Bugging Me At Night! Stahppp... PleaseT.T

Hello people! I am LovinBlack and I am back with my ramblings again! Welcome to my rambling world *Evil laugh*

I can't talk much about today since it's quite early right now:/ So, I'm gonna share something that had happened to me last night which had caused me to sleep very late and made me wake very late this morning=.='

Well, I was about to go to sleep yesterday like around 12 o'clock-ish... It's hard for me to sleep at night but when I was finally drifting to sleep yesterday, I could hear like a crackling kind of swishing and buzzing sound...

Since I wasn't wearing my glasses, the world was like blur-ish for me and the sound was getting louder, so, I was freaking out more!

Then, I saw it! Like a flying shadow lurking around my night lamp and as fast as lightning(without my specs) I went out of my room and knocked on my dad's door, literally shrieking.

My dad was like, "What happened? Something on fire?!" He was freaking out too but then I told him, "I dunno, I think there's something flying in my room and I can't see it! I'm not even wearing my specs now!"

And so, he went into my room and after 10 minutes he came out of my room saying, "It was just a bug. I caught it already." The bug was in his hands he calmly let it out of the house=.=' A freaking bug was trolling at me! I was like:

Ugh... After that I went back into my room and until late at night I was like:

I finally fell asleep but woke up verrrrryyy late this morning and got a lecture from my mom=.=' My pathetic lifeT.T

But! I have a new story in hand^___^ Other then "Who the hell is she?!" I recently posted up an Infinite story>< I'm so excited.... Kekekekekeke....



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Sehun_lisp #1
You always find the perfect gifs aye ;)
Hahaha I too was like that , I was at a hotel and at night where my parents told me to get up from the friggin floor but I was damn tired and slept . The next morning I knew my dad told me that a friggin cockroaches was sleeping next to me . Euughhh ><
Dude what ep of strong heart is that kyuhyun GIF from?
LOL at first I was like "AHH A BAT IN YOUR HOUSE like they're not that bad BUT THEY ARE SCARY WHEN THEY FLY"
INFINITE~~~~ I just lub them! And I don't mind ur rambling :) ur life seems so interesting :P
crissue #4
your rambling world is funnn. i love to read you blog. post more and sorry i seldom comment :(