i don't think i like them anymore...

i've been into kpop since last febuary of 2009 and this whole past year, I've been loving it to bits and is super obsessd, don't get my wrong, I still love KPOP and this site but...you guys all should know the drama of 2009 You're Beautiful beaturing lead roles, Park Shin Hye, Jang Geun Suk, FT Island Hongki and CN Blue Yonghwa right...?

Well, I just started watching it...


I know, I'm super slow but I've always been like that...I usually like things once their whole thing has died off...it was like the biggest drama of last yr and I'm only watching it now...


But then, yesterday, I suddenly realised, that I don't think I like SHINee anymore..


Of course, at this point of time, I don't know if that's the End quite yet...

The past two nights I couldn't sleep.
Last night I told myself, "dream of Onew oppa"

and guess what?

I couldn't even conjure his smiling face properly in front of my eyes...it was blurry around the edges...

and yet, I had been staring at his face for the past year...I should remember it right...?


I think it just might be because I'm really obsessed with the You're Beautiful OST at the moment and A.N. Jell...

I haven't heard any SHINee songs since...last week...


I'm getting worried...
You all know that I love Onew...

Of course though, even if I don't like Onew anymore I'll still be writing fanfics...it probably will have different characters in them now that I don't have a specific bias and a specific group...


But, I'll be blogging about my final decision of my bias when I'm absolutely positive about it...now, it's not quite there but I feel like it's nearly there...

I was even watching Hello Baby last night before bed, it made me like Onew a little bit more again but...I'm so lost right now.



Anyways, to icemochi and ime eonni, I told you guys it was going to happen.
I told you...

Next time, the two of you should listen to me... = =


Anyways, watch out for my blog...if I have a blog with ONE line that goes "I don't like SHINee or Onew anymore" then that's it for me...that's the end of my ShaWol days...

Once I don't like a band/group, I'll never listen to them again....


Anyways, I should go update my story now.

I'll blog later...





ps. Supa Luv by Teen Top on replay~ if they debuted with this song instead of Clap I swear I would've liked them more = =

And the beginning bit is DAMN addictive = =

I just don't like the bit when theres like a person that says "you luv, plus my luv...supa luv" that just chill's me to the bone = =


anyways, im out~


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I LOVE ONEW! maybe you could listen to another band or sth first? then come back to shinee? i dno really haha just have fun[:
-xminhye #2
Waa.. Reading this.. It really gave me goosebumps..<br />
Thrs only 3 person I know who likes Onew..<br />
Seriously.. One is YOU and another one is HelloSmiley and the last one is ME..<br />
All my other friends.. They seriously don't like him =.=" I don't know why too..<br />
My friends who like Onew last time, they all changed their bias to Taemin or Key ..<br />
Oww... I don't want Onew to lose another MVP ..<br />
But its still up to u to make the decision..
hyeamazing #3
Well, if you listen or watch them more, then you will like SHINee back. it has happened many times to me.
Awwww well we all have those days... I swear that happened to me a while ago.. You'll be fine.. But I don't hunk shiner will be though... They are gonna lose a shawol.. I mean I admit I'm startin not to like shinee either.. But that's because I'm liking beast more... Haha lol and because sm is being super retarded right now... Haha I love that song supa luv!:) but ljoe is mine.. >=]
angelica-swagirl #5
AWWWW :( pout<br />
XD well it's okay it's normal people change there interests same goes with me im sorta losing interest but i still <3 them but im starting to like other groups or im starting to watch dramas instead!!XD
not saying you should change your opinion on liking shinee or not, but this is just so you know. ^^
well, to be honest, i read about this somewhere.<br />
if you try to dream about something or someone, you actually can't. also, maybe you did but didn't remember it.<br />
your brain thinks while your asleep (or dreams) about the thing you last thought about, whether you know it or not.<br />
a lot of the time, the brain originates dreams from the precise moment before you go into a deep sleep, which is why you may have thought last about a pony you want for your birthday, then you initial dream is of getting the pony. then, while transferring into deep sleep, the dream magically becomes twisted and turns into a unicorn drinking on the edge of a mystic pond in the middle of an enchanted forest.<br />
<br />
the reason you went from pony to unicorn: whenever we as humans think of unicorns, we visualize a horse-like animal with a single horn jutting from the center of the forehead. since we associate the two together, it is stored that way in our memory banks.
lol. that's how it was with me and 2PM, but then i realized that i just have a really small attention span.
Oh my... I don't know what to say~ '.'