Who am I?

The title speaks for itself.

I'm at the age and time when things are not so simple. The future looks bleak, various thoughts of various themes echo in my head all day-kind of overwhelming at times- .Sometimes, to breath itself is hard. It's like there is a permanant lump in my throat. I cannot voice my decisions for I myself am not- clear. not ready. indesicive? A little. Inexperienced? A lot. 

I apologize for my rant there. How rude of me, not introducing myself. Let me do so now, 

Nyx. I prefer to be called Nyx, it's,ofcourse, not my real name but it struck me sometime from somewhere, somehow. I don't know how much you gathered of my age from the above rant, but just in case - I'm old enough that I can't be young and young enough that I can't be old. Confused? Welcome to my world. I'm not a vivid writer; I don't like to be labeled, but if you must insist, I'm an amature- I'm sure some--is anyone even reading this?--of you already caught on. 

I write. Spontaneously. I think of things, a lot. As of now, I would stick to writing one-shots or multi-shots at the most. On-Going fics? I don't want to to commit to something I won't be able to finish. So I guess it's a fair play. 

The blog is probably going to be more of my rants as you saw earlier in the beginning, and I'd reccomend that you try not read them. It'll be a lot of cynisicm, a puddle of insanity and frayed sentences. 

Well, I hope you enjoy your morning/noon/evening wherever you are. And I hope you enjoy whatever bits of -uh-whatever-words?-paragraphs?- that hold my sanity together. :)




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