi also has a habit of going into her fansites and taking selcas. She also has never received any kinds of plastic surgery and does not intend to even now.

• She absolutely hates it when someone trash talks her fellow members. Eunmi is very embarrasing to be with when she's acting weird

• She would love to do solo activities like MCing, DJing, acting, FCs, solos, and photoshoots

• Eunmi's really good at guessing, like what a person's likes and dislikes are, their ages, their blood types etc. and she is also a fast learner

• Instagram: Eunmi_jung | Weibo: mimi31 | Twitter: OfficialEunmi_euterpe


Words of Wisdom: 

Everything happens for a reason




 You're My Miracle 


Father | Jung Hyunsik | 46 | CEO | Jung Hyunsik is known as intellectual, firm and strict at the world of business but his family sees a kind-hearted man amongst it. He's that kind of father that is willing to do everything for his family and he is also a protective bunch that want nothing more than the best for his family | Eunmi and her dad had been always close, always being there for each other and also having those few family nights to be able to have fun around each other. For Minhyuk, Eunmi is his biggest treasure and he would do anything for them to be happy.

Mother | Park Mihyun | 46 | Housewife | Eunmi, in all fairness, is the light of the family. She is a warm-hearted woman that if she smiled, you'd think a fully lit room was dark. People had acknowledged her as someone who looks young for her age. Eunmi is also that type of mother that sincerely wants success to both her daughters and she has always been that caring and loving mother to them | Eunmi's relationship with her mother is a tad bit closer than her relationship with her father because her mom had always been there for her, the one that raised her and the one that had seen plenty of Eunmi's first times. Eunmi deeply admires her mother and would like to be like her in the future. They both will find some time for some alone moments and just hang out like teenagers would and Hazel is someone Eunmi tells her secrets to.



Jung Eunmi, most knows her by her name Chloe Jung, has a relatively normal life in Gangnam District. She, with her parents, lived in the rich part of the town and she had been taught proper etiquette and good manners most of her life since she has to keep up with the responsibility their family's status have. You would think that Eunmi is probably forced to go to university to take a business degree but her life is a complete 360 degrees of what you're thinking. Eunmi's parents are the ones who are pushing her to do what she wants but Eunmi didn't know what to do at first and she was pressured mostly because at her age, a fifteen year old teen, she still has no idea to do in the near future.
While browsing in the net one day, she had been pulled in the world of K-Pop and have eventually garnered an interest towards music. SNSD, Big Bang, Wonder Girls, TVXQ, SuJu, they were the ones she has looked up to over the years and when she finally had a chance to audition, she did and she got accepted. As usual, her parents were all okay about it and they were overjoyed that their daughten had finally found something that she can do joyfully but they also made her promise that if she was to step up as the new CEO of the family's company, she must go back. 




-Starred as Ahn Soo Jung in High Kick: Revenge of the Short Legged

-She appeared in SHINee's mv, Juliette and also Rain's mv, Still Believe



Seo Joo Hyun | 22 | SMent artist from SNSD | thoughtful, kind, considerate | Seohyun is like Eunmi's unnie; Seohyun gets worried of Eunmi, she takes care of Eunmi and she makes sure Eunmi is alright or comfortable but Eunmi never found it annoying for Seohyun to be fussy.

Kim Kibum | 21 | SMent artist from SHINee | blunt, fun to be with, protective | If Seohyun is like Eunmi's unnie, Key is definitely her oppa. Even though known as diva, he constantly worries about Eunmi and would call her if ever he had a bad feeling and he is also the one that drives guys away from Eunmi when he thinks they aren't a good match with Eunmi.

Choi Haerin | 19 | MADent trainee | caring, thoughtful, 4D | Haerin is Eunmi's bestfriend, classmate, neighbour, partner in crime and childhood friend. They have always done everything together and because of their same passion with music, they had both ended up in MADent. They have both crazy attributes and if even these two are alone in a room, you'd think the room will explode because of how loud they can


How did you get into MADEnt?:

 Eunmi got in MADent with her first audition singing Byul and her second audition dancing freestyle.


Trainee Years:

5 years -- since 2003

Trainee life, for Eunmi, had been a memorable moment in her life and even though hard, she had loved that stage of her life. Balancing studies and training was hard but Eunmi had found a way and even though sometimes she focuses more in training than studies or vice versa, she would always find a way to get back at it. When she became a trainee, Eunmi considerably became more passionate and she worked harder to be able to show her trainers that she can excel more than what she is right now. The trainers had always kept a close eye on Eunmi because they know that Eunmi still has not developed the fullest and was needed full training for her to be able to. When Eunmi doesn't reach her standards, she would often train on her off-days or on the rooftop where she can concentrate. What she thought she was lacking the most was her dancing; before she dreamed of being an idol, she had two left feet and that didn't help her case. Eunmi would often stay later than anyone else since she thought was she was now wasn't enough and she needed to improve, fast. Of course, there are times when Eunmi would feel insecure and unsuccessful and the bullying from the other trainees didn't really help but she stood tall and even without support from the other trainees, she had managed to get through everyday hell.


Other Experiences:

-Has an acting experience

-Was a past SM trainee (She transferred to MADent because MADent recruited her)





Fanclub Name: Minions

Fanclub Color: #ff3399 & #cc33cc


Eunmi loves wearing comfortable and casual yet trendy and attention-catching. She really isn't one to exaggerate her clothings and she prefers baggy clothes over skin-tight ones. Eunmi doesn't like high heels-- she's more of a vans and converse girls. As for make-up, Eunmi never liked wearing make-up but since she's an idol, she only puts light shade and she doesn't wear bright red lipsticks. She even doesn't wear too much accessories.

Casual: 1, 2, 3, 4
Formal: 1, 2, 3, 4
Dorm: 1, 2, 3, 4
Practice: 1, 2, 3, 4
On Stage/Variety Shows: 1, 2, 3, 4





 Flower Lady 

Face: Krystal of f(x)

Back Up Face: Seohyun of SNSD

Position: Lead Vocalist

Vocal Twin: Seohyun

Back Up Vocal Twin: Tiffany

Dancing Twin: Krystal

Back Up Dancing Twin: Sooyoung

Rapping Twin: -

Back Up Rapping Twin: -



 Somebody To Love 

Birth Name: Kim Jong Dae

Stage Name: Chen

Date of Birth: September 21, 1992


Chen, in everyone's knowledge, is the prankster of the group EXO and it is also one side of Chen that Eunmi loved. Being the prankster, Chen really can't openly looked depressed on stage or look sentimental in front of the camera so without complaints, Eunmi always listen to him and she's the only one, apart from Chen's fellow members, to see his sentimental side. Of course, Chen's not a perfect boyfriend material; he's sometimes impatient and he has a short attention span but it's understandable because that's just him. Chen is also protective, caring, and passionate. Chen isn't really what Eunmi pictured as his dream guy but she honestly couldn't ask for more.

First Meeting: 

Chen and Eunmi had met back in Chen's trainee days. Eunmi had already debuted at the time and Chen will be debuting in a matter of months. Chen had caught Eunmi, who was hooded, playing the guitar at a park and Chen went near Eunmi (even though he doesn't really know who she was). Knowing the song that Eunmi was playing, Chen sang it and Eunmi stopped. She looked up at Chen and his expression was shell-shocked since he never expected Euterpe's Eunmi would play guitar at a park. Chen had apologized for interrupting her and was about to go when Eunmi had stopped him. Eunmi smiled at him and told him to continue singing. Even after Chen had debuted, Eunmi still calls him 'Jongdae.'


Chen and Eunmi have a fun oppa-dongsaeng relationship. They would tease each other, they are partners in crime, and they have always been together. They are both childish so they can be rather playful. They also teach other from what each other was lacking. When they're together, they would hang out and enjoy each other's presence while when they're away, they would manage to exchange messages or call each other. Chen is very caring and protective over Eunmi, always thining what's good for her. When their friends tease them about each other, they would say they are just good friends, either it's from being shy or they are just too in denial.

Relationship: Crush from both sides





 Dead End 

Rival: Bae Suzy

Group: Miss A


Suzy is someone who is hardworking and passionate and she is very focused on her job as an idol but since being an idol comes with lots of competition, Suzy hates to lose so she can be rather competitive as well. Although she hates losing, she isn't one to resort on cheating when she is losing and she always puts up a fair fight but nevertheless because of peer pressure, she tends to unconciously bad mouth other people, especially Hyerin since they were always been compared to each other, which makes people think she's a bad person which she is not.

Reason for Rivalry:

Truth be told, they never hated one another, it's just that the majority of people think that they're supposed to be rivals so they put them together so oftenly. When they first met, they never actually would have thought they'd be rivals but of course, being an idol means rivalry always comes around. They thought it was friendly competitions only at first but as time had gone by, strong rivalry had overcome and they had now just have a frank relationship of rivals

How you Interact: 

Before all of the rival charades, they were friends and they would go hang out whenever but after being exasperated of people putting them together as a rival, they had first agreed that they should play it off but after such a long time, Hyerin and Suzy had both became serious and now they just want to bring each other down


Love Rival: -

Group: -

Personality: -

Reason for Love Rivalry: -




 Ride On 

Comments: Hope you like Eunmi and I am so sorry for the mistakes.

Suggestions:  Songs // Dear Mom, Genie, All My Love Is For You(SNSD), Hush(Miss A), I Don't Care(2Ne1), Dolls(9Muses)

Shows // Star King, Beatles Code, Happy Together, Weekly Idol, Dream Team, Hello Baby, Running Man

Questions: none.

Clarifications:  none.

Violent Reactions: none.

Password: Pikachu


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