TAGGED -AGAIN- (By Barooya this time) xD

So I'll be answering the questions but I don't think I'll be tagging others since I'm out of people to tag. (I don't have much friends. TT.TT)


1. Define yourself.

- A Jack of all trades yet a master of none. I do the most random things at the most random times. xD

2. Define your favourite animal.

- I used to be a die-hard cat person but somehow, working at a vet helped me to love everything furry with four legs. xD

3. Ever kissed anyone?

- Does my cat count? ._.

4. What song do you listen to right now? if you even listen to one at the moment.

- Nell's White Night .

5. Do you like K.Will?

- I like a couple of his songs but I'm not a big fan. (His voice is amazing though)

6. my this is pretty random. Do you know how to cook?

- Yes. I'm no master chef (I'll leave the title to my dad) but the meals I cook are decent enough to not have any left-overs (or maybe my family's just starving. idk)

7. What type of book genre you love to read?

- Mystery novels and Romance. Horror too.

8. How much time you spent on the internet?

- As much as I'm allowed. I could go from a brief five minutes to a full blown all-nighter. xD

9. What did you do during holiday?

- I'm a choir member so most of my holiday evenings are spent preparing for midnight mass repertoires. On christmas eve however, (idk how other countries do it but here in the Philippines, we celebrate christmas exactly at 12midnight) I stuff myself full with whatever my dad whipped up for noche buena. (We're having a boodle fight this year...hopefully.)

10. How many hours you sleep everyday?

- Usually around 9-11 hours (Call me Snorlax. lol). But that's on normal days. I have insomnia so I sometimes go without sleep for three nights straight.

11. this is lame xD What do you think when you first saw my username?

- A certain hamster-looking rapper. nuahahahahaha!



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barooya #1
lol omg 'A certain hamster-looking rapper' you got that right babe!!! >3<