100 Truths (Stolen OTL)

✎ Real name ➔ Nadiah (It's so awkward even typing out my real name. Which is why I prefer my nickname)
✎ Nicknames ➔ Nana, Nad, BaNANA ( you, Nicole, Jess, and you too, RX -.-), Sloth (from my parents xD You can guess why)
✎ Zodiac sign ➔ Taurus,  the bull :P
✎ Male or female ➔ Female.
✎ Elementary school ➔ I've only just graduated *sigh*
✎ High school ➔ In my country, technically, middle school and high school is combined, so I'm currently waiting for my school posting results :\
✎ College ➔ Roughly have an idea of where I want to go to. Roughly :|
✎ Hair color ➔ Reddish-brown
✎ Tall or short ➔ I feel short, but at least taller than 3/4 of my family (Mainly, the paternal side of my family) I once described the paternal side of my family as midgets, and my mum started laughing xD
✎ IM or Email ➔ IM
✎ Sweats or jeans ➔ Both, but I wear jeans more often
✎ Health freak ➔ Nope. I consume about 4000 calories a day, binge eat, and my daily snack intake consists of a bag of chips, two cups of ice cream, a pack of Pocky and at least one bar of dark chocolate. Proof enough? ^^" Well, at least the dark chocolate has antioxidants in it...
✎ Orange or apple ➔ Neither. I don't eat fruits. (My school has this Fruit Friday thing where every Friday, students get a fruit to eat. For six years, I've been telling them that I was allergic to fruits, just so I didn't need to eat them ^^"
✎ Do you have a secret crush on someone ➔ It wouldn't be a secret anymore if I said it~ 
✎ Eat or drink ➔ BOTH! >.<
✎ Piercings ➔ One on each of my ears, currently. But in about two days, I'm going to have three (or four) on my right ear, and two on my left. I used to have two on each ear, but the second holes got an infection from nickel :\
✎ Pepsi or Coke ➔ Neither. I don't like fizzy drinks >.<
✎ Been in an airplane ➔ Yeah, it was horrible. First few seconds after the plane got off the runway, and I'd already puked... (-_-")
✎ Been in a relationship ➔ Not yet :|
✎ Been in a car accident ➔ Twice, both minor ones, luckily.
✎ Been in a fist fight ➔ Yeah, went home with a bruise cheekbone and got bombarded with questions, just for a bruised cheekbone =.= My family is too... I don't even know what to call it anymore
✎ First piercing ➔ When I was five.
✎ Current best friend(s) ➔ Nic, Jess and RX
✎ First award ➔ It was for getting first in class. In kindergarten ^^"
✎ First crush ➔ When I was 10. It was stupid, okay? Okay. Next question.
✎ First word ➔ , I dunno... Yeah... it's probably the first word in this answer xD
✎ Last person you talked to in person ➔ My mother... Three days ago.
✎ Last person you texted ➔ Nic
✎ Last person you watched a movie with ➔ My friends
✎ Last movie you watched ➔ I don't remember. It was probably Iron Man 3, or was it Red 2?
✎ Last song you listened to ➔ BTS - NO
✎ Last thing you bought ➔ Food~ *sigh* Of course...
✎ Last person you hugged ➔ Nic, or xEXOticELF
✎ Favourite food ➔ My mum's macaroni, and also her Aglio Olio ^^
✎ Favourite drink ➔ Bubble tea, Coffee and Iced Lemon Tea
✎ Bottoms ➔ Sehun and Luhan's butts. Just kidding xD Skinny jeans. I just feel so comfortable in them.
✎ Flower ➔ Is it bad that I hate flowers?
✎ Animal ➔ Polar bears, sloths (It's my nickname from my parents cuz I'm lazy xD) and wombats
✎ Color ➔ Black, Blue and White in that order
✎ Favourite movie ➔ I don't have a particular favorite, so horror movies in general~
✎ Favourite subject ➔ English and Math~ ^^
[  ] Gotten baptized.
[  ] Celebrated Halloween.
[X] Had your heart broken. 
[X] Went over the minutes/texts on your cellphone. 
[X] Had someone question your ual orientation. (And up till now I still don't get why he did xD)
[  ] Got pregnant.
[  ] Had an abortion.
[X] Did something you regret.
[X] Hid a secret.
[X] Pretended to be happy. (A lot, actually, sadly)
[X] Met someone who changed your life.
[X] Pretended to be sick. (To get out of school kekeke~)
[X] Left the country. 
[X] Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it.
[  ] Cried over the silliest thing.
[X] Ran a mile. (We were supposed to for our physical test, but I ran more because my partner counted my rounds wrong =.= I felt like slitting his throat...)
[X] Went to the beach with your best friend. (Ahem... best friends. The 'S', REMEMBER IT.)
[X] Got into an argument with your friends. (One lasted for almost a whole year :c But now it's all fine and dandy, and we're closer than we were before, so that's good too~)
[X] Hated someone.
[X] Stayed single for a whole year. (Still am TT.TT)
✎ Eating ➔ Nothing right now :\ But I'm hungry TT.TT
✎ Drinking ➔ Tap Water (I'm lucky my country has clean tap water)
✎ Listening to ➔ Yesung - It Has To Be You (I ought to finish up Cinderella's Sister ^^")
✎ Sitting/laying ➔ Sitting, since I have to type on my laptop TT.TT
✎ Plans for today ➔ Stay awake at all costs.
✎ Waiting for ➔ The day to end so I can finally sleep (Should have slept when I still could TT.TT Yes, I haven't slept yet...)
✎ Want kids ➔ Yeah, one. Or maybe two, so the other kid doesn't get lonely
✎ Want to get married ➔ Yeah, it'd be nice to settle down with someone I truly love someday. Unfortunately, I don't have a ing choice. My grandmother wants to set up an arranged marriage for me with one of her old business associate's grandson. , I don't care if he's rich or the next Heir to their family business. Please, just leave my life alone. And an arranged marriage? WHO DOES THAT ANYMORE?! *sigh* Sorry, I had to...
✎ Career ➔ I don't know yet TT.TT too many choices...
✎ Lips or eyes Both, I guess. Kissable lips, AND seductive eyes. OMIGOSH, that'd be a fortune! OwO
✎ Shorter or taller ➔ Taller, but not too tall.
✎ Romantic or spontaneous ➔ Romantic, but slightly spontaneous would be okay.
✎ Hook-up or relationship ➔ Relationship, but who knows? A hook-up could also spontaneously happen... Right?
✎ Looks or personality ➔ Both, and a large package
✎ Lost lenses/glasses ➔ Nope.
✎ Snuck out of the house ➔ Yeah
✎ Held up a gun/knife for self-defense ➔ Just a knife :\ ( happens in my life)
✎ Killed somebody ➔ Yeah, in my mind. A LOT. I have a Kill List in there too xD
✎ Broken someone's heart ➔ I have. When I was eight xD Apparently, this boy had a crush on me and said it out in class. He was crying while the whole class, including my teacher, felt awkward. I didn't remember this, but my friend told me and I just had to laugh xD He was in the same class as me for 5 years, poor thing...
✎ Cried when someone died ➔ Nope, but I've seen people die in front of me before (I told you happens :\)
✎ Yourself ➔ Nope.
✎ Miracles ➔ Occasionally...
✎ Love at first sight ➔ Yeah, sure
✎ Heaven ➔ Yeah
✎ Santa Claus ➔ Not even xD
✎ on the first date ➔ Well, it could happen somehow, right?
✎ Kiss on the first date ➔ Yeah, why not?
✎ Is there one person you want to be with right now ➔ Yep
✎ Do you know who your real friends are ➔ Yeah
✎ Do you believe in God ➔ Yep
✎ Post as 100 truths ➔ Ummm... yeah?
✎ Quote a famous person ➔ "Be the change you want to see in the World." - Mahatma Gandhi
✎ Say something funny ➔ Wouldn't it be cool if our last words were, " I'm going ghost..." and then you just die? xD No? Okay...
✎ Laugh at yourself ➔ Ahahahahahaha xD ( LOL, okay sorry. I don't usually laugh like this)
✎ Last message ➔ Ummm...? I'm sorry, what?
✎ A picture of you ➔ I already have a few up on this Ulzzang contest. By the way, check it out~ http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/589059/ulzzang-competition-apply-open-apply-contest-ulzzang-competition
/shot for shameless advertising (Me : It isn't even mine... /dead)
Credits to the owner~


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