25th August 2013

Haha~ Just trying it out xD ..... I'm thinking if i should start with stories or imagines first.... And exams are coming so i might not be able to complete my stories and I HATE giving up :( I decided to start doing this stuff just to make my life a bit more interesting and not so boring. Anyways, I might be learning the Guzheng again after the exams. I don't what am I feeling like now but I should just try it out . I heard that there is a dance school just opposite my mother's office building and I sorta like beg her to go opposite to get a brochure for me. HEHE . But I wanna learn the guitar too. If like that, won't my mum become bankrupt? ;) Something happen at home and I'm a bit unhappy and shocked so that is why I don't feel sleeping now..... But life has to go on somehow right? I HAVEN'T FINISH MY ART ! :( And there is like only around 4 more weeks to EOY Exams.... STRESSED ! somemore this year is streaming year..... I bet a lot of white hair is gonna appear on my head...... 


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