I think the world is conspiring to hate me today

First of all, I purposefully slept at three in the morning last night in hope to be able to sleep in the whole morning today. But there I was at nine am, wide awake. I drank a lot too last night, thre ing margaritas, two bourbon and soda, five tequila jellies, and a freaking black russian but no, they didn't help me stay asleep at all. And the fact that I spent the night in a club dancing, when it supposed to make me tired enough to sleep in ALSO DID NOT HAVE AN EFFECT AT ALL. THIS UPSETS ME. I REALLY JUST WANT TO SLEEP BUT WHY CANT I? and yes I tried that ZzzQuil to but it didn't help me either.


Second, I found out that I need to move out of my apartment by early January, because now I live in a six people apartment and four are moving out. Being the annoying unfair person they are, the housing felt the need to put me together with people who got left by their roommates too. And that means I have to move all my clothes, food, and some furnitures that I have purchased when they give me notice to. And you would think they would at least help me or send a car to help me move, but no. Big fat no. And really I only need to be here for another 4 months, and I already have 8 months worth of junk with me, BUT THEY JUST HAVE TO MOVE ME.


Third, theres a blood drive in my apartment complex and if you donate you can get a free movie ticket aside from the obvious purpose of saving lives. So there I was standing next to the blood drive bus for half an hour until they let me in and waited for another fifteen only to be told that I cannot donate because I'm from Indonesia. YES EVEN THOUGH YOU DONT HAVE ANY HISTORY OF MALARIA YOU CANNOT DONATE BECAUSE YOU CAME FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WORLD. and they decided to give me a cranbery juice to try and make me feel better but NO, YOU CANT, MA'AM.


I know this is so immature of me but I am just so upset and I need to ramble about.


I am so annoyed today.








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