
Oh. My. God.

I haven't been on in monthsssss! And I haven't updated in longer!!! I'm so horrible Dx Ok, I have a good explanation: I haven't had internet >_< FML. I still don't have internet but right as I'm typing this I do, so while I'm here might as well make a blog post! 

While I've been away from the Internets, I've been severely LACKING on KPOP GOODNESS. Right when I come back I see Block B with their new comebacks, 2NE1 and theirs, Big Bang (and some of their solo works), and SHINee. What the ! Can they just calm the down while I catch up? That would be great!

So, I'm watching Block B's Very Good, and the only thing going through my mind is: "They all look hot, but what the is going on?!" Which, you know, is totally ok in k-pop world, so I digress...

2NE1 and their Missing You is totes beautiful and I can't wait to get it stuck in my head 24/7! CL is gorgeous (as always), but Dara is looking hot with her blonde hair. Seriously, keep that blonde hair, Dara.

As for the others, I haven't seen or heard them yet, but I'm working on it! Catching up is hard >_<

Ok, well I gotta go watch more music videos and ING UPDATE MAYBE.



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