

What does it mean?

If you asked me when I was still young, I might answered you this," Getting my favorite toys," .....

But now I think i really understand what is the true meaning of happiness.

Happiness means being able to be with your family. That is the true meaning of happiness. You may never realize but one day you will.

I just want a happy family dinner, with no arguments and just the family enjoying the food or maybe cracking some jokes. Yes, this is what happiness means to me. Some of you might find it stupid but this is what it means to me. Hardly we can even get the whole family together. In the past, me, my father and brother would go out for movies but nowadays it's just me and my father. I guess people change. 

I have an older brother. When I was studying my off, my brother always does the house chores and now since it's my holiday of course I have to do it. Well, I do live in this house so I definitely have a part to clean the house. And that is when it hit me.

I realized that I was doing most of the stuff at home. Like house chores, helping my grandmother and helping with my mother regarding some stuff, and I told myself that it's time I grow up. He was never there when we needed him. Of course I got angry at him cause there were many things that happen that he did not know too. But.... one day, I stopped being angry at him cause I know one day he will have his own family and that is when I really have to take care of this family. I started worrying about other stuff too. Next year, I will be Secondary 3 and the work load gonna be a lot, my grandmother getting old too. One day I asked her while holding back my tears, " Ah ma, next time how am I gonna help you?". She said that it's okay and that she will not do any cleaning. At times like this, I really feel useless and I feel very weird that I have to be mature all of a sudden. 

Next year gonna be real busy..... 

Will I change a lot?

What will happen next year?

What are my goals and aims?

Will I score well?


There are many more other questions that I think.

But the most important thing that I want to tell all readers is that cherish your family members.


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Sheesh... Real deep girl.

Why put yourself into negativity by thinking so much? I myself think alot but think things on the brighter side.
Just take one night, cry your heart out. Maybe that will be good enough. I mean like really, it's weak to cry but when you do it really helps release some stress and negativity.

And well, everyone will change. Whether it's for the good or the bad. It all just depends on whether you decide to take the risk of facing everyday cause living itself is a risk of gambling your own mental happiness while going out to socialize. sometimes you get good vibes, sometimes you get bad vibes.

You don't need a goal or an aim to survive. It's just what society puts into you so that you will keep going forward.
But when you reach the top, all you will want is for more, so why aim for something the seem impossible to reach. Sure it's amazing to reach it, but you will go on to search for even more after that. It's not in human behavior to just accept and embrace what they have. They push for more. You push your limit, but there is an end to how far you can push it.

That was like real long, but this is what happens when I just laze around and think of everything and everything comes like long and deep. IDEK. I can't even say more because of how different our situations are in and how different I think from other.

Anyways, Cheer Up. XD