Wanna know me more? Read on :D

ABC About You Questions :

A - AVAILABLE: Yessshhh!!!

B - BIRTHDAY: 24-11-1995

C - CRUSHING ON: Maknae Taemin n Charismatic Minho!!

D - DRINK YOU LAST HAD: Milk! (Yummy-liscous!)


F - FAVORITE SONGS: Tooo many to list em all!

H - HOMETOWN: New Delhi, India <3

I - IN LOVE WITH: AFF and alll the beautiful fics here^_^

J - JUGGLE: Juggle what? Eh? I can juggle 4-5 Tomatoes if that counts....

K - KILLED SOMEONE:In dreams? Too hard to count baby! In reality.....uh, no.....YET!

L - LONGEST CAR RIDE:From Delhi to Shimla I guess....oh wait! maybe it was till Vaishnodevi! (Around 3500 kms.)

M- MILKSHAKE FLAVOR: Banana n Vannila!! *Switches on the mixie*

N - NUMBER OF SIBLINGS: An annoyingly disgustin younger bro :P :P (Not counting my wonderful unnies n dongsaes on here)

O - ONE WISH: Can I have 3 more??


R- REASON TO SMILE: Coz Mystery unnie told me to do so!

S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD: Dun really remember....Maybe 'Sorry Anyway by Tata Young' <3 <3

T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: Ugh! 5:15 in the morning!!!

U - UNDERWEAR COLOR: Firstly, SUPERWEIRD QUESTION!! Dunno how it matters but it's Black :P

V - VEGETABLE(S): Cucumbers!! Oh, and carrots~~

W - WORST HABIT: Suffering from major guilt trips :  

X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: Quite alot actually....

Y - YOYOS ARE: Springy n boingy! m/


Random Questions About You:

Spell your name without vowels: Y_Y_ _KSH_ (Prefer 2 be called Yaya though! hehe^^ dat wud be Y_Y_)

Your favorite number: 6 n 2 (Always get them while playing Life!)

What color/s do you wear most?: Well, Black of course! It's gonna be 'in' foreva! Umm...truthfully, I wear anything that's in my wardrobe :P

Least favorite color?: Umm...It keeps on changin...right now...White?

What are you listening to?: Haha! To answer exactly, right now I'm listening to a chainsaw going on in my neighbours house and my clock tickin on and on and on!

Are you happy with your life right now?:Almost, I would say. Would like to change it a lil more if I knew how to do so!

What is your favorite class in school?:English and Life Skills!! Well^^I like history too~(Done barfing??)

Who is your best friend?:On here? There are tooooo many to be counted! Well,the list is gonna include Tabeko unnie!(got this from her!), LuckyTwin!, Cellia!, Cassie!,Izsy unnie!,Annanya!,Sugu!,Ionna!,Denise!,Jessica unnie!,Blue!,Romeo oppa!, OnlyDubuStar! and on and on and on.....

Are you outgoing?: Yo! you can say it twice!

Favorite pair of shoes?: My Converse!!

Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth?: Never tried! o.O

Can you whistle?: Yes, I can!

Write with both hands?: Ummm...The left one's writing can't really be called decipherable...

Cross your eyes?: Mastered it!

Walk with your toes curled?: Yeah....if not suffering from frost bite that is!


Do you believe there is life on other planets?: Maybe yes,maybe no...never gave it much thought :P

Do you believe in miracles?:I do now^^

Do you believe in magic?:Ummm...not really...Wonders, yes. Magic,no!

Love at first sight?: It happens...

Do you believe in Satan?:Yeah. I live with my lil bro! I swear he belonged to a satanic cult in a past life! (No offense to Satanic cults!)

Do you like roller coasters?: I absolutely LOVE them!!!! *whhheeeeeeeep*

Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows?:No freakin way!


Have you ever asked someone out?: A couple of times...

Have you ever been asked out by someone?: Yeah....

Have you ever been to the ocean?:Alot many times! I can spend my life there! Surrounded by the peace n serenity~~~

Have you ever painted your nails?:  Well, yes! Ofcourse I have!


What is the temperature outside?:It's around 11 degrees.,a little breeze and just a hin-WAIT A SEC! How does it matter?!?!?!

What radio station do you listen to?: Never really do listen to it but if by chance, I tune onto 93.5 RED FM.

What was the last restaurant you ate at?: Kamsam. It's continental....YUMMMM!!!

What was the last thing you bought?: A pack of crayons! (Ok, now I sound childish!)

What was the last thing on TV you watched?: I don't watch TV....the last thing...Nay! I dun remember :P


Who was the last person you IM'd?: A friend of mine...

Who was the last person you took a picture of?: Hehe^^It was MEEE!! (Am I self-obsessed??o.O)

Who was the last person you said "I love you too"?:To Saranya, my personal Sunshine!

Ever really cried your heart out?: Yeah....*shudder*

Ever cried yourself to sleep?: Many a times...:'(

Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?: I dunno why, but I never had the guts to do so :P

Ever cried over the opposite ?: Annio!

Do you cry when you get an injury?: Not really...I'm not very clumsy so injuries remain an all-time low.

Do certain songs make you cry?:Yes they do....depends on my mood actually...:3


Are you a happy person?: Depends on whom I'm with!


What is your current hair color?: Jet black!


What shirt are you wearing?: My comfy yet trendy grey sweatshirt :D

Shoes?: Grey n Pink coloured floaters.

Necklaces?: None.

Underwear?: Didn't I already answer it??


Favorite eye color: Not much of a choice here....but maybe Electric Green or Oceanic Blue...*Waaahhhh!!*

Short or long hair: Not Long as in Ponytail long but not even a military crew cut! Somwhere right in the middle would be cool!

Height: A little bit taller than me (Just a little bit!!)


Been to jail: Jeesh! Never!

Thought about suicide: Given it a thought....

Thrown up in a store: I don't really think so...

Done something really stupid that you still laugh about: What have I ever done that isn't stupid?? (Hahahaha!!Still laughing!!)

Seen a dead body: N.O.!

Been on drugs:Gosh! Me=Totally innocent :3


Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi

McDonald's or Burger King: McDonalds (NOW I'm seriuosly hungry!)

Couple or Group Dates: Couple ofcourse! More privacy *wink*

Chocolate or Vanilla: Depends on the kind of chocolate....if it's dark,then I prefer Vannila!

Strawberries or Blueberries: Strawberries....Aish! it's been so long since I ate a Blueberry...

Meat or Veggies: Veggies obviously!

TV or Movie: A movie is better...no irritating commercials atleast!

Guitar or Drums: GUITAR!!! *Strum strum*

Adidas or Nike: Adidas!

Chinese or Mexican: Chinese yeah! Can't handle the mexican spices!

Nokia or Samsung: Samsung....yeah!!!


Woooo! This was long but a hell lot of fun to do!



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Futurestar #1
Waaahhhhh!!!~Glad you liked it unnie!! I would love it if you called me like that!! *BIG GRIN!!*<br />
Haha!*Same pinch* We're alike! Yayyy!!
Awww! I loved it! It seems that we kind of dislike the same color~! And many other things were similar to mine~ ^^ I'm so happy about that <333 You're my love, Yaya~~ < Btw, is it okay if I call you like that? c: *puppy dog eyes*
Futurestar #3
Hehe! Do it fast!! *Waiting!*
I love your posssssstssssssssss! <br />
I'd like to try this one toooo! <3333333